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Reported by
J.E. Taylor, M.A.P.
A.C. Lynch, G.P.O.
K.O. Richards, M. of S.
BIOS Trip No. 2015
BIOS Target Numbers\See Main Body of Report
This report is in some way outstanding as it this time covers hardly known aspects on early semi-conductor research in Germany up to the end of hostilities in May 1945
Quite some important names will come across, and I would like to invited you taking notice of its content! Also some side subject will be passing along.
The list of whom have been interrogated.
Prof. Schottky - Prof. Hilsch - Prof. Brill - Prof. Kossel - Prof. Kohlschutter - Dr. Himmler - Prof. Ott - Dr. Joos - Dr. Rothe - Prof. Pohl - Dr. König - Prof. Kluvius - Dr. Welker - Dr. Franke - Dr. Baudisch - Dr. Nitsche - Dr. Irion - Dr. A. Schmid - Dr. Kipphan - Dr. Lauckner - Dr. c. Bosch - Dr. Herbeck - Dr. Koch - Dr. Kalker - Dr. E. Friedrich - Dipl.Ing. E. Weise - Dr. Klarmann - Dr. F. Rother
Prof. Schotthy (C1/842, C7/374, C9/941, are the BIOS target numbers concerned for this particular subject) came to Pretzfeld in February 1944
Prof. Hilsch (C1/844, C7/376, C9/978) he has done some work on rectifiers have very thick barrier layers, and it is possible to insert a controlling electrode in them. In 1940 he was told to develop such a rectifier for military application, but this believed to be impossible, and thought his experiments were of academic interest only...
Prof. Brill (C1/843, C7/375, C9/323) has X-ray apparatus intended for the study of thin layers of material. It produces a strong beam of monochromatic radiation by Johannson's method (the rays are focussed, by a concave quartz crystal, on a small aperture) ....
Prof. Kossel (C1/846, C7/378, C9/979) planned work on the orientation of the oxide lattice formed on a single crystal of copper ... Kossel considers the Schottky theory of rectification to be satisfactory. Impurities in a semi-conductor produce additional energy-levels; perhaps a pure material could not be a semi-conductor. There must be some broadening of the energy levels into bands (compare the effect on their natural frequencies of coupling together a number of pendulums) ..
Prof. Kohlschutter (C1/847, C7/379, C9/980) was a colleague of Prof. Wagner and Dr. Himmler (C1/848, C7/380, C9/981) was formerly Wagner's assistant ..
Dr. Ott (C1/849, C7/381, C9/982) has worked on silicon detectors but not on other types of rectifiers ...
Dr. Joos (C1/845, C7/377, C9/752) worked with Zeiss, of Jena, on the production of artificial crystals. Dr. Ott had collaborated with him. Joos tried to produce large crystals of silicon for the use in silicon-carbon detectors ...
Dr. Rothe (C1/850, C7/382, C9/983) worked for Telefunken on detectors from cm waves but not on other types of rectifiers. He found artificial silicon crystals the most satisfactory. For H.F. work a point-contact rectifier is necessary, even apart from the question of capacitance. Only then is the resistance of the barrier-layer high compared with that of the remainder of the crystal ....
Prof. Pohl (C1/851, C7/383, C9/985) confirmed that Dr. König had studied germanium and silicon rectifiers at Göttingen, without being able to explain the mechanism of rectification.
Dr. König (C1/852, C7/383, C9/985) had tried to fined why rectification occurs in solid crystals ....
Germanium Detectors and supplies of germanium Prof. Kluvius (C1/853, C7/385, C9/986) was consulted by Dr. Welker in 1942 on advice on H.F. detectors it was Dr. Welker's job to evolve a detector with a higher restistance to burn-out than the pyrite on then in use ....
Dr. Welker (C1/857, C7/386, C9/990) developed a germanium detector to have a higher resistance to burn-out than pyrite one. As part of his programme he carried out work on the electrical properties of gemanium, the results of which on the electrical properties of germanium, the results of which are to be sent on. .... Dr. Günther .. Dr. Borgis TH Graz ..
Dr. FRanke (C1/854, C7/389, C9/987) ... the ore came from S.W. Africa ...
Otavi Mine Co. in Berlin (C1/855, C7/388, C9/988) were visited ...
Director Schröder of Otavi Mine Co. (C1/856, C7/387, C9/989) was interrogated ...
Siemens (C1/858, C7/390, C9/635) Dr. Baudisch technical manager Siemens-Schuckert Werke (SSW, AOB) rectifier plant.
Fundamental research - Prof. Schottky
Experimental research - dr. Waibel
Development and pre-production - Hr. Siebert
Other research workers included Dr. Spenke, Dr. Stenbeck (Steinbeck, AOB??) and Dr. Wasserach. Research carried on until 1944.
Siemens had worked on both copper-oxide and selenium rectifiers .....
Baudisch believed wholly in Schottky's theory, but thought much engineering research was needed before the theory could successfully applied to design of rectifiers ...
