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Radar search receiver Korfu*
Receiver type E351 (FuG351)**
We have obtained this artefact recently, and exchanged it for our: Mischgerät to V2
Front panel Korfu receiver type E351
This is a very rare set, of which I know only existing three, one in a depot of the British Science Museum, one owned by Horst Beck (Germany) and this set. It is possible that one or a few have survived unknowingly. I guess, it might have been manufactured about the break of 1944/45. The Korfu project was executed by Blaupunkt
Curious is, that all documentations found, are pointing to the predecessor type(version) which carries the same type-number, though, with no doubt, is different. Frequency ranges can be changed by exchanging the front-end plug-in, shown in the centre of the front-panel. Our unit runs from λ 12 cm to 8 cm (2500 MHz - 3750 MHz). The used first local-oscillator magnetron, for all versions, is: RD2Md or RD2Md2 (see curious archive displays)(the principle of this tuneable magnetron is explained in my: Airborne radar paper at page 24). Korfu was fit to monitor: amplitude- and FM modulated signals.
The two coaxial connectors are more or less equal to British H2S standard. Be it, that its measures are metric. This connector type was called "Rotterdam-Stecker". The connector on the left-hand side is to be connected (linked) onto FM 351 (Frequenzmesser = wave meter), the right one is to connect the directional antenna (DF).
An open question to me is, how the wave meter type 351 could be linked onto the receiver? As all known FM 351s, do not have provisions as to connect it onto a coaxial cable directly. Although, there are sings that an additional circular 'horn like adapter' was used.
Top view lid opened
The cylindrical device (drum) in front, is the front-end cavity. All "steel valves" are type EF14, which has a high slope factor (as to obtain wide bandwidth, owing to a high ratio of: S/C). The two "Luftwaffe" valves just behind the three brown coaxial cables are both type LG1, which is a 'dual diode' for very high frequencies (>500 MHz). First IF is 60 MHz, the second IF 40 MHz.
Top view from left.
Most wiring is of pvc, which was quite often used after say 1942, for high-end GAF apparatus.
*All their radar search receivers (FuMBs) carried code-names after islands, like: Zypern, Naxos, Fanö, Samos, Tunis, Bali, Flores, Borkum, ....
**According to Fritz Trenkle in "Die deutschen Funkmeßverfahren bis 1945" (Motorbuch Verlag 1979), p.134-138), it might have been type 351 Z, but he is very vague in this respect. Maybe owing to lack of reliable references. It is also not clear, whether, among Blaupunkt, also Siemens was involved. One would expect also a so-called 'FuMB number', though, I could not find any information on this
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