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IRON Cored D.F. Loops and Manu-
Reported By:-
Mr. K.F. Umpleby Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough
F/O F.G. Overbury Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough
Mr. G.R. Polgreen Salford Electrical Instruments Ltd.
BIOS Team 2226
BIOS Target Numbers
See Table of Contents
Keywords: Dr. Hoffman (Hoffmann?)(S&H); Dr. Tamm (S&H); Mr Kesselring (S&H); Dr. Jenss (S&H); Mr. Friedrich Meyer (S&H); Mr Kruger (Krüger) (Hans Vogt & Co); Dr. Muckenthaler (S&H); Dr. Kornetsk; Dr. Schlecht; Dr. Bergmann; Dr. Kersten (S&H); Dr. Kersten formerly in chatge of the Magnetic Materials Development (ZL = Zentral Laboratorium); All development was carried out in ZL Department formerly under Mr. Horning - died in 1944 ....; Dr. H.F. Mayer the team intended to see Dr. Mayer but he had been taken to U.S. by the American authorities for special mission .. ; No visits to production department or laboratory were made in Berlin because all plant had been removed by the Russians but Mr. Kesselring said that one or two experimental machines had been obtained or renovated and research work was being renewed .. ; Production of dust cores .. ; IG Farben at Oppau Works ... water glass ... ; Properties of magnetic materials .. ; Development and production of the D.F. Loops for aircraft was formerly carried out entirely by S&H in Berlin in technical accociation with Telefunken, the original work was done at the Zentrallaboratorium by Dr. Kersten and Dr. Kornetski .. ; I.G. Farben References E&H); permeability powders D and K ... ; Pressed Cores The supplied powder is first insulated with waterglass (sodium silicate) or sugar and waterglass and dried at ... ; For attaining a high maximum permaebility, the first transformers were made with M89 alloy (40% Ni, 60% Fe); Silitex 850 - Silitex 1200; special material for magnetvariometer from Fe-Ni-Cv alloy; nickel free dust core Fe-Si-Al alloys ... ZL 2 (Zentrallab. 2); Hans Vogt & Co 11-23 Lahnstrasse Berlin-Neuköln .. another plant exists at Erlau near Passau in Bavaria; Siemens & Halske Erlangen .. Dr. Kornetski and dr. Muckenthaler (Mückenthaler?); Siemens Plania Meitingen ... Dr. Muckenthaler (Mückenthaler?) who was the designers of the P.R.E. 6 (Peilrahmen Eisen)(DF loop antenna) had been evacuated from Gera (Russian Zone) by the Americans; S&H Heidenheim ... ; Dr. Kornetski speaks English .. dealing with the pro and cons of employing iron dist loaded DF antennae; I.G. Farben Oppau Ludwigshafen Dr. Schlecht Head of Power Department .. Dr. Bergmann Physicist in charge of development and test of iron powder .. dr. Cremer also recommended to team by Siemens & Halske .. ; The French Authorities in charge .. ; Testing of Iron Carbonyl .. ; Iron Carbonyl made from "Eisenstein" iron sponge .. ; Production photos of Radio Screw Cores at Meitingen ..
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