Dr. Nitsche (C1/869, C7/391, C9/991) was a member of Siemens'development Laboratory but had been associated with Waibel on the capacitance of copper-oxide rectifiers ....
Dr. Irion (C1/814, C7/392, C9/992) was with Siemens until the beginning of the war.
Dr. Schmid (C1/860, C7/337, C9/993) works foor Siemens on carrier systems and is concerned with rectifiers only as a user of copper-oxide rectifiers in ring-modulators ..
S.A.F (C1/862, C7/394, C9/995) The firm of S.A.F. have made only made selenium rectifiers and neither Kipphan or Lauckner (C1/861, C7/395, C9/994) had experience of any other types of rectifiers. They believed the structure of the barrier ....
AEG (C1/659, C7/393, C9/723) Dr. Bosch worked in Berlin on research and developement. His notes and records were all lost, he spoke only from memory ... Aging studies by A.E.G., not in Berlin, but at Belecke. Noise was not studied by A.E.G. but probably by Telefunken. .....
Dr. Herbeck (C1/863, C7/396, C9/1000) was formerly Bosch's assistant. All her records were lost in Berlin. She had been particularly concerned with the use of intermediate layers between selenium and counter-electrode, working with styrene, polystyrene, pthalein, "resinol" and also (but unsuccessfully) sulphur. ..
Dr. Koch (C1/864, C7/397, C9/999) said he understood only part of the mechanism of rectification. He thought that Schottky's theory was not exactly true as it discusses only part of the mechanism ...
Dr. Kalkner (C1/865, C7/398, C9/998) is head of the A.E.G. laboratory in Berlin. He is not a specialist in rectifiers. Work on rectifiers is now transferred to their factory at Belecke/Möhne ....
Osram (C1/787, C7/399, C9/997) Dr. Friedrich was in charge of Osram research on rectifiers and semi-conductors. Many of his records were destroyed or are now in Russian hands .... Osram formerly made cuprous-iodide rectifiers. .... Non-Ohmic resistors .. Meyer''s work on ...
Herr Weise (C1/866, C7/400, C9/627) had been interrogated in U.K. ant it was hoped
Klarmann (C1/867, C7/401, C9/98(a)) was employed at Siemens & Halske. He worked on semi-conductors under Schottky between 1936-1938. Previously he had worked for years on rectifiers. After 1938 he worked on aluminium oxide for electrolytic condensors. Klarmann had worked on thin film of silica and varnish ....
Dr. Rother (C1/868, C7/402, C9/996) In 1944 Rother observed that ceramic with a blue dislocation had low resistance (few ohm - cm). The ceramic contained cerium oxide, which, in the absence of an adequate oxygen suply (i.e. when the ceramic was in a reducing part of the furnance) partially reduced TiO2. ... Rother had worked on magnetic ceramics .....
Secundary Emission (C1/869, C7/410, C9/1001) Graf von Schulenberg was believed to have worked with Prof. Knoll on image convertor tube ...
Dr. Randtner (C1/870, C7/409, C9/1002) also worked under Prof. Knoll. he worked on television screens and long after-glow tubes and also tried to correlate the ....
Prof. Knoll (C1/719, C7/408, C9/809) had no further information to offer about his work with Randtner; he had been engaged on it from 1942 to 1944 ...
Dr. Deutschmann (C1/806, C7/407, C9/1003) worked on rectifiers under Prof. Schottky before 1930 ...
Prof. Kluge (C1/714, C7/406, C9/811) it was not possible to interrogate ..
Dr. Wehner (C1/871, C7/405, C9/1004) has done no work on rectifiers ..
Dr. Schniedermann (C1/872, C7/404, C9/1005) was encountered by chance and provided some information about addresses of this Siemens colleagues ..
The director of OSRAM (C1/873, C7/403, C9/1006) Research Laboratory at Heidenheim (Dr. Teleis?) was concerned only with lamps ..
Prof. Brill studied films of caesium and caesium-oxide, as used in photoelectric cells ...
Prof. Kossel studied oxide layers used as protection for aluminium mirrors ...
Dr. Himmler is now working on the speed of corrosion of materials ..
Dr. Schaefer, of Frankfurt University works on oscillators of all types.
During the war, Siemens introduced a range of synchronous driven switch rectifiers which Baudisch thought ...
Dr. Welker has been engaged on the theory of super-conductivity..
Dr. Wehner has worked on "Plasma" oscillatons [see Jahrbuch 1942 der deutschen Luftfahrtforschung S III 24/32].
Dr. Bombe of Hersching has worked on crystal oscillators.
Prof. Schlede of the TH Berlin has worked on fluorescence
Prof. Hilsch has been engaged on light absorbtion by films of Cu2S containing sulphur ... Prof, Hilsch has also worked on super-conductivity, which he believes als depends on impurity. Justi of the Techn.Physikalisches Laboratorium Berlin produced NbN with a transistion point of 15° K and later attained a value of 22° K
Prof. Hilsch has a very well laid out low temperature laboratory and uses air liquifier of his own design. ... [It is felt that Hisch's apparatus should be worth closer study] ... His tube is mounted ..