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Electron Microscopy

in Germany

BIOS 1671


B.I.O.S. Trip 2474


Reported by

L.J. Sayer (Admiralty)

B.I.O.S. Target Nos:-

See pagews 2.4.

Keywords:    Siemens & Halske Spandau 9/98 and Ernst Ruska C9/1228; A.E.G. (AEG) C9/343; Manfred von Ardenne C9/283; Scope of report and origine of information; Siemens & Halske (S&H) Berlin; AEG; Manfred von Ardenne; Current and future work; chonical index - subject index - author index; Electron microscopy was practiced on quite large scale in Germany during the war .. ; Ernst Ruska manufactured over 40 instruments .. full details of apparatus have been published ..; The final picture by comparison with the R.C.A. (RCA) microscope The efficient electron gun has bias potential applied to the cathode shield. Machining is very good, and the altogether is designed for simplicity of maintenance. Stabilistation of line voltage is provided for, and the high voltage is produced by L.F. transformer and oil immersed rectifiers in a neat separate unit. The price of the 100 kV microscope (complete installation) was 96,000 R.M. E. Ruska is still in Berlin, and is endeavouring to continue design work on the microspoe. Siemens and Halske was completely dismantled, however, and it is extremely unlikely that any more machines will be made. Facilities may not be available for many years. B. von Borries is also still working, and should be visiting this country for a time of early 1948 to assist in getting the Siemens instruments here into the best order. The following Siemens instruments are working in England. The individual quoted was in charge of the instrument in January, 1947 ...; Practically all the work done in germany of any interest was published in the ususal journals, and the main value of this report ..; conclusions .. The standard of technique and knowledge of the best of the German of the German workers was very high. ... Von Ardenne was outstanding in practical use of the instrument, E. Ruska for theoretical design of Electro-magnetic instrument, H. Ruska in biological, especially virus research, Mahl in metallography



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