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German counter-intelligence (III F)
Status: 12 July 2019
This time, I would like to confront you with some aspects of counter-espionage in Switzerland.
I would like though, to start first with
the files concerning Wilhelm (Willy) Piert,
thereafter with the more significant
Hans von Pescatore's
The Willy Piert's
aspects are of some interest - as it clearly confronts us, that in post war days, M.I. 5 servants increasingly continued their wartime battles; neglecting the changes occurring in post-war Western Europe.
They continued expressing their (wartime opinions) without noticing the actual files available.
Sadly: They weren't aware that they were on the losing side of the history.
Increasingly ending up with a defeat against the
Home Office.
(fundamental) Reason?
Because, this department was liable to legal objections;
a serious circumstance:- This was hardly known to M.I.5 Crown Servants: to be truly legally challenged.
When they were too much challenged - they broke-off discussions with the H.O. and went on (illegally) with their practises.
They rule the waves.
Most intriguing, but sad, examples are found in:
KV 2/1722-1724 on the Argentinian Mr Hellmuth
I would like to draw your attention first to digest first chapter Part I.
A typical down-side of institutions lacking legal:
In contrast, time and again,
a quality that the British Home Office
truly possessed, in contrast.
However, this new chapter is in some respect (also) linked with aspects related to the Communist "Rote Kapelle" complex.
KV 2/1329-1, Part I, Willy Piert and Hans von Pescatore
KV 2/1329-2, Part II, Hans von Pescatore and Willy Piert
Next: Alexander Foote one of Rado's W/T operator, captured, amongst others, by the Swiss in autumn 1943.
In wartime days he was mainly linked with the Communist: Rado and partly with Rote Kapelle.
By Arthur O. Bauer