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KV 2/757- KV 2/768
Trompke - Werz
About German Espionage in South Africa
directed from the German Consulate-General
in Lourenço Marques
(in English language Lourenco Marques)
Portuguese East Africa
Page initiated 13 July 2018
Current Status: 21 November 2018
It is hardly known - that the Germans maintained a quite intriguing spying commitment in the South African Union.
The nucleus of our South Africa story was the aversion against Britain, in someway or another caused by the not too long ago Two Boer Wars.
There existed an animosity (resistance) against the South African Prime Minister Field Marshal Smuts. Albeit, that he acted in a cautious way; rather adequate considering the circumstances.
The Afrikaner movement, was subversive against the S.A. Government, as well as opposing British stand in the Second World War.
There existed a Resistance Organisation known as:
Ossewa Brandwag.
Don't forget, that the 'Afrikaner' originated most of 'The 17th Century Netherlands'; and their language actually was (is) frozen old Dutch.
I would like to introduce first the story around Walter Kraizizek.
He arrived in South Africa in 1935, his profession was a lithograph in a New Paper office.
When the war started on 3rd September 1939, all Axis aliens were captured and put in internment camps.
Kraizizek escaped several times; like seemingly did all others.
A note in his interrogation report noticed: that when he escaped he looked out for names with an Afrikaner background, more likely guaranteeing that he approached someone who might be friendly to him.
And this was not in vain!
His advantage, he knew the Country for some years, and had become more or less acquainted with the customs of the South African communities.
In late spring 1943, he was sent to Portuguese East Africa, as to escape from South Africa, still aiming in escaping to Portuguese Angola.
However, this did not mature, and he stayed in Lourenco Marques up to October 1944; when a group of 6 were expelled from Lourenco Marques.
This was maintained under strong, long term, political pressure from British side; they eventually left for Portugal under a so-called "Free Conduct".
With s.s. Quanza they headed for Lisbon. But it is most interesting to notice all the implications encountered by British S.I.S. (M.I.6 and M.I.5.).
South Africa had already a Dominion status, but acted as an independent state.
I have tried to reflect this in my subject selections.
For example, British Services mistrusted the South African Police and their Leaders.
As to gain their support, in some way or another, they were forced to lift some of Britain's most valuable asset:
Most Secret Source
Implying Enigma decodes (Ultra) and other sources.
But, when the s.s. Quanza would pass Capetown, there existed the possibility that the South African Police would insist on interrogating the Germans onboard the s.s. Guanza.
This should be prevented at all cost; because there would exist a real chance (danger) that the interrogated persons could get the idea that their enemy knew about Most Secret German communications.
Therefore, it was decided to skip Capetown and approaching it for interrogations, when the ship was searched near Gibraltar.
One fact was clear: they were not entitled to use force, as the concerned 6 possessed "Free Conduct Guarantee on behalf of Britain as well as the US".
Actually all being linked with exchanging against a number of Allied individuals kept in German hands. The intermediate was Switzerland, though, using a Swedish ship; country of the exchange was Portugal.
Very curious, the KV 2/757 - KV 2/768 file series do carry all Trompke's name, but he hardly is the subject dealt with; but Paul Trompke was the General-Consul; though it was Dr. Luitpold Werz who later became Vice-Consul and he 'Ruled the Waves' actually.
The latter was in charge of the Spying Activities.
His terrain was South Africa, gaining from the mistrust between the South African Government and the Afrikaner Community (movements).
Sadly, there are not many photos around.
Files KV 2/2638 and KV 2/2639 are of such poor reproduction quality, that photo reproduction wasn't an option.
However, in the Trompke file series KV 2/757 - KV 2/768 we have found a photo worth to be used in our context.
Crown Copyright KV 2/761-2, page 33
Photo taken on a tennis court in Lourenco Marques
The in the dark in the centre of the
upper row is Dr. Luitpold Werz; from right-to-left, the second person is Paul
All were in some way engaged at the General Consulate in Lourenco Marques (former Portuguese East Africa, now known as Mozambique).
A few days ago (19 November 2018), I received an e-mail from the Portuguese Mr. R Gens he came to the conclusion - that I have considered some persons incorrectly, therefore I attach his correcting photo compilations
As to increase your understanding of the life within the Afrikaner community, I would like to advise you to start with Walter Kraizizek's case file;
based on the file series KV 2/2639.
My way of approaching these documents, is, to copy, what in my perception are relevant text sections - and typing the content over, so that it from now on becomes digitally searchable.
Can't do OCR the job?
The copies and the remaining text quality simply is preventing it.
Quite many type-writers in the Anglo-Saxon world apparently did have several failures; because there quite often cannot be distinguished whether a character constitutes an 'o' or an 'e' (for example).
After you have digested Walter Kraizizek's case,
you are advised to approach
KV-2-757-768-Trompke-Werz Case
When someone can add some relevant - additional - information, please contact us at:
Please type over what you read
By Arthur O. Bauer