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RADAR and Controlled Missiles
Paris Area
This is the first joined UK and US combined intelligent report on Germany and their foreign affiliated industries abroad. France was the liberated country on the European continent, as Italy was not entirely liberated until the German defeat in May 1945.
They might have expected that the French industry have been involved in the particular technique. Which wasn't the case, as the Germans kept all Alien industries as a potential danger. They were, of course, engaged, but only in those cases were not much was at stake.
This report nevertheless, provide a nice inside vision on the French involvement and in the way they could minimize their German production engagements.
Knowing the many Allied reports rather well, it is evident that the first investigation party had to find their way in a kind of 'mine field'. They lacked experience, on which later teams could rely upon.
CIOS Target Item 1
Date most likely, late August and early September 1944, AOB
Reported bY Maj. N.D. Crane, Sig. C.
Team Leader
Personal of Team:
Lt. John Thomson, Admiralty
Lt. E.N. Rowland, Admiralty
Major W.T. Williams, Admiralty
F/Lt. W. Fishwick, War Office
Lt. T.J. Nagel, U.S. Navy
Lt. R.L. Sherman, U.S. Navy
Major N.D. Crane, U.S. Army
Captain Taylor Drysdale, U.S. Army
Captain E.M. Muillin, U.S. Army
Captain E.M. Reilley, O.S.R.D.
Dr. F.W. Stever, O.S.R.D.
Dr. K.R. Spangenberg, O.S.R.D.
Dr. H.G. Stever, O.S.R.D.
Dr. F.W. Thatcher, O.S.R.D.
Mr. L.I. Farkas, O.S.R.D.
Mr. G.P. McCouch, O.S.R.D.
Major H. Knee, War Office
Captain A. Kingston, War Office
F/Lt. Nutting, Air Ministry
Keywords: Please notice, that nearly almost all Allied reports are suffering from the lack of correct spelling (proper usage of a language). This is not a very scientific way of approaching. Later reports are badly suffering from these annoying omissions!
Industries investigated: Cirma - Compagnie Compteurs - Ecole d'Electricité - Eiffel Tower Tele. Trans - Establisment Ch. Aufiers - Establishment Ora-Grandin - Ferisol - Construction Telephoniques - Cie. General de T.S.F. - German Radar School - German Submarine Stores - Jeager - Kriegsmarine Extension - Laboratoir Gen. des Electrique - Laboratorie Radio-Electrique - Cie. des Lampes - Le Material Telephonique - Metox - Mendon Observatory - Otalue - Radio Technique - SADIR Carpentier - Soc. d'Application Radio-Electrique (S.A.R.A.M) (= SARAM, AOB) - Societe Radio-Elecrtique - Societe Independant de T.S.F. - Societe Industrielle Radio-electrique - Societe Parisienne Pour L'Industrie - Societe Radio Air - Cie Francaise Thompson-Houston - Compagnie de Westinghouse
Further keywords: CIPC Radar and Guided Missile Team ... ; From all what our team could learn, the Germans did not reveal their researches in the fields of radar and guided missiles to the French .. ; CCTI ..; Role and Work of the Ministry of Industrial Production ... ; One of the characteristics of French industry which is made up of many small enterprises which are in general ill adapted to large scale production ... ; Bronzavia S.A. ... ; During the German Occupation, Bronzavia was supervised by two provisional administrators from the Askania-Werke of Berlin ... Bronzavia's production capacity for SARAM type of material is over 200 million francs, but it would be difficult ... ; L.M.T. ... total number of employees over 4000 (Paris area?, AOB) ...it is part of 'International Standard Electric'which is tied up to I.T.T and A.T.T. groups; METOX .... ; LS 1000 ... ; Eiffel Tower Televion Transmitter ... ; R 600 ... ; German Radar School Ville de Charille Grande Rue, Serres .. Wurtzburg (Würzburg, AOB) parabolic antenna was seen, German Submarine Stores Corneilles-en-Parisis Northewest of Paris ... ; For Philips - Holland - Radio telephone a sub-contractor; The L.M.T. organisation and affiliations are well known. The firm is associated with Bell Labs in U.S.A. Standard Telephone and Cables in U.K. and Lorentz in Germany (Lorenz, AOB) .. ; The party obtained from L.M.T. a copy of an article from "Hochfrequenztechnik and Elektroakusti'" of June 1943 describing the "Pintsch tube HB 14, eines Rosotanks". ... England who has encountered this tube in a German decimeter communication set found near Cherbourg, L.M.T. also showed parts of a 20 cm Heil tube which used a dounble sheet electron beam passing thru the center of a half wave length concentric line resonator (LD12Lä???. This would imply that it concerned a Lorenz set Stuttgart 2 or 3, AOB) ... ; Metox made 1100 type R600, 106-230 MHz at a rate of 60 per month for the Navy ... ; OTALU ... ; Radio Technique ... Fu52b-2 (=E52 Köln, AOB) Five out of six components units were made here. the assembly took place at Sachsen-Werke Dresden and the orders totalled 7000, production begun at 350 per month of each block and 6500 had been delivered. ... Recently ... parts for FuSE64 .. Seeschlange .... Weisel (Wiesel?, AOB) Seeigel ... production of 800 FuG16ZY per month until 12,000 had been made. L.M.T. had received a similar order for 6000 and a further 8000 were to be produced at Hilversum (NSF, AOB) ...; SADIR ... R087 series Receivers .. EBL 3F Sadir has recently assembled this receiver a well known Airborne beam approach ... ; Modified R-87 receivers for FM The Germans were greatly interested in obtaining some hf receivers for FM operation. Modifying units were produced for the R-87 ... ; Carpentier .. ; SADIR ... In addition SADIR was asked to produce 200 airborne television transmitters in 1941. The design was to be the same as the airborne British EMI set flown before the war ... ; S.F.R. was asked to make 10,000 LS 50s per month. ...