Dies ist eine archivierte Version der Seite https://cdvandt.org vom 21.08.2023. Die Seite hat eine eingeschränkte Funktionalität und wird nicht mehr aktualisiert. Verantwortlich für die Seite ist die GFGF e.V.
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Archives PP2

About our archives PP 2

Consider also our Exhibits new display

The PP archive is mainly concerned with German military (and commercial) apparatus


View on our valve (tube = Röhren) display (Ausstellung)

The valves are displayed in succession of type numbers, like: AB1, AB2 ...EF1 ...EF9 ...; RL2T... RS ... RV2P... RV12P.... The two lowest shelves display curious types. The rather clear envelopes at the second shelf are EW (hydrogen-iron) current-regulators. The two top shelves display transmitter valves. The bright colour ones are commercial types, mostly originating from Philips and Telefunken (among them also Tungsram types). The quite voluminous types on the second shelf (counted from below) at the right hand-side are STV voltage regulators for 600 volt and rather high currents.


Our valve collection seen from an opposite perspective. The white ceramic box on shelve number 5 is the LO (local oscillator) belonging to FuSE62A (Würzburg type A). On our introduction page its internal structure is shown (photo on top on the right-hand side).


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