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Status: 10 July 2014

A + B + C + C3 + D



KZ 14



Please consider also, for better understanding:

LGW Bericht Nr. 7

Although, KZ14 is not being incorporated


Steeg-Liste 1958 the curious surplus list of 1958 (Steg Liste 1958)


Gerät Nr. 127-306B    Drawing number

Baureihe 2    Mark II

Werk Nr. 62462E    Coded production number like 624 or 462

Hersteller gzy    Manufacturer is not in the well known list, though, may well have been

Albert Patin

According Werner Thote: gzy = Patin, Albert, Werkstätten für Fernsteuertechnik, Berlin W 35, Woyrschstr. 13

It is, however, likely, that, viewing the manufacturer code that it has been produced after, say, 1941.


It is still sealed

Should we break it?


My fair consideration is: YES

You may ask me why being so stupid?

The reason is simple, the KZ14 is already on my 'birthday list' for more than 40 years and I could never obtain one in mint condition. The seals ensures that nobody has touched it after the war, and that it should be entirely original inside!


Maybe outside not the most nice artefact

The text tells us: Kursmotoreinstellung or gyro controlled flight direction



Isn't it beautiful inside?

The two glass covered relays are often missing and being extremely rare


It is evident that braking the two seals is worth it

Please notice the PVC cabling, quite unusual in those days 


No comments



Watching it now from a different perspective

Before I knew what KZ14 is about, I was asked, in the early 1970s, by Kees de Wilde, in Holland  the expert on gyro techniques, whether I have big round glass relays? The relays are pluggable, maybe that is the reason why these are so rare


It is clear that the Germans had a feeling (penchant) for mechanics


Again a different view

The vertical mounted Al device is an electrical motor

André Vergèz told me once it was known as: Wurstmotor (sausage motor)


Placed in the centre we see the Gyro ball. Below the compass scale driven by a Torque motor, in those day quite unusual

André told me recently, that his gyro rotated for over twenty minutes after 24 V had been disconnected


Viewing the flat field windings of the torque motor


Please notice the switching contacts consisting of a gold-plated contact strip with "fly-legg" (Fliegebeine) contact wires, as to reduce its contact pressure 


The black coloured stripe in the centre is a neutral position. Just there should the controlling system finding its equilibrium


Viewing towards the upper section of the KZ14


Apparently on the right-hand side a magnetically driven regulator or switch for adjusting the setting of the actual gyro axis


Likely mechanically interconnecting the top and bottom sections

Please watch the tiny fly-leg contact 


Please notice finally the three-phase fly-leg contacts at the far bottom end of KZ14



Status: 21 April 2013




Since recently we have obtained two rather rare vintage valves from the First World War


The most rare of the two WW I valves, is the one shown below


The Seddig Valve (Röhre)

This box might not be particularly belonging to this valve


About two years ago Joachim Goertz responded with the following information 


Dear Arthur, dear all,


these are very nice pictures. The EVN 171 is made by Telefunken, the Seddig ones have been made by Max Seddig, Frankfurt, at that time (I think 1917 onwards) at  a laboratory of Würzburg university, called "Röhren Instandsetzungs Werkstatt", abridged RIW, the "I" mostly written as "J". This RIW was a part of  "Tafunk", meaning "Technische Abteilung Funkergerät", which again was a part of the technical authorities of Germany during WW1. The head of "Tafunk" was the famous Max Wien.

RIW was intended to repair urgently needed tubes, but they went in production as well and produced as far as I know ten thousands of tubes compatible to the German industrial types of that time. These tubes had numbers instead of designations.


Kind regards   Joachim


Please notice for the meaning of Tafunk Joachim's explanation above

Nur für Überlagerer means: only (to be used) for local oscillator

This kind of valve was a typical emergency production 


Seddig is good visible

The Germans often write a 'J' meaning, however, a capital i

Hence, R.J.W. stood for: Röhren Instandsetzungs Werkstatt

Please, notice also that the anode is made from copper (Cu) plate




More common is its base, which is also known as 'Telefunken Sockel'



Maybe not so rare is an EVN 171



What makes it exceptional, is that it is in its original box including an Army acceptance label


Typical is the way the filament is 'hanging' above the spiral grid, which itself is mounted just above the anode plate; both kept separated by means of glass drips

