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Lord Haw-Haw  2


Page initiated 9 July 2022

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Lord 'Haw-Haw' 1



                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright


KV 2/246  (Volume 5 & 6)

Joyce William

During the war days, in England, known as: "Lord Haw-Haw"

PF 44469


                                                                                     Crown Copyright

William Joyce

KV 2/246-1, page 5

                                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

Please consider minute 404a:

Again a proof that the post-war file numbers and serials weren't reproduced in a logical systematic sequence.

But, my major aim is to follow the succession of the British post-war created serials.

We have to jump therefore from ca. 1934/35 to post-war days.


Please, also bear in mind, that these files are, with proceeding page numbers you are proceeding always backwards in time; with the exception of the minute sheets - like the above one.

The post-war mood was against William Joyce and this was what was counting.

I suppose, that disorder originated already from wartime days, as there existed only a single file reference, namely the P.F. serial numbers; whether it covered < 100 or >> 1000 page numbers, didn't matter!


KV 2/246-1, page 6

                                                                                                                                                 Crown Copyright

            16.6.45     S.B. (Special Branch) Report on arrival of Wm Joyce at RAF Aerodrome                    (418b)


            20.6.45    Copy of telegram from F.O. (Foreign Office) to SHAEF request for evidence re naturalisation as German of Joyce                (425a)

AOB: Please, digest the remaining content at your choice.


KV 2/246-1, page 7

                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright


26.6.45        Joyce's name removed from the British Renegades Warning List                                (435ba) (please notice the other 435.. minute serials)

S.L.B.3 (Col Cussen) ... AOB: from experience I came more often across the designation of S.L.B.3. and then it was connected with the prosecution of someone.   The text may refer to materials dealt with in the foregoing section:   https://www.cdvandt.org/lord_'haw-haw'.htm


KV 2/246-1, page 9 + 10    (minute 448)

                                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

                      S.L.B.3.  (Col. Cussen).

                                The potential importance of Wagner's allegation (that Joyce was not naturalized in Germany till 1943) (AOB, incorrectly) is based on the pessimistic assumption that Joyce is finally acquitted in this country on the grounds that he has been a British Subject.  Moreover, if he was naturalized in 1940, before America was at war with Germany (which was effected on 11/12 December 1941), he would not presumably, have committed Treason against the U.S.A.  He would therefore go scot?-free. If, on the other hand, he was not in fact naturalized till 1943, he would I imagine, have been committing Treason against the U.S.A. and Germany, at least up to the date of his naturalization.

                                If  the matter is to be pursued, I feel that it is one of urgency. An acquittal whether at Old Bailey, or by the Court of Criminal Appeal or House of Lords, must inevitably create a public outcry, which no amount of legal argument will be able to silence.  The only thing that might mollify (appease) the public, would be if Joyce, immediately on his acquittal,  were re-arrested for extradition to the U.S.A. on a charge of treason to be preferred there.

                               I am not at present clear as to who Wagner is.  he is described as "a German Prisoner of War",  but he seems to have been connected with the German Broadcasting Service in 1943, when he was perhaps a civilian. But the people who really matter are Robert Best and Dr. Edwards (The latter is probably Dr. William Hayden Edwards, a German, who was on the staff of D.E.S. (Deutsche Europasender) at Luxemburg).  Best appears to be a renegade American who worked for the German Broadcast Service.  If you consider the matter one of importance, it would probably be a good thing to try and locate them at the earliest moment and obtain statements.

                                I see that Mr. Sinclair says that Mrs. Joyce's diary gives the Naturalization date at 1940.  I have not seen this diary and do not know how conclusive the entry is.

                                So far as Wagner himself concerned, it appears useless to call him as a witness against Joyce, as nearly all his information is second-hand, and alleged ante-dating unimportant at the Old Bailey.  He might however, be able to give useful information with regard to other British renegades.


    S.L.B.3.                    10.7.45                                                                            Sgd. G.E. Wakefield.


KV 2/246-1, page 18   (minute 492c)

                                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

                                                                            H.M.  Prison,  Brixton.


William Joyce.


                    The a/m? was visited this p.m. by Mr. Bradford and again later by brother Quentin.    Mr. Bradford's visit produced nothing that has not been previously mentioned and was uninteresting.

                    Quentin (Joyce's brother) was supposed to be going to Ireland to day to see "Pat" re producing the papers relating to the Irish birth certificate of the father and another paper not mentioned and to bring the uncle back with him to give evidence at the C.C.C. On applying to the D.P.P. (Director of Public Prosecutions) to assist in getting him an exit "permit" and a permit from the High command to land in Eire the D.P.P. informed him that they would accept the documents at their face value subject to the handwriting expert's evidence;  if it would save him the necessary of going to Eire, this was satisfactory and Quentin did not go.  Mr. Head, the solicitor, had this morning informed him of the Prosecutions change in the date of commencement of trial which was now to be the 13th September, saying it would appear that a verdict would be reached on the 14th.  Mr. Head also said that Mr. Slade was not the slightest bit perturbed (disturbed) on hearing of the Prosecutions introduction of another charge under the Treachery Act of 1940.  Saying it looks as though the Treason Act of (the year) 1351 is expected to be beaten and as he was out of this country before 1940 and had already broadcast the Act could not apply to him,  adding it may be claimed that his voice was in the country through the medium of the receiving set, his answer to that would be "Hang the voice and not the throat from whence it came" claiming be "Hang the voice and not the throat from wnece it came" claiming as an analogy a geometrical theorem "a part you can never make a whole".  Loud laughter on both sides and the visit terminated Quentin saying he would call again tomorrow.


                        I am, Sir,

                                                                Your obediently,        

                                                                            Wm.  S. Avent

            The Governor (of the Brixton Prison)


KV /246-1, page 21          (minute 492a)

                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

 Metropolitain Police (Special Branch)  (= S.B.)

31st   day  of August,   1945.


With further reference to William Joyce: -

                    At the request of Mr. H.A.K. Morgan I attended the office of the Director of Public Prosecution (D.P.P.) at 3 p.m. on 30th August, 1945.  Mr. Morgan handed to me a letter from the Director addressed to William Joyce at H.M. Prison Brixton, together with the draft copy of a Bill of Indictment (Prosecution) for offences against the Treachery Act, 1940. 

                    Mr. Morgan asked that these documents be served personally on Joyce, and this I did at 10.35 a.m. today, 31st August, 1945.  A statement to this effect is submitted herewith.

                    I ask authority to hand a copy of the report and a copy of my statement to Mr. Morgan and to M.I.5. (AOB, all we possess of the KV 2/xxx documents once came via M.I.5. sources, implying (including) the S.I.S. references - which once had been communicated with M.I.5. offices)


                                                    Chief Inspector



AOB: I have omitted a quasi endless series of papers on the status of William Joyce's father in America towards the end of the 19th hundreds.



KV 2/246-1, page 49

                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

            Col. Cussen.

            Mr. Sinclair.


                                        The following information is contained in the "Visitors Reports" which arrived while I was on leave:

1.            On the 1st August a man named John Parsons Dennis "recounted to Joyce a criminal proceeding on a question of nationality where a man had stated (? started) to dispute his British nationality, some time after he had stated on an application form for passport that he was a British Subject, having given as reason for doing so that he was young, was under the impression it was a true statement as his family had led him to believe and did not refute (disprove) it on account of polluting his moral character;  but the Chairman of the London Appeal Court had upheld the lower court's decision that, having made the Statement for the purpose obtaining a passport that he would be held to be true and he lost the appeal and was sentenced". Joyce asked Quentin (his brother), who also was present, to pass this on to Mr. Head.

