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Status: 22 September 2020
Funkpeilung als alliierte Waffe gegen deutsche U-Boote 1939 - 1945
Wie Schwächen und Versäumnisse bei der Funkführung
der U-Boote zum Ausgang der "Schlacht im Atlantik"
beigetragen haben
By: Arthur O. Bauer
Ralph Erskine
Klaus Herold
My book had been published in late 1997
For this occasion: I have issued and published it myself; including its entire book lay-out.
It was finally translated into German language by late Dr. Heinz Lissok
For this occasion, I have chosen for a good quality reproduction copy (127 MB),
which is nowadays more acceptable than was in the older days of the internet. Please notice, that during increasing book-page-numbers there will be an increasing discrepancy between the real book-page-numbers and the according PDF numbers. The reason is: - that for reader-convenience, I had implemented blank pages - as to allow that photos, drawings or schematics are always kept on the right-hand side of the book-pages; which blank pages, in our current case, have been skipped.
Rear book page
Shown on the photo is - a part of the famous British FH 4 Huff/Duff receiver
Funkpeilung als alliierte Waffe gegen deutsche U-Boote 1939-1945 (PDF 74MB)
I had the choice between a version of 137 MB and a lower quality copy og only 74 MB, constituting a difference of 50 MB,
as to keep data not much excessive, I choose for the latter option.