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Development and Production of

Electrical Components,

Especially of Relays

By Siemens and Halske and other German Firms

BIOS 393



Reported By

W.J. Sulston M. of S.

Capt. G.J. Gay M. of S.



Signal Communications


BIOS Target Numbers

7C168a, C7/207, C7/168, C/275, C7/271, C7/272, C7/273, C7/274


Keywords:    Polarised Relays; Siemens & Halske (S&H) Lichenfels ?(Lichtenfelde??) Magnet Schulz Memmingen ; Siemens - Halske Relay No. 64a - No. 54a; German Realay Code 19-9013 - DL 1 .. ; Herr C. Darr - The manufacture of Series 50 and 60 relays was transferred from Berlin to balingen in 1941 .. ; Trls 63 - Trls 64 - Trls 65 - Trls 67 .. ; Trls63f = two side stable relay ... ; Hescho .. ; Styroflex polystyrene plastic .. ; In the Berlin factory airconditioned rooms were employed and operatives had to remove their outer shoes before entering the factory; No relay equivalent to the Siemens and Halske Series 60 is in production in Great Britain; 1/365 S&H Vereinigte Bayrische Telefinwerke A.G. Hoffmann Strasse 52 Munich (München) - generally intact but some sheds damaged. Machinery in good condition .. ; S&H Hannermann (Hannerman??) Mills (Mühle?) Asch Czechoslovakia (formerly Sudetenland?) .. Herr von Riml .. ; 20 million marks worth of equipment has been removed to U.S.A. Equipment to the value of 10 million marks has been released for public sale in Germany ...  Miniature D.C. motor made by Oemig Hartha (Russian Zone .. ; Josef Almasi ... ; A standard German relay with a vacuum contact (about 10 A) .. ; A motor controlled potentiometer used for level control on A.E.G. M.E.K. 8 carrier equipment .. ; Target Süddeutsche Telefon Apparate Kabel and Drhtwerke A.G. Nornen Strasse 33 Nürnberg; Max Muschweck Director .. 




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