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Report of visit by repressentatives of SHORT Bros. (Rochester & Bedford) LTD.
on September 24th - 29th 1945
Reported by:
Mr. W. Swallow Chief Production Engineer - Short Bros.
Mr. D.Keith-Lucas Chief Aeriodynamics Assistant - Short - Bros.
BIOS. Party No. 1264
BIOS Target Numbers
4/50, 4/48(a), 25/186, 25/3, C25/385, 26/43, C9/566, C9/269
Members of the party:
Sir John S. Buchanan, C.B.E. Technical Director
Air Vice Marschal R.G. Parry Liaison Officer
Air Commodore F. Kirk Chief Oversear
Group Captain V.P. Feather M.A.P. Oversear
Mr. S.O. Norman R.T.O.
Mr. H.L. Piper Test pilot
Mr. W. Harriman Test Flight Engineer
Mr. W.Swallow Chief Production Engineer
D.Keith Lucas Chief Aerodynamics Assistant
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