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Radio Station Dajeukolot (Dajeuhkolot)

West Java, near Bandung (Bandoeng)

Indonesia (former Dutch East-Indies)


Two Photographs,

The first one showing the state of affairs of about 1938.

The second one has been taken in late 1980s.


Dajeukolot (Dajeuhkolot) state of the art about 1938

The aluminium frame constructions mounted on the wall, are in both photos good recognizable. Be it, that the Dutch colonial PTT kept all systems in an immaculate state.


Please consider also the photo of Dijkstra's price winning album

However, we still can recognize the typical shape of transmitter technology of the 1930s

Please notice, since 28 May 2014 we have implemented in our website a new series of pages dedicated to photo albums which were donated on to the archives of our Foundation:

Dutch Indies PTT 

Among it is an extensive webpage dedicated to Dajeuh Kolot Zenderpark



Back to: Dijkstra - Malabar