2.            On the same day Joyce said he has seen the "photostat copy" and was very satisfied with it, as also was Mr. head.  NcNab, on the other hand, wasn't so pleased with it, owing to some little differences in the signatures. Substantially, however, they were alike, allowing for the 50 years difference in date.  On is signed "Michael Joyce", the other "Michael Francis Joyce". (AOB, his father likely had implemented his second baptised name; as his father was Catholic)

3.            On August 2nd Quentin showed (his brother William) Joyce a set of photostats of the Documents which had been received from America.  He said he had broken the key of the safe, and as the documents were very important he carried them about with him.  He pointed out that there were several similarities in the signatures and also a few discrepancies, but these could be explained by the lapse of time, and he had no doubt that the Handwriting Expert would say they had been written by the same person.  There were 6 copies of the documents.  They then discussed "the Police Court case which appeared in Tuesday's papers", which Quentin said seemed to be very similar to Joyce's. Joyce said he could not see how it could be said that Hesse (someone of the German Foreign Broadcast Organisation) was opposed to bombing, as he had an argument with him about it in September 1940.) (AOB, remember the beginning of Blitz over Britain)

4.            On August 6th Joyce told Quentin that "in any other country but America, children born of British parents are British.  In America they become American until, at the age of 21, they choose to adopt another nationality (?).  he also said he thought the Old Bailey Calendar might be arranged so that Amrey could be tried first, and that Amrey might have a lot to say which would not be helpful to Joyce's case. 

5.            On August 9th Joyce asked Quentin to get Mr. Head to try and trace Frank Norton, who was a partner of his father's company, and also Jack O'Halloran who now lives in America.  If they could not be contacted, he would have to get someone to visit America.

S.L.B.3.  17.8.45                                    Sgd. G.E. Wakefield


KV 2/246-1, page 68

                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright


M.I.5  - S.L.B.3

William Joyce.

1.            I should be grateful if you would despatch the attached letter to Mr. Downes who has now given me the address of Mme. VVichoud, 134 rue de Grenelle, Paris, though whom he thinks I will trace the Frenchman referred to in Mr. Wakefield's note, PF 66648/Y/4758/SLB3  (= KV2/430 and KV 2/431: British at German broadcast), of 25 January 1945.  I have been remiss in not acknowledging Mr. Downes' note sooner or passing the information to the Section in Paris; but I am now doing both.

2.            Reference Mr. Wakefield's note (no reference) of 9 July (1945) about the information given by Joyce to his brother Quentin, the house in Apen (Apen played a significant role towards the end of the war within the German extended broadcast location; including amplifier facilities) where Joyce left his things and best books is undoubtedly the house cleared by Mr. Della Cioppa of the P.W.D. with results which you now have.


M.I.5   Liaison Section.    24July 1945

J.F.E. Stenphenson   


21 A.G. (21 Army Group)   H.Q. Ext 8/2451.

JFES (= the signer of this message)/YMApen


"Apen" might van been selected strategically, as is lays remote from endangered centres and must in some way have constituted a centre of broadcasting cables (Trägerfrequenz / Carrier-Telephony; or was it a "Fernseh-Kabel or "video-cable") and "Verstärkerämter"; it is even likely that it possessed direct broadcast studio facilities, as well


KV 2/247-1, page 70   

                                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

Military Mission


(This latter fact might imply that Margaret William Joyce wife was held in custody somewhere in Belgium)

Lt.Col. E.J.P. Cussen,

Box No. 500,

Parliament Street B.O.,

London, S.W.1.


    Dear Cussen,

William Joyce.

                    herewith another letter from Margaret Joyce to he husband which is passed to you for disposal.

Yours sincerely,

24th July, 1945.

Handwritten: ...Hinchley Cooke

for delivery via Governor

Brixton Prison 28.7.45


KV 2/246-1, page 71

                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

Letter No. 6 from Margaret Joyce to William Joyce (her husband) dated 21.7.45 and 22.7.45 from Brussels.

                    Writing from Franco (AOB, might have pointed at Spain) she" (Margaret) asks "Have you Pablo's address? (Pablo might be meant: Gottfried Paul Taboschat, in Barcelona) I haven't, but its in my diary which was taken away from me and I don't know where it is.  If you have it get (Quentin, William Joyce's brother) to drop him a line - he'll be worried, I expect, and old "Esquadrillo" even more so.  Unfortunately I haven't got the latter's address and I've forgotten his paper.  Pablo's was "ya" wasn't it?  But he's probably been sacked long ago!"... Talking of crime stories, reminds me that after being on the staff of the War Office from 1940 to 1942, Hugh Pollard is now proofs officer at Woolwich Arsenal, whatever that is - I've just read an amusing article by him on how to shoot parachutists and there was a potted biography too, in an old "Lilliput".

(AOB: I personally get a bit the impression of someone writing to another one from some kind superior perspective)

KV 2/246-1, page 89   (minute 460a)

                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

            Copy Original filed in PF 44469                                        S.L.B.3.  Mr. Wakefield for information and retension.

                                                                                                Supp. pros.  Volume 2, held by S.L.B.1.

Rex v. William Joyce.

1.            On the Judge, Charles J., taking his seat at the central Criminal Court this morning,  William Joyce was brought up when Mr. Derek Curtis-Bennet, K.C. (instructed by Ludlow & Co.)  made an application on his behalf.

2.            Mr. Curtis-Bennett, outlining his application, stated that in the indictment (prosecution) it was alleged that Joyce was a person owing allegiance (commitment) to our lord the King. The contention (argument) of the Defence would be that Joyce was not such a person, and in connection with this inquiries were having to be made in the United States, where it was alleged that Joyce was born, not merely with regard to Joyce's birth, but also with regard to the possible naturalisation of his father either before his birth or during his minority.   Mr Curtis-Bennett produced a document purporting to grant naturalisation to a Michael Joyce, and passed it up to the Judge to examine;  he pointed out that this document merely a typed copy, not a photostat copy.  A photostat copy was being obtained in the United States, and it would be necessary for this to be examined by certain witness for the Defence for the purpose of identifying  the signature of Michael Joyce (William's father).  Mr. Curtis-Bennett added that that he had shown the document in question to Counsel for the Crown, who were not in a position to accept this as being a document either conferring naturalisation or relating to the father of the Accused (William Joyce).  At the same time, the Crown were not in a position even to admit that the birth certificate of William Joyce (exhibit 13) was in fact the Accused's birth certificate.  In these circumstances Mr. Curtis-Bennett asked for the case to stand out until the September Sessions.

3.            Mr. L.A. Byrne (Director of Public Prosecution), on behalf of the Crown, stated that the case was one of great gravity, and the Crown had no wish to do other than to assist as far lay in the power.  In these circumstances the application was not opposed.

4.            Charles, J. informed Mr. Curtis-Bennett that as his application was not opposed he would accede (agree) to the request made.  The case was accordingly stood out of the list until the September Sessions.

S.L.B.1.    18.7.45                                                                                    Sgd by D.H. Sinclair.

AOB: I would like to remind you - that the KV 2/xxxx serials are always running backwards in time with increasing page numbers; the only exception being the "minute sheets"


KV 2/246-1, page 91 + 92   (minute451b?)

                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

S.L.B.3.  Mr. Wakefield for information and retention.            

