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Reported by
Major R.A. Acton-Taylor British Ministry of Fuel and Power
Major F.A. Williams, British, Ministry of Fuel and Power
on behalf of British Ministry of Fuel and Power
Targets No. C 30/273
Fuels and Lubricants
25th July 1945
Keywords: During the assessment of the Wintershall A.G. works at Lützdorf, Saxony mention was made of part of the plant evacuated to Brilon-Bredelar area... ; The implication was of five or six hidden oil plants, among which a Fischer-Tropsch plant seemed to be included. The lead was not for the moment pursued, but reference ... ; distilation of petroleum ...; Taube 2 cracking of residues from Ofen 5-8; Lachs plant for synthesizing alcohols and ethers (this seems toi be the connotation of the code name "Lachs".. ; Ofen 5/6 Messinghausen M.R. R.B. 6511 sheet L.52 ... ; The plant was operated by the Winterhall A.G. and was built of materials and plants from Rheine near Osnabrück. It consisted of ... ; The plant was built in September and October and started working in November 1944. About 1,000 O.T. men (Organisation Todt) ... ; Ofen 7/8 Mühlenbein, near Messinghausen ... ; Both plants were situated in disued quarries, and were covered with camouflage; they had good rail and road connections .. ; Taube 2 Bredelar .. ; Lachs Bredelar .. cracking gases from Taube 2 ... ; No knowledge of Iso-synthesis ..
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