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Frequenzkontrollgerät 62 (Wellenmesser or wavemeter) used for Würzburg FuMG 62 and/or  FuMG65 (FuSE..) radar systems

Serial number 400811


The Wellenmesser or Frequenzkontrollgerät type 62, which could also be used for controlling the wavelength of Giant Würzburg (Würzburg Riese). The antenna loop in operation is shown in the next illustration. Regarding German procedures, this might actually be serial or apparatus number: 811

Zusatz-Batterie, see text in the last illustration (CV); Kopfhörer = Headphones, for controlling the PRF of radar signal; Prüftaste = probably the main switch by which means the filament battery is being disconnected from the AS100 (diode) valve circuit when the device is not in use;  Meßtaste = operation switch (see photo below); Heiz-Regl. = setting the SA100 filament voltage; Komp = CV see below; Abstimmung Grob = Coarse wave-tuning (frequency setting); Fein = fine tuning


 The pick-up loop on top of this apparatus, has to carry the same serial number as is mentioned on the type number plate. (see previously)


Shown, the brief operation instruction (= Bedienungsanweisung)


Inside view, housing removed

BH = Battery holder, CR = Cavity resonator , CV = Compensating voltage, LS = (antenna) Loop socket, SA100 (housing) = a special low capacitance diode for UHF

The compensating voltage has to neutralize the space charge voltage acros the SA100 diode, as to get a scale readings from zero (0) degree pointer deflection (which phenomenon is typically for valve diodes). 

This device was designed- and maybe produced by Telefunken. We have two similar sets, however, they differ only in weight. This unit is heavier one. We may guess that it has been produced in 1944.

For optimal photo quality, copy the illustration and paste it into Word or WordPerfect (also Photoshop will do)



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