            Original filed in PF 44469 Supp.Pros, Vol. 2 held S.L.B.1


1.            At the conference with the Director of Public Prosecution (D.P.P.), with whom was Mr. R.L. Jackson, there were present:-

                    Lieut. Colonel Cussen                    Security Service

                    Mr. M.J. Lynch                                F.B.I.

                    Mr. Wakefield                                 Security Service                                   

                    Mr. Sinclair                                           "           "

2.            The Director opened the conference by saying that he had called it because he understood that Mr. G.O. Slade, K.C.,  who was leading for the defence, was intending to apply for the case to stand until the September sessions, and subject to anything that either M.I.5. or the F.B.I. had to saym he did not see how such an application could be resisted.

3.            The Director continued by saying that Mr. head, the solicitor for the Defence, had, through the Foreign Office (F.O.), been making certain inquiries as to the naturalisation of Joyce's father as an American Citizen, and these inquiries were still under way, and it is now known that the British Consul in New York had found evidence of Michael Joyce being naturalised in Brooklyn; therefore as these inquiries were still far from complete it seemed to him that the application to stand over could not be resisted. An additional factor which made it impossible to resist it was that the inquiries instituted by the F.B.I. on behalf of M.I.5 were also still in progress.

4.            Mr. Jackson suggested that the best course to adopt would be one which really placed upon the Defence the making of the application rather than that the Prosecution should make the application.  The Director agreed with this, as did others present, and stated that he would consult with Counsel the following morning.

5.            A long discussion took place as to the inquiries which were being carried out in the United States by the F.B.I., and the Director intimated that subject to Counsel's view, he proposed to tell Mr. Head (William Joyce's solicitor) that these inquiries were being made at the same time as the latter's inquiries were being made through the Foreign Office.  His reason for telling Mr. head this was that H.M. Consul in New York was obviously having certain difficulty in making the inquiries whilst he did not wish Mr. head to bind himself in any way by the result of the F.B.I. inquiries, he thought it only right that he should know that this was being done, and that moreover, the inquiries were of an exhaustive character, At all times Mr. head would be left to pursue his own inquiries through the Foreign Office if he thought fit.

              The question of calling William Joyce's uncle Mr. Brook, [ https://www.cdvandt.org/lord_'haw-haw'.htm    KV 2/245-2, page 45 + 46 + 47 +48     (minute 230)] was also considered.  Mr. Wakefield said that he believed that this man was at all favourably disposed to William Joyce, but at the same time was in the slightest degree anxious to give evidence in a case which would do him harm.  Mr. Jackson stated that considerations such as this were irrelevant, and that he would have to attend on subpoena (order).

On closer examination, however, of the evidence that could possibly be given by Mr. Brooke, it was not felt that he would be of much assistance, as he was never in the united States at the time of the marriage.

6.            The question of what the Prosecution could also adduce (present) in evidence as a result of the enquiries was also discussed at length;  the difficulties both from the Prosecution and defence point of view were carefully considered. Both the Director and Mr. Jackson stated that in their view the Marriage certificate of Michael Joyce and Gertrude Emily Brooke would not be admissible, unless by some fortunate chance the parties at the time of the marriage were living at Herkomer Street, the address given as their residence in William Joyce's birth certificate.  The Director stated that in his view the Prosecution would have some difficulty in rebutting (disproving) Joyce's claim that any particular Michael Joyce (his father), who had been naturalised, was his father, unless it could be shown conclusively that Michael Joyce chosen from the point of view of age, address, and whether he was a bachelor or not, simply could not be William Joyce's father.

7.            The Director concluded the conference by saying that the inquiries were still of an urgent character, vene though it was now almost certain that the case would be stood over until September sessions, and he asked Mr. Lynch if this could be impressed upon those making those making them in the United States.  The Director invited Lieut. Colonel Cussen to attend with him upon Counsel on the following morning.


Sgd D.H. Cussen

S.L.B.1.   16.7.45  


KV 2/246-1, page 100  (minute 456c)


                                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright                       

Copy filed in PF 44469 Suppl. Pros. Vol. I held by S.L.B.1.


William Joyce.

1.            Whilst at 25 Military Prison & D.B.  Brussels, on the 11 July 1945, I took advantage of the opportunity to try and find out from whom the Arbeitspass (Arbeitsausweis) relating to Joyce had been received at the prison, before it was handed to Major L.J. Burt.

2.            It was not possible to discover the identity of the Officer, but it was undoubtedly the Officer who escorted William Joyce from Lüneburg to the (Brussels) prison.  I am afraid that it has been impossible to tie down the evidence relating to this matter.

3.            Whilst in Brussels, I received a message through Lt. Colonel Breooke-Booth, SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force) Mission to Belgium, from Mr. Derek Sinclair, asking that Margaret Joyce should be requested to produce the letter signed Fritsche (Hans, whom was set free after the Nürnberg Trial) of the Reichspropaganda Ministerium, which indicated that Joyce was not to be called up for military service of his former enemy nationality.

4.            All the documents found in the possession of both William and Margaret were seized and taken to London by the Esign Marsh, and nothing remains of this sort in the possession of Mrs. Joyce.

5.            I explained to Colonel Cussen recently that I had made enquiries to discover precisely the circumstances in which a Wehrpass was issued to a German citizen;  a statement setting out these is attached.

13 July 1945.                                                                                                Sgd.  W.J. Skardon,   Captain


KV 2/246-1, page 101    (minute 456c)

                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

Statement   of William James Skardon, Captain, Intelligence Corps:-

            I have made enquiries to discover the circumstances in which a "Wehrpass" is issued to a German citizen.

            The document is fully described in a book published by the military authorities under the title "EDS.3" Identity Documents in Germany", first issued in August 1944.

            Briefly, the "Wehrpass" is issued in the following circumstances.

            When a German citizen registers for military service he is issued with the "Wehrpass".  It remains his only complete record of military history, and on his enlistment into the Armed Forces it is taken away and replaced by a "Soldbuch". (AOB, the word 'Sold' means genuinely payment/ money).  If the subject is discharged from the Services, the "Wehrpass" is returned to him and his evidence of having served. (AOB, towards the end of the war, the German servicemen possessed mainly their "Soldbuch", as they were released or made P.o.W. remotely from regular administration)   If the subject is discharged from the Services, the "Wehrpass" is returned to him and his evidence of having served. Any person, therefore, in possession of a "Wehrpass" is not actullay engaged in military service, but has either simply registered for it or been discharged from it;  the Wehrpass" will show if he has served and been discharged.  For these reasons, it must necessarily match his "Arbeitspass" (Arbeitsausweis).  


13 July 1945.


KV 2/246-1, page 102    (minute 456b) Original filed in PF 66648

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

                                                                                            Original filed in PF 66648 (= KV 2/430 - KV 2/431)

            Extract from Statement of Dr. Haferkorn, head of the English Section of the Foreign Broadcast Dept., of the German Foreign Office, dated 13th July, 1945.


                    William Joyce.        For the first month or two of the war I was given the task of censoring Joyce's scripts on behalf of the Foreign Office (A.A.)  I sometimes disagreed with certain passages in these talks, and on several occasions cut out some of his more cynical remarks, and his attacks on Leading British personalities, because I was of the opinion that they had no propaganda value.

                    For some reason or other our privilege of censoring Joyce's talks beforehand was cancelled, and ever since that time I never saw his scripts until after they had actually been broadcast.

                    In the course of time Joyce got the knack of voicing his opinions in a personal way, although strictly within the scope of the lines of propaganda laid down jointly by the Propaganda Ministry and the Foreign Office.  I do known however, that on certain occasions he felt hampered by the shackles of Sprachreglung (official vocal guidance).

