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BIOS misc 66

German Infra Red Driving and Fire Control Equipment


Photo of the FG1250 IR equipment mounted on a German half-track

This nice photo is, however, not directly part of this BIOS report


German Infra Red Driving and Fire Control Equipment

BIOS miscellaneous report 66 text

BIOS miscellaneous report 66 photos

Part I

Prepared by

Combined Intelligence Objective Sub-Committee

Part II

Prepared by

Enemy Equipment Intelligence Service

Detachment Number Nine

Signal Section

Headquarters Ninth U.S. Army

Personnel of Team

Lt. Comdr. A. Elliot, R.N.V.R.

(Admiralty Research laboratory)

Major R.C. Evans,

(S.R. Ia, Ministry of Supply)

Sgt. C.C. Earl, R.A.C.

(Attached Admiralty Research laboratory)


Keywords: Vampir manborne equipment intended for use with the MP44 .. Sturmgewehr .. ; performance the immediate impression in the demonstration was of great brilliance and good contrast in the picture .. ; F.G. 12/52 showed great brilliance and contrast .. ; Falke; Puma; Uhu is the largest german army service equipment; ZG 1221; caesium compound .. Please select the above hyperlinks, because: for practical reasons we had to divide this report into a text and a photo section, as Acrobat is handling both formats so differently, that the text would have filled your screen whereas the photos would have become like 'thumb-nails'

Please also notice, that the photo quality is limited due to the poor British reproduction quality shortly after the end of World war Two.




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