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I.G. Farbenindustrie-Oppau Works




Reported by

Dr. T.P. Colclough    Min. of Supply


CIOS Target Number 21/22 (a)



Keywords:    The Combined Intelligence Objective Sub-Committee Section 21 - Metallurgy ... ; Reports have been received in this country that the I.G. Farbenindustrie had turned over the whole, or a part, of the plant originally built for the manufacture of Carbonyl Iron Powder ... ; It was found that the Carbonyl Nickel Plant had been maintained in operation and produced an average of about 350 tons of Nickel per month up to December 19th 1944. An entirely new installation had been erected for the amnufacture .... ; Further Nickel Target It was ascertained that a new plant is under construction for the production of electrolytic nickel by the "Frose" process ... ; Documents During the period from December 16th, 1944, to the date of visit, all documents of importance and practically all chief personnel of the operating and research staffs, had been evacuated to Heidelberg. As a result, no detailed precise information on tannage production or details of development or operation were available .. ; .... Condition of Plant ....




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