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Please notice first the following message

Recently Hans Jucker did send me the following e-mail:

Dear Arthur, 

you can do me a favour, if you bring the attached JU88 file on your website it would be fine, if you could post it close to the Lichtenstein paper. The reason for my request I’m tired to answer the many inquires from German guys for information about the JU 88 crew thus escaping imprisonment, just before the capitulation. The Germans told me that they have found the Lichtenstein paper on your website, but it seems for me they are more interested for action stories than for technical details.

 JU88 G6 C9+AR Landung in Dübendorf

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 Please proceed now with Hans Jucker's main contribution


German FuG202  / FuG220 Lichtenstein airborne radars

by Hans H. Jucker, Switzerland

(pdf, 2,7 MB)

We are very pleased, that Hans Jucker gave me permission to make his interesting paper on the Lichtenstein radars type: FuG 202 b/c and FuG 220 SN2, available on our website.



Dubendorf Airbase, Nachtjäger, Helmut Treynogga, Heinz Schwarz, Messerschmitt 110G, Cuircuit of the FuG202 receiver, FuG202 Sichtgerät (display unit), Concept diagram of FuG202 b/c, Lichtenstein b/c developed by Telefunken 1941 in their Berlin-Zehlendorf laboratory, Hypothetical calculation of effective range against flying targets, Wilhelm Johnen, Joachim Kamprath, Paul Mahle, Schräge Musik, Lichtenstein FuG220 SN2 antennae, Calculation of lobe deflection, TR switch with LG75 (LG 75), FuG220 receiver diagram, FuG220 Sichtgerät (display CRT), FuG220 SN2 Hypothetical calculation of the effective detection range against flying targets, LD15, LV13, RS394, Measurements on the actual receiver and transmitter circuitry (parameters)

Please notice also my additional (complemental) contribution:

Some Aspects of German Airborne Radar Technology, 1942 - 1945  Subjects are: Lichtenstein FuG202 b/c and FuG220 SN2; Berlin FuG224; briefly the passive systems: Flensburg FuG227 and Naxos. Its content is, more or less, complemental to Hans Jucker's paper and what is already available on this website.(AOB)


Consider also: Archive displays on Lichtenstein SN2

Back to: Fug 200 Jucker paper

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