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HF/DF receiver
Fu Peil-E 3
A rather rare device
Fu Peil E-3
Gerät-Nr 124-4406 A (Construction drawing number)
Werk-Nr 20466-42 (Encrypted production number, Year 1942)
Anforder Z. Ln 23002 (GAF Stock-number)
Bauart: Lorenz (Company who designed this receiver type)
Herst: Lorenz was likely its manufacturer as well
Fu Peil E 3 got two ranges: 190-350 and 320-600 kHz
This was in those days a typical medium-wave spectrum used for aircraft communications (CW) and beacon stations, however, also used for naval purposes.
Günter Hütter very kindly did send me a copy of the manual. Which we, without being aware of it, already had made available on our website, some time ago (Manuals D.(Luft) T. 4453), which was kindly provided by Ernst Wagner some years ago. That we possess it, and not being aware of it, might originate from the fact that we never have considered obtaining one.
However, viewing its specs, these are impressive! For instance, at 190 kHz, receiver input being loaded with an artificial DF antenna circuit it gives: 0.01 µV, and at 600 kHz still having 0.06 µV.
Copied from the original manual
Apparently, there later also was a bit simplified Fu Peil-E3a version, having slightly less impressive specs. As it employed one HF stage less.
Principle schematic of the Fu Peil-E3 receiver
The BFO seemingly is having a multiplicative circuit.
I cannot yet judge the noise reducing circuit (Krachtöter = noise-killer), but I have never encountered this circuitry before
Fu Peil-E3 front panel
The receiver module being pulled and tilted a bit out of its housing
Its construction is typically based on Lorenz technique, but I cannot remember having encountered such a neat construction before.
The receiver module is build (attached) just behind the receiver front panel
The connector down is to interconnect the receiver module onto the power supply module screened off by a separating metal (wall) plate.
All 11 receiver valves (RV12P2000) can be accessed from the top (outside) by means of only lifting a metal top lid
Viewing the receiver straight from behind
In my perception it has a 'aesthetic' and neat design character. The bigger module with the three trimmer holes is the typical Lorenz tuneable-quartz-filter. German engineers must have had a special penchant for combining a concept and neatness.
Viewing it from a different perspective
On the left-hand side is the HF input section.
The connection down are linking both the power supply module kept in the rear section and the receiver module. The metal wall is also screening both the receiver and the power supply off from one another
Viewing the power supply module. We actually are looking at the side which is just behind the metal separating plate inside the receiver housing
Lorenz typically used semi conductor rectifiers, whilst Telefunken used valves (like RG12D60) instead.
The power supply is attached onto the rear-plate of the receiver.
Viewing it from a different perspective
Power supply type: SK 771534 /III, Apparat Nr. 20552
The switch is offering a choice of mains or battery operation. For it is a provision on the right-hand side of the receiver, interconnecting all sorts of supply options. These interconnections are visible in the next photo at the right-hand side.
Günter Hütter told me that the holder marker '466' should fit a trim-tool for adjusting an oscillator.
Battery operation likely was then commenced by means of an 'Umformer' . Please notice its manual D.(Luft) T. 4453
On the left we find the DF-loop interconnections and on the right-hand side the mains- as well as other supply-connections. Normally this should be screened off by a cover plate, which is in our case lacking
On 18 October 2014
A new photo has been implemented
Viewing the bottom side of the Fu Peil-E3 receiver
Its construction neatness is striking.
One fact should, however, be noticed: The typical Bosch blocking capacitors are of the inferior type; having pertinax contact-strips. This way of construction, as is also encountered in British and American sets of this period, will suffer over the years from failing dielectrics. Only the hermetically sealed-off types do not suffer from humid (moister) mixing-up with the insulating dielectric wax (hygroscopic property of wax). I always thought, that the Germans introduced these (cheaper to produce) types during the course of 1943. Apparently, they did so already in 1942, the years which is indicated on the type-number plate.
We can also see, from the 4 capacitor designations (14a - 14d), that it concerns an oscillator + 3 HF circuits being tuned.
Considering its manual D.(Luft) T. 4453 we are lacking some screening plates, but we therefore have a good vision what construction is inside.
Please continue with: Exhibits-details 11c PQK 10 & FNR 16