                    At a later date Joyce commenced the series known as "Views on the News".  he broadcast this daily, with the exception of his day off- usually a Wednesday - when Dietze deputised for him.

                    I last saw Joyce on 25th April, 1945, at Apen, and he was then on his way to Hamburg.


KV 2/246-1, page 103    (minute 456y)

                                                                                                                                                                         Crown Copyright

                                                            Note.                                S.L.B.3. Mr. Wakefield For information and retention.

1.            Mr. Wakefield and Mr. Sinclair, together with Mr. Lynch, conferred with Mr. Vincent Evans of the department of the Director of Public Prosecution (D.P.P.) regarding the cable received by the Foreign Office from H.M. Consul General New York, in which the Consul general reported that he had found a record of naturalisation of a Michael Joyce at King's County Court, Brooklyn.

2.            Mr. Sinclair asked what reply the Foreign Office should give to Messrs. Ludlow & Co., solicitors for the Defence, and pointed out that the terms of the cable were rather optimistic, whereas M.I.5 and the F.B.I. were of opinion, without being certain, that there was no record of naturalisation of Michael Joyce (William Joyce's father). In the circumstances Mr. Sinclair enquired whether the reply should be deferred (delayed)  until such time as the result of the F.B.I. inquiries were known.

3.            Mr. Vincent Evans expressed the view that the Foreign Office should inform Messrs. Ludlow & Co. of the terms of the cable received by the Foreign Office;  the matter was one in which the Foreign Office was carrying out a request by the solicitors for the Defence, and the only reason why M.I.5, and in return the Director of Public Prosecutions, became aware of this inquiry was because of the liaison existing between the Foreign Office and M.I.5.  Mr. Vincent Evans suggested, however, that the F.B.I. in New York should have their attention directed to what had been found by H.M. Consul General, and that it was arranged that a copy of the cable in question should be sent to Mr. Lynch for transmission to New York.


S.L.B.1.   12.7.45                                    Sgd. D.H. Sinclair.


KV 2/246-1, page 106

                                                                                                                                                                             Crown Copyright

            S.L.B.3.   Colonel Cussen.

                                I attach Margaret Joyce's letter to William (her husband), with extracts of the more interesting passages.  You said you would sent it on.


                    S.L.B.3.    11.7.45                            Sgd. G.E. Wakefield


KV 2/246-1, page 107    (minute 454a)

                                                                                                                                              Crown Copyright

            Deputy Assistant Commissioner

            Special Branch (at Scotland Yard Whitehall)

Rex versus William Joyce.

                    Reference Chief Inspector Bridges' report dated 6 July 45  attaching copy of a letter received by him from Edwin Quentin Joyce (William's brother) attaching copy of a letter received by him from Edwin Quentin Joyce together with a communication addressed by the latter to Mrs. Margaret Joyce (William Joyce's wife).

                    The letter addressed to Mrs. Joyce is being forwarded through official channels and Chief Inspector Bridges is at liberty to inform E.Q. Joyce accordingly, if he wishes to do so.

                                                                                                                                        Sgd.      Colonel


KV 2/246-1, page 110 + 111

                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

Extracts from letter from Margaret Joyce to her husband dated Brussels 1.7.45.

                    "I certainly got good and left behind this time!    And now they cant the markings on my fleece and don't really know to what flock (herd) I belong.  Really, the young Intelligent who acted as postman (Capt. W.J. Skardon?) came along yesterday and wanted to know who brought me here and why, because they have no papers about me at the Intelligentia and don't really believe in me.  Fortunately, I was able to tell him to whom I had officially handed over or what ever happened.   It sounds a little as though the old portcullis (gate) is beginning to creek.  I don't know whether to be glad or not.  It would be nice to be in the same town or country as you, but on the other hand an English prison, although more civilised, no doubt, would certainly not be so homely as this one.  The nuns (sisters) destroy the prison atmosphere, and the fact that most of the other prisoners are also at least partly of the right way of thinking, is very comforting.

                    However, nothing has happened yet, and in the meantime the Intelli-gents are evidently making themselves responsible for me, which is nice, because although in common with most of their fellow countrymen, they may be 'idiotes', they do know their own job and always extremely courteous and even kind.  Yesterday  the "postman" brought along a nice A.T.S. officer to see me in case there were any female oddments I needed ... I am being well cared for as we are "Obdachlos" (without an own roof above us) and "Arbeitslos" (jobless), it is not too bad here ...

                    I wish I knew what is happening.  neither the postman nor A.T.S. had the slightest idea as to whether you had been committed for trial or not.  That is the worst thing, not knowing what is happening. Not only about us (which frankly, Hell) but in general.

                    What has happened to old Quisling (he was sentenced to death in Norway)?  Have they caught that swine Ribbentrop (Yes they ultimately did about Hamburg)?   What is Russia doing about Japan? (AOB, the Atomic bombs had not yet been dropped) ...  Did they change your German money, or is that with mine here?  It it is, I have the impression that a lot of yours was stolen.  Something the handsome Intelli-gent Major Randall said at Lüneburg gave me the idea that I had yours too ... Fortunately, I managed to hang on to my cash until to go to Lüneburg. The Lüneburgians were deathly honest, and the fact that some things are missing is due to the fact that they are not expert packers and not to ill will ...

                    If I should be taken to England and charged. I shall get in touch with Head at once ... I am the only one with a cell to my myself and British officers come to see me.  My social standing is something that would even get by in Boston.

3.7.45.                Just got your letter.

(Sgd.  Your Wife.



KV 2/246-1, page 116

                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

                                86 Underhill Road,

                                        East Dulwich,

                                                    London, S.E.22

                    4th July, 1945

            Chief Inspector T. Bridges,

            Special Branch

            New Scotland Yard,


            London, S.W.1


            Dear Sir,

re Mrs. Margaret Joyce.

                    I would very much like to communicate with my sister-in-law, Mrs. Margaret Joyce, who is at present detained in, I believe, military custody somewhere in Belgium.

                    Very naturally, both my brother, William, and I would like to get news of her, and to satisfy ourselves that she is being well cared for wherever she may be.  My brother (William Joyce) has been very anxious because he has had no news of since he was in Flensburg, and although he has written to her, he has, as yet, received no reply to his letters.

                    I feel that she, also, must be very worried because she has had no news of him, and I want to do my utmost to reassure her that my brother's health is improving daily, and his spirits have never been higher.

                    I know that, strictly speaking, the Special Branch is not directly concerned with my sister-in-law's position at present; but I would be more than grateful for any assistance you could give me in this matter.  As I haven't the foggiest idea of the correct procedure to adopt, perhaps you would be kind enough to advise me on this point.  I enclose a short letter which I have addressed to Margaret, and if it is at all possible for you to have it sent to the appropriate authorities for onward transmission and delivery, I shall be most pleased.

                    Assuring you my sincere appreciation for any assistance which you might be able to render me.

                    I beg to remain,

                    Yours faithfully,

                                                (Sgd)  E. Quentin Joyce.

KV 2/246-1, page 113 + 112

Next: Quentin Joyce's letter (concept) to his sister-in-law Margaret dealt with in the foregoing letter to Chief Inspector T. Bridges

                                                                                                                             Crown Copyright

                                                                            86, Underhill Road,

                                                                                                East Dulwich,          

                                                                                                    London, S.E.22

                                                                        4th July, 1945

            My dear Margaret,

                        In the hope that the Security Department will have no objection to you receiving this short letter from me, I am writing a few lines to enquire how you are getting on, and to express the fervent hope that you are not finding your present environment, wherever it may be, too oppressive.

                        I have been wanting to write to you for a long time - ever since I read of your arrest and detention, but I hadn't the slightest idea of your whereabouts.  The many contradictory Press references only succeeded in making the question even more obscure.

                        First and foremost, I hope that you are in good health. From the pictures I have seen of you in the Press and on the news-reel, you certainly appear pretty fit.  Secondly, I hope that you are not too uncomfortable where you are, and that your custodians are treating you with due consideration.

                        Now my dear Margaret, I know that you are main source of anxiety will be over William.  Well, as you may had heard from him by now, I see him very frequently - almost every day, in fact, and his spirit is absolutely magnificent.  I have always been considered a fairly cheerful sort of character myself;  but by comparison with him I must appear a real Dismal Desmond!  My first visit to him had a really tonic effect on me.  I was amazed by his cheerfulness and his complete indifference to his immediate surroundings.  His only sorry was that he had not been able to get any new of you, and he was anxious for your sake,  However, he tells me that he has now received permission to correspond with you, and that is a very great relief to him.

                        As regards his health, he is improving every day.  When I first saw him, he was very far from well, having no colour at all.  His limp was most pronounced and he was suffering a certain amount of pain from the wound he received.  Now, after a couple of weeks in Brixton, he is pulling round in a miraculous manner.  The wound has healed very wellm and he is experiencing no pain from it at all.  He is putting on weight, and he is gaining more colour every day.  His only at present is from his ankle which has given him some pain at night.  he is receiving treatment for it, and I expect that in the course of two or three weeks he will be all right again.  So, Margaret, please don't worry about his health - he is doing better than → could be expected.

                        With regard to the forthcoming proceedings at the Old Bailey,  please don't worry - I feel that everything will turn out all right. At this stage one cannot serve any useful purpose by discussing the case - we must contain ourselves in patience.

                        You mother called to see William last week, and she took the news very well.  William will have told you about the visit in the letter he wrote on, I believe, the following day.

                        When I know that we are permitted to correspond, I shall write to you at greater length and let you have all the news. In the meantime, my dear Margaret, keep your chin up and keep smiling - the darkest hours always come before the dawn.

                                        With all best wishes and lots of love,


                                                                                As ever,




KV 2/246-1, page 118 + 119     (minute 447b)

                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright


            Mr. Sinclair.

William Joyce.

                    You may like to have the following Note on the visitors and Correspondence reports.

A. Visitors.

                    The regular visitors have been his brother Quentin and John McNab.

1.                    On June 22nd he told Quentin that he was drunk when he made the recording for his final broadcast.

2.                    On June 28th Quentin said a cable had been received from the Stanton's in America.  William said "he remembered his mother telling him about a year or two before the war that his father was stateless, and he was wondering how she had obtained the information.  Maybe it was something to do with Insurance, as he remembered her saying about his father being younger than he had believed.  Quentin said he was trying to get some information about this and was going to write to Pennsylvania that day.  William said he believed his father became a naturalised American, but lost his American citizenship through failing to renew his papers.  If there was no record of it in New York, there might be in New Jersey. He said he supposed that the copy of "Twilight over England" (Dämmerung über England) which yje prosecution had got, was the copy Margaret had kept with her belongings.  A large number had been sold in Prisoners of War camps.

3.                    On June 29th he told Quentin that Mr. Head was getting advice from an American lawyer, and that, though the burden of proof was on the Prosecution, the Defence would have to have some evidence to put against theirs.

4.                    On July 2nd he said that "upon the piece of information supplied this morning",   his counsel were "very hopeful".  He asked Quentin to see Mr. Head and'"press the point about the High Commissioner as it was very important".

B. Correspondence.

                        This is nearly all of F.3.  interest - letter of sympathy from Fascists  etc.  with occasional letter a abuse (or sheer insanity).

                        A letter from Leonard Sinclair suggests that the writer was one of the people who saw Joyce off from Victoria in August 1939.


S.L.B.3.    9.7.45                                                                                                            Sgd.  G.E.  Wakefield.

KV 2/246-1, page 125    (minute 443c)


                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright


The British Broadcasting Corporation


Droitwich Transmitting Station

                3rd July 1945

            Dear Mr. Shelford,

            Last night, on looking though one or two books that I picked up in Apen (see GoogleEarth forgoing), I found tucked in the back of one of them the enclosed two pay-sheets for William Joyce dated 12th August 1943.  As these may be of use to you I am sending them along.

            After finding these I looked in the other books which I have, but there were no more.

            The books actually are various Tauchnitz and Albatross novels.

Yours faithfully

            Mr. Shelford

            58  St. James's Street (the 'home' address of M.I.5 Office)

            London, W.1.


KV 2/246-1, page 126

                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright


         Deutscher Kurzwellensender  Reichs-Rundfunk

G.m.b.H                           Berlin

                            Berlin, den   12. August  1943

Tonaufnahme (Tape recording)


            W. Fröhlich   (William Joyce cover-name)


            Kastanienallee  29 b/ Warnecke


            Ständiger Wohnsitz

            Ständiger  Wohnsitz:

            Wir haben Ihre Mitwirkung in der nachstehender Rundfunkverwaltung  zu den folgende Bedingungen vorgesehen.

            Wochentag, datum, Zeit:    Aufnahme 6.8.43  16.00            Sdg (Sendung) 6/7.8.43, 3.15 (time in the afternoon)   

            Titel der Sendung  Zeitgeschehen (Views on the News).    (i. engl.Sprache)

            Art der Mitwirkung        man u. Sprache

Honorar RM 50  (i.W. Reichsmark Fünfzig

KV 2/246-1, page 129    (minute 443bc)

                                                                                            Crown Copyright



        Your Ref: PF44469 (William Joyce's file number)

        M.I.5  - S.L.B.3.

William Joyce.

1.            Thank you very much for the copies of the documents in the Joyce case which Sinclair supplied to Skardon.  I have two trival comments;  one is that on page 3 of the report Skardon is described as "attached to M.I.5. Liaison Section, SHAEF, which should I should think be M.I.5 Liaison Section, attached to SHAEF"  The other is that the list referred to his statement is not attached in the bundle of documents which we have.

2.            It should, perhaps, be pointed out that the Concordia* side of Jouce's activities plays no part in the case presented against him. This is presumably intentional, and no doubt there is quite enough to hang Joyce (they will be partially disappointed after all) without his work for the German secret broadcasting stations.  But his work for the stations was important, and it is interesting to note that there seems to have been an idea current among British people that it is more dangerous to admit working for these secret stations than working for the open D.E.S. (Deutsche Europasender).  I think you will this idea in Baillie-Stewart's statement (PF 41076) and certainly in Freeman's (L.208/1079).   It may also be behind the reluctance of Yull-Jarosch to admit her connection with Interradio.  This may derive from security precautions and threats made by the Germans to British broadcasters, connected with these secret stations.

* According to recent information these three bogus stations are operated from studios under the Olympic Stadium at the Reichssportfeld, west of Berlin. The organisation responsible for the stations is known as the Büro Concordia.



M.I.5  Liaison Section.

3 July 1945.                                                                                                    Sgd. J.F.E. Stephenson   Major

KV 2/246-1, page 130a +131b  (minute 443b)Note

                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright


            1.        By arrangement with the director of Public Prosecution (D.P.P.). lieut. Colonel Cussen, with whom were Mr. Wakefield and Mr. Sinclair, conferred this morning with Mr. L.A. Byrne.

            2.        Lieut. Colonel Cussen produced to Mr. Byrne the original letter written by Joyce in 1922 (AOB, William Joyce by then he was still infant) to the London University O.T.C. together with his O.T.C. service papers.  Lieut. Colonel Cussen drew Mr. Byrne's particular attention to the statement made by Joyce at that date as to his nationality and loyalty.  Mr. Byrne, having considered the matter, decided that this would be extremely valuable for cross-examination purposes.  The like remark applied applied to Joyce's book "Twilight over England" (Dämmerung über England) in which he refers to himself in the preface as committing "daily acts of treason".

            3.        Mr. Byrne subsequently touched upon the following points:-

            a)        Arbeitsbuch.

                        Mr. Byrne stated that which regard to this he would like some better evidence as to how it came into the possession of the military authorities;  at the Police Court Captain Skardon had identified the signature and had stated that he had received the document shortly prior to going into Court.  Mr. Byrne felt that Major Burt might be able to throw some light on this, as he brought it back from Brussels with him. Lieut. Colonel Cussen stated that this matter was being inquired into.

            b)        American Nationality.

                        Mr Byrne asked as to the position with regard to the inquies being made in the United States.  lieut. Colonel Cussen informed him that as yet no report had been received, though this was expected at any minute;  meantime Joyce's advisers had asked the foreign Office to have inquiries made as to this.  Mr. Byrne was shown Messrs. Ludow's letter to the Foreign Office and the latter's cable to the Embassy in New York.  Lieut. Colonel Cussen informed Mr. Byrne that Joyce uncle, Mr. Brooke, was being seen again with a view establishing exactly, if possible, the date of Michael Joyce's (William's father) arrival in the United States.

            c)        Allegiance.

                        Mr. Byrne stated that he had had an opportunity of discussing the whole legal question with Sir Oscar Dowson. Legal adviser to the Home Office, and he had also reviewed the authorities.  He had found with some assistance in Foster a passage which stated that in certain circumstances even an enemy alien owed allegiance to His Majesty; he did however point out that Foster, in writing this, was referring to judges declaration made in 1707 at the time of the war against France and Spain.

            d)        Possibility of Irish Nationality.

                        Mr. Byrne enquired at what date the Joyce family came to this country, and Mr. Wakefield informed him that information on this was not very clear, but that it was probably in 1922 after the troubles (The fight against Britain leading toe Irelands independence!) in Ireland.  Mr. Byrne drew attention to the fact that in his statement Joyce said they came in 1921, and the exact date might be very material indeed, having regard to the Irish Treaty Acts of 1922, as it might be that Joyce was a national of Eire.  Mr. Wakefield stated that he would prepare a note setting out all the information in the possession of M.I.5 as to the date of Joyce's family's arrival in this country, and a copy of this would be submitted to the D.P.P.

            e)        Mr. Byrne informed Lieut. Colonel Cussen that he had now received a brief in this case, and that the Authorney General was going to lead him and Mr. Gerald Howard, for which reason all the views that he had expressed were subject to the Attorney General's opinion.


S.L.B.1.   5.7.45                                                                                                Sgd.  D.H. Sinclair.


KV 2/246-1, page 134

                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

Intercepted letter dated 28 June from Patrick Joyce in Mayo, to Quentin Joyce.

"Your uncle John is living in 212 Arlington Avenue, Jersey City, and he would be the best to locate Tommy Stanton who is now well advanced in law.  Your aunt Ellen, Mrs. Stanton, is living but have not got her address.  Your aunt Lizzie is dead. The last letter I had from Michael was from Shrewsbury.  He is studying law, but is still in the Air Force (The US was still at War with Japan, and the atomic bombs had not yet been dropped). Willie his brother, is in the U.S. Navy, his home address is W.B. Joyce, Indian Valley Inn, Kirkonson, N.Y.  He would be a good element if you could locate him and he has frequent correspondence with the Stantons. I can prove to your father's citizenship as I seen his papers, but I have no dates.



(2)  (18 July 2022)



KV 2/246-2, page 1   (minute 437b)

                                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

Rex versus William Joyce.

            1.        Further to my note of the 25th June, Joyce came up on remand this morning before the Chief Magistrate, Sir Bertrand Watson, when he was formally committed for trial to the Central Criminal Court at the sessions commencing July 17th next.

         2.        Mr. C.B.V. Head (Messrs. Ludlow & Co) applied to the Magistrate for a Defence and for two counsel, and both these applications were granted.

        3.         In informal conversation with Mr. Head after the hearing, I enquired who he proposed taking in and he told me that by way of "starting off" he proposed to brief Mr. Derek Curtis-Bennett K.C., but added that there might be someone else later on.  As I understood by this that he meant that he intended to brief the leader senior to Mr. Curtis-Bennett, I enquired whether he was going to take in Serjeant Sullivan K.C., and Mr. Head was good enough to tell me that he was considering this, though his view was, -and this was particularly held by Joyce - that the latter was too old. Mr. Head continued saying that he would really like to go to Ireland  and arrange for some leading King's Counsel from there with a great deal of fight in him to come across and assist in the defence.  Mr. Head added that he welcomed this case because, as compared with some of the Treachery Act cases, he felt that Joyce really had got a defence, which would enable them to put up a very good fight indeed.

S.L.B.1.  28.6.45                                    Sgd. D.H. Sinclair.


KV 2/246-2, page 2   (minute 437ab)


                                                                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright           

Supreme Headquarters

Allied Expeditionary Force

Office of Assistant Chief of Staff G-2 (military Secret Service)

23 June, 1945


                    Subject:    William Joyce

                    To       :    M.I.5 Liaison Section

                                    Reference your  SLB3/NWE/36   dated 20 June, 1945. 

                                2.    Confirming the signal which I sent you over SLU two days ago, the party which was being organised here was entirely an American affair and, consequently, there was no possibility of getting you included. I have no evidence that a similar party is going from the 21 Army Group, but it seemed to me that this would be likely to be the case.  I, therefore, suggested that it might be possible for you to join up with the British party and I understand from King, to whom I spoke yesterday, that you are trying to arrange this.

                                3.    The party from here left yesterday and I explained our requirements fully to Colonel Sheen.  I understand that their mission is to discuss the take-over of the various national districts in Berlin and, as you know, the general form is to limit very strictly the scope of such missions to the purposes for which they being sent. On previous occasions it has been our experience that it has been quite impossible to introduce into the discussions subjects extraneous to the objects of the particular mission. Colonel Sheen, however, promised me that he would do everything he could to make contact with someone on the Russian side to whom he could present our views of William Joyce's case.

For the AG (Army Group) of S (Section?) G-2:


R.B. MacCleod

Lt-Col, GS (General Staff?)


KV 2/246-2, page 5 + 6b   (minute 435ab)

                                                                                                                                                           Crown Copyright

                      Rex versus William Joyce.

            1.        Joyce came up on remand this morning before the Chief Magistrate, Sir Bertrand Watson, when Mr.  L.A. Byrne (instructed by the Director of Public Prosecution) (D.P.P.) appeared for the Crown, Joyce being represented by Mr. C.B.V.  Head (Mesrs. Ludow&Co.)

            2.        Mr. Byrne outlined the circumstances of the case against Joyce, saying that he was charged with Treason in respect of his work for the German Radio during the course of the war.  Mr Byrne also drew attention to the Statement under Caution taken by Captain Skardon, in which Joyce raised the question of his nationality.  Mr. Byrne continued by saying that the submission to the Crown was that Joyce was a man who owned allegiance to the King, as his passport application he had described himself (1922) as a British subject of birth, being born at Rutledge Terrance, Galway, Ireland. (AOB, a nice example as to proof a Crown case; of which they were well aware that some were constructed lies! When their Mr. Byrne added that his latter aim would have been to neglect some rights following the same circumstances, they would have completely concluded the contrary. Hence, their arguments had been entirely constructed!)  Mr. Byrne added that this latter statement was incorrect, as amongst evidence found in Joyce's possession and admitted by him was a copy of his birth certificate, which showed him to have been born in Brooklyn, New York;  despite the possibility of American nationality, Mr. Byrne said that there was authority for saying that even an alien might in certain circumstances owe allegiance to His Majesty. (AOB: without bringing the proof, again)

            3.        Evidence was given on behalf of the Prosecution by the following witness:-

            i)        Mr. Godwin, Passport Office, who proved his Passport Application, and who, in cross examination on by Mr. Head, stated that at the time of the application a copy of Joyce's birth certificate was nor requested from Joyce.

            ii)        Inspector A. Hunt, Special Branch, who gave evidence as to broadcasts by joyce on the German Radio throughout the war years; he also proved that he was familiar with Joyce's voice, having frequently heard him speak at political meetings (in pre-war days).

            iii)        Captain A. Lickorish, who proved Joyce apprehension on the Danish border, and who in cross examination by Mr. head declared that Joyce at the material time carried no firearms.

            iv)        Captain W.J. Skardon, who proved the taking of the statement under Caution and the various documents, all of which had been admitted by Joyce. (Please remember: that they are dealing in times, when William Joyce was already, for several years, a legal German citizen!) (not intellect was what counted, but their frustrations!) In addition he  proved? the receipt for 200 marks and the Work-Book (Arbeitsbuch/Arbeitsausweis) which had come to him via the Military Authorities, and the signature of which he identified as being that of William Joyce, (Being since late 1939 legally a German citizen!)

            v)         Mr. Salzedo, who proved his translation of the various documents in German produced by Captain Skardon.  A certain amount of cross examination had previously been put to Captain Skardon as to the document which purported to award Joyce the Iron Cross for War Service (AOB: TOTALLY NONSENSE!   It once had been the K.v.K. Kriegsverdienstkreuz!) (Aleardy this circumstance should bring the proof of this man's complete, incompetence!)(AOB: the "The Iron" Cross was only rewarded to soldiers in combat or directly linked to it; though the K.v.K. was awarded to those, not at combat, though, by still bringing efforts to the German warfare)   And in witness box Mr. Salzedo stated that in his  translation the word : "Iron" had slipped in by inadvertence  (careless).


            4.            On the conclusion of the evidence referred to above,  Mr. Byrne asked for the case to be committed for trial at the Old Bailey for the sessions commencing July 17th, whereupon  Mr. head asked if he might make submission that there was no case to go for the jury.  The Chief Magistrate, Sir Bertrand Watson, after formerly cautioning Joyce, heard Mr. Head's submission.  This was to the effect that Joyce was not a British subject, and that he onus (responsibly) upon the Crown was to show that he was a British subject, as otherwise, if he were an alien, he could not be guilty of treason abroad; all that the Prosecution had shown was that he was born in New York, and that in his passport application he had described himself A  British subject by birth.  Despite this description, and in this connection Mt. head contended there was no estoppel in Criminal Law if the position was that Joyce was an American national no office had been made out.  The evidence of the Crown did not sufficiently establish that he was a British subject owing to allegiance to His Majesty.

            5.            Mr. Byrne, in reply, submitted that the birth certificate showed Joyce to be born of a father born in Ireland and therefore prima facie Engoish.  In addition were were the passport declarations, and he would, if necessary, be prepared to argue the point that an alien might be in certain circumstances owe allegiance to His Majesty.  The Chief Magistrate, giving his decision, said that the prima facie case had been made out.  Joyce would be remanded in custody until Thursday, when he would be committed for trial at the sessions commencing at the Criminal Court on July 17th next.


S.L.B.1.  25.6.45                                                                                                                Sgd. D.H. Sinclair.


KV 2/246-2, page 7a   (minute 435a)

                                                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright


C/O Mail Clerk SHAEF Mission to France

Chase Bank, Rue Cambon, Paris 1

            SLB3/NWE/36                                                                                                                                20 June 1945

From:        M.I.5 Liaison Section

To:    Lieut-Colonel McLeod

G-2 CI, SHAEF Forward

Subject:            William Joyce.

1.            Confirming our telephone conversation, the Director of Public Prosecution is anxious to complete the case against William Joyce by obtaining his original naturalisation papers.  Broadcasts from Radio Moscow earlier this month have consisted of talks on Joyce supported by extracts from what purport to be documentary records, e.g. written report made by Joyce to Dieze (a renegade of dual British and German nationality who is held by 21 Army Group and has been interviewed by this section)*

2.           The only interference from these broadcasts is that the Russian authorities have captured in Berlin documentary records of Joyce and his treachery. These may well include his naturalisation papers (becoming since a German citizen)  and also other material of interest of and importance.

3.            As these broadcast seem to have been designed to apply pressure to the British authorities in taking strong actions against Joyce (they desired at least in vain) it is felt that an offer to send a British officer to take over any records of Joyce which are in the hands of the Russian authorities might be favourably considered by the Russians as a response to their broadcasts  against Joyce.  The Foreign Office have, therefore, been asked to approach the Russians through our Embassy in Moscow, and at your suggestion I have also asked London to make an approach through the War Office to our Military Mission in Moscow.

4.            These approaches are, however, unlikely to lead far enough in the short time that is available before Joyce is tried;  and I should, therefore, be grateful if you would do anything you can to get me to Berlin as soon as possible, or, failing that, to brief Colonel Sheen whom, I understand from you, is already waiting to leave for Berlin by air.  Experience shows that the only way to obtain material of this kind is for an officer who knows the requirements of British Law and is prepared to give evidence in a British Court, to go and get it himself; but if this is impossible, it might be of assistance to colonel Sheen if he could have a copy of the List of our British Renegades, which you have.  There would be no objection to his handling this List to the Russians with the request that any information about the persons named in it should be given him for the British Security authorities, or, better still, kept for an early visit from an officer of this section.   


*    Roderick Eduard Dietze. Who was born in Scotland in 1909 and who holds a British passport. His father supposingly German and his mother was British In his present activities he is assisted by William Joyce (KV 2/428)



J.F.E. Stephenson,

Major  (M.I.5 representative in Paris)

Maybe not really of significance, this letter on behalf of the Foreign Office might still paint some of the circumstances


KV 2/246-2, page 26   (minute 425a)

                                                                                                                                                                                             Crown Copyright                                          

                    [Cypher]                                                                                                                                                                PRIPER.

From Foreign Office to SHAEF  (Forward).

Mr. Kirkpatrick.


                D.12.35 a.m.  June 20th, 1945.

                June 20th, 1945






                                Following for Kirkpatrick from Bentinck.


                                In connection with trial of William Joyce, prosecution require (a) documentary evidence of Joyce naturalisation as German citizen alleged to have occurred in 1940 and (b) a competent German official to testify to authenticity of (a).

                                2.        Please telegraph whether you can assist us in obtaining these requirements. Matter is pressing.



KV 2/246-2, page 27   (minute 424c)

                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

                  Extract from Statement by James Royston Clark dated 19th June, 1945.