This was Telefunken's first 'high vacuum' valve type, based on patent: DE298460 Claimed on 3 October 1914; it was, however, granted on 8 September 1919. In those days not yet common practice was to name the one who invented it. We know that it was on behalf of: Rükop


According the sound label it was tested on 22 August 1917

What the meaning of the date 29 March 1924 is I cannot judge



This Armee-Nachrichten-Park 1735

label is pointing that this valve had been accepted on 1st May 1918


Again the application of a Telefunken socket, which was for a while their standard base



On 17 June 2013



After a long time of inactivity, time was found to build a filament power unit for the Jagdschloss transmitter. By which means it is possible to activate the TS41 filaments as well as its tuning scale illumination. This provision needs some care, as two TS41s consume about 21 Amps at 10.5 V! Derk Rouwhorst was so kind to donate an especially made ring-core transformer to us.

The first struggle was how to find in modern days just the right plastic box. Nowadays these kind of matters are not everywhere purchasable. Well supplied electronic components shops for the public are vanishing from the cities. However, an old shop still exists and Radio Muco in Amsterdam had all the necessary components, including an appropriate box on stock.


It is not necessary to draw a schematic, as all is straight forward technique. Power line input with a switch having a built-in neon indicator in series with a fuse holder; and on the output side two solid Hirschmann connectors.


Viewing the Jagdschloss transmitter module, which has got a special filament power supply

On the far right-hand side the see on top of the Freya/Seetakt power supply just visible the Freya receiver module.


Our objective is to show how such a transmitter module once viewed when it was operational during wartime days. Where we are looking at was, of course, only visible when its frame mounting door was opened (a rather dangerous job, because it is operated by 8 kV pulses!). In our display we do not intend to put HT at the module and it can be viewed without danger from quite nearby.


Viewing our current setup from quite nearby

I obtained a few days ago a second TS41 of which I hoped that it would constitute a nice pair of glowing TS41s. Sadly, it proved that this new item possesses a defect filament. We have thus to wait for a better valve sample.

Down on the left-hand side we notice the newly built filament power supply. The only remarkable aspect of it is that it should handle up to 21 A filament current.

Next to this power module we see the X-Gerät which belonged to the transmitter and receiver tuning control of off-shore Seetakt systems.


A magic impression of a glowing TS41

Please remember, that the left-hand side valve sadly has a defect filament.



On 24 June 2013



This device was part of a swop, for which we could obtain the Kreuzeck receiver and is no longer in our possession


Microphone and headphone test set type a, serial number 015 year 1941

(Photo with courtesy of Werner Thote)

Not shown on Werner's photo - is that this test set could also handle telephone handsets of field-telephones, even providing cross talking either way.

The purpose of this rare device was: to check whether various kinds of military carbon microphones were sensitive enough; its output indicated at a moving coil instrument. It also allowed testing of headphones at about 550 Hz. A very special provision was implemented, by which means an ac voltage is provided that allows adjustment of the headphone membranes - as to assure that even at high signal levels the membrane keeps free movement without being hampered by touching the magnetic system. In Germany they called this phenomenon: 'Klirren'.

During his visit last year in September 2012, Werner was so intrigued by the above showed apparatus, that I opened it and he saw instantly an acceptance stamp of which number he knew that it originates from Kapsch in Vienna (each authorised person had an individual number). Nowhere else in this neat device is it visible where it once had been manufactured or was designed.

As to ease Werner's investigation, I later did send him this rare set, followed by the very curious vibrator, which functioning caused cumbersome problems. Maybe the design of this latter vibrator is the main reason why this versatile device never reached serial production. The only two apparatus known - carried serial numbers 011 and 015, both once came from England (captured likely in 1945). This might point in to the direction of a so-called 'Null-Serie'; a small series meant for military acceptance tests.

Somewhere in April 2013 his article was eventually published. There was sadly a restriction for publishing this article on our website straightaway; as copyright is concerned.   

However, I got finally the awaited message from Werner Thote, in which be stated that the Radio Bote in Vienna very kindly provided a special license to us for the publication of Werner's recent article. Normally, a year has to pass since, before an author is permitted to publish the same article elsewhere. The only obligation is that we should, of course, mention:

"Copyright Radiobote 2013".

Das Mikrofon und Fernhörer Prüfgerät a

Radiobote Jg. 8, Heft 45

By Werner Thote

Subject: Militärische Funktechnik



 To be continued in due course


