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Interrogation of Dr. Leo Schlecht
Carbonyl Nickel and Carbonyl Iron Powders,
Composite Report of Interrogations of
Dr. Leo Schlecht
Badische Anilin und Sodafabrik
(formerly I.G. Farben, Oppau)
Mr. S.E. Buckly
Mr. L.F. Denaro
Mr. F. Dickinson
Mr. S.J. Garvin
Mr. R.J. Halsey
Lt. Col. W. Ivory R.A.
Mr. C.J. Leadbeater M.O.S.
Mr. C.E. Richards
Mr. A.E. Wallis
Mr. J. Weaver
Bios Target No: C21/622
C.I.O.S. Black List Item No. 21
Keywords: Interrogation Dr. Leo Schlecht; Pre-War Position, Nickel in Germany during the war; Nickel Stocks in Europe, May 1945; German Wartime Refining Costs; Precious Metals from Finnish Ores; Nickel for the German Steel Industry; Non-Ferrous Metals Industry; Sintered Nickel for Nickel Clad Plates; Sintered Nickel Filters for Concentrated Alkali; I.G. Farben at Oppau; As the leading German nickel production specialist, Dr. Schlecht .. ; BASF .. ; Nickel production 1933 - 1939; Nickel matte was obtained from Canada .. the following quantities of metallic nickel were refined at Oppau; Production and Imports of Nickel Germany and Austria 1934 - 1939; Dr. Schubart I.G. mining expert Herr Reddehaase and a melting expert Dr. Schubart .. ; Ore for smelting was also sent from Finland ... ; Nickel stocks in Europe, May 1945; German wartime refining costs ..; precious metals from Finnish Ores .. ; Nickel powder; sintered nickel ..; effect of impurities; sintered nicckel alkaline accumulator plates; A.F.A. AFA ..; production of positive plates; production of negative plates; Carbonyl iron powder method of production ..; Sales from Oppau of Iron Powder (short tons) 1927 - 1946 ...; grates of carbonyl iron powder ..; Grade A powder - grade C powder - Grade E powder - grade H-powder - grade P. powder - grade S powder - grade MR powder - Grade Ferr Red powder; Electro-magnetic testing of carbonyl iron powder ... ; German prices carbonyl iron powders; cobalt production in the I.G. organisation was at Bielefeld .. ; Soligen driers .. ; cobalt carbonyl; molybdenum carbonyl; tungsten carbonyl
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