                    I am prepared to give you what information I can concerning the various persons I have met in Germany who were connected with the Propaganda Ministry.

. . .

                                William Joyce.    I was closely associated with Joyce during the whole time I was at the Rundfunk.  Between February 1940 and July 1942, I saw him broadcasting or recording almost every day. Far a period we worked on alternative shifts.  Joyce was chief news reader and the Rundfunk's most important commentator.  He wrote his own talks and usually they were broadcast direct, recordings being made to cover absence on his weekly rest day (Ruhetag), and for retransmission on short wave stations.  The centre of all English broadcasting was Berlin and as far as I know all Hamburg and Bremen talks were relayed by land line from Berlin.  I remember on one occasion only seeing Joyce pay slip which shewed that he received 300 R.M. a week, but it was suggested that he received as much a 1000 R.M. per week. (AOB, then his salary must have equalled that of a high grade officer!)

                                He had a position of considerable authority, being closely associated with all "high-ups" in the Rundfunk and the Ministry itself.  he had a strong personal influence which increased as time went on, over all new broadcasts to England.  Joyce also personally supervised English broadcasts from Villa Concordia, the German Secret Station. Joyce told me he applied for German nationality when he first arrived in the country (say, 27 August 1939) and sometime in 1940 this was granted (AOB, but before someone received a passport the procedure was commenced and approved previously; and we have to think of December 1939).  His Kennkarte which I have seen showed him as German. I know that Joyce was armed for I have seen him with a fairly large automatic and I believe he always carried it. (Please notice in particular: KV 2/430 and KV 2/431)


KV 2/246-2, page 28   (minute 423a)

                                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright


                    F.3.   Mr. Mitchell.

Rex versus William Joyce.

                                S.B.L.3. Mr. Wakefield informs me that you are still interested in Joyce's former (business) partner, John Angus MacNab - PF 48107.

                                At his request I am accordingly enclosing copy of MacNab's letter to the Chief Magistrate at Bow Street in which he expresses his readiness to give evidence in any case against Joyce.

                                So far as the prosecution is concerned, you may take it that he will not be called as a witness; this does not, however, preclude the possibility of his being called as a witness by Joyce in his defence, though what he could say which would be relevant is to my mind open to considerable doubt. (AOB, there has been in the pre-war day a period when Joyce and MacNab had quite some misunderstandings)

                S.L.B.1.    19.6.45                                    Sgd.   D.H. Sinclair


KV 2/246-2, page 30   (minute 422b)

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Outward Telegram


[Cypher]                                                                                Departmental No.1.

From Foreign Office to Moscow.


No. 3369.                                                                                    D.7.15  p.m.   17th June, 1945

                    16th June, 1945


                                In a report published by the "Evening Standard" on 5th June, it was stated that, in the English Broadcast over the Moscow wireless on the same day, a Russian observer, referring to the discovery in Berlin Radio House (AOB: Reichssportfeld or Masuren Allee?) of alleged secret documents relating to William Joyce ("Lord Haw-Haw")  announced as follows:-

                                "I have discovered several letters written to Joyce by certain British and German Fascists.  There is a great deal of material, all worthy of closest study".

                                2.    I should be glad if you would endeavour to ascertain from the Soviet authorities what this material is and to obtain any original documents which they may possess.

                                3.    In this connection you might take the opportunity of informing the Soviet authorities that any documents related to British renegades which may come into their possession would be of interst to the legal authorities in this country.


KV 2/246-2, page 31a + 32a    (minute 422a)


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Metropolitan Police


            Special Branch,

        18th day of    June, 1945

                    Further to Special Branch report dated 16.6.45 relative to the arrest and charging of William Joyce :

                    At 10.40 a.m. today William Joyce appeared before the Chief Magistrate, Sir Bertrand Watson, at Bow Street Magistrate Court, and after I had given formal evidence of arrest he was remanded until Monday 25th June, 1945.  The learned magistrate intimated that the court would be at the disposal of the Prosecution to proceed immediately with the case on that date.

                    Joyce made application for legal aid and was granted a certificate for that purpose.

                    Later in the day Joyce was conveyed by Police van and lodged in Brixton Prison - Body receipt ("meant is William Joyce") attached.

                    A copy of the medical certificate provided by the Military Authorities on the continent, and 'the X-Ray photographs of Joyce's wounds - which were handed to me on his arrival in this country - together with a copy of the Divisional Surgeon's  report, made after he had examined Joyce at Bow Street Police Station, were handed to the Prison Authorities for the information of the Prison Medical Officer.

                    The proceedings passed off without untoward (inconvenient) incident and no former associates of Joyce were recognised in the court of the precincts (confines) thereof. 

                    This morning a letter bearing the postmark: "Chester 10 p.m. 17.6.45"  addressed: "William Joyce, Esq. Bow Street Police Court, London W.C.", written in pencil - block capitals - was delivered at Bow Street Police Station.  It was opened and the enclosure was found to be a half sheet of paper, with the following "You have done great work to save the world - millions support you - tell all and you will win.  Best Luck" written thereon in pencil - bock capitals.  The letter is submitted herewith.  There is no indication from whom the letter came and I think it can be ignored.

                    Later in the day a second letter was delivered at Bow Street the postmark:  "London, N1.  9.15 a.m.  '8th June, 1945" addressed:  "William Joyce, Esq., Prisoner, Bow St. Police Courts, London.  It was opened and the enclosure as floows:

"30, Gibon Square, Islington, London, N.1  18.6.45.  Dear Mr.  Joyce, I remember meeting you, pre war, with Mr.  Thorne, and you like to give my name, as one of your counsel, to your Solicitor I will willingly help in your defence. Yours sincerely (signed)  A.M. McCloskey, Barrister-at-Law".

                    The letter is submitted is herewith.  Discreet enquiries are being made to ascertain the identity of the writer.

                    When I attended a conference at the Old Bailey relative to the Joyce case on Thursday 14th June, 1945 Mr. L.A. Byrne,  Senior Treasury Counsel,  asked if a further statement could be made by someone who had heard Joyce speaking on the radio between 1939 and 1942.  A statement relative thereto has been made by Inspector Hunt of his department and I ask for authority to hand copies of the statement and copies of this report to the Director of Public Prosecution (D.P.P.) and M.I.5.


                    Sgd. Bridges

                                Chief Inspector (Special Branch).


KV 2/246-2, page 33   (minute 421a)


                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

            Strictly Private and Confidential                                                                                                                                        Room 055 (War room)

                                                                        18th June, 1945.

                    Dear Mr. Salzedo,

Rex versus William Joyce.

                                This is to confirm my telephone conversation with you of last week, when I asked you to attend at Bow Street on Monday next, the 25th.

                                As you will have seen from Press today, Joyce was remanded in custody over the whole of the evidence in the Police Court on that daym so that he can be committed for trial for the session at the Old Bailey commencing July 17th.

                                In the meantime I am, as promised, sending you a copy of your Statement of Evidence, together with a bundle of the photostats (photograph copies on photographic paper, resulting in a photo-negative paper copy), translations of which you made;  the translations follow in each case the relevant document in German (language).  I may at a later stage have to ask you to let me have this back.  Document no. 1 is not included in this bundle, as it is a document in English with which I had not meant to trouble you.

Yours sincerely,

    D.H. Sinclair.

S.L. Salzedo, Esq.,

93-94 Chancery Lane,

London, W.C.2.


KV 2/246-2, page 34    (minute 420a)

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Rex versus William Joyce.

            1.        The above named came before the Chief Magistrate, Sir