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German Research on Rectifiers

and Semi-conductors

BIOS 725


Reported by

J.E. Taylor,    M.A.P.

A.C. Lynch,    G.P.O.

K.O. Richards,    M. of S.


BIOS Trip No. 2015

BIOS Target Numbers\See Main Body of Report


This report is in some way outstanding as it this time covers hardly known aspects on early semi-conductor research in Germany up to the end of hostilities in May 1945

Quite some important names will come across, and I would like to invited you taking notice of its content! Also some side subject will be passing along.


The list of whom have been interrogated.

  1. Fundamental research - Prof. Schottky

  2. Experimental research - dr. Waibel

  3. Development and pre-production - Hr. Siebert

Other research workers included Dr. Spenke, Dr. Stenbeck (Steinbeck, AOB??) and Dr. Wasserach. Research carried on until 1944.

Siemens had worked on both copper-oxide and selenium rectifiers .....

Baudisch believed wholly in Schottky's theory, but thought much engineering research was needed before the theory could successfully applied to design of rectifiers ...

Prof. Kossel studied oxide layers used as protection for aluminium mirrors ...

Dr. Himmler is now working on the speed of corrosion of materials ..

Dr. Schaefer, of Frankfurt University works on oscillators of all types.

During the war, Siemens introduced a range of synchronous driven switch rectifiers which Baudisch thought ...

Dr. Welker has been engaged on the theory of super-conductivity..

Dr. Wehner has worked on "Plasma" oscillatons [see Jahrbuch 1942 der deutschen Luftfahrtforschung S III 24/32].

 Dr. Bombe of Hersching has worked on crystal oscillators.

Prof. Schlede of the TH Berlin has worked on fluorescence

Prof. Hilsch has been engaged on light absorbtion by films of Cu2S containing sulphur ... Prof, Hilsch has also worked on super-conductivity, which he believes als depends on impurity. Justi of the Techn.Physikalisches Laboratorium Berlin produced NbN with a transistion point of 15° K and later attained a value of 22° K

Prof. Hilsch has a very well laid out low temperature laboratory and uses air liquifier of his own design. ... [It is felt that Hisch's apparatus should be worth closer study] ... His tube is mounted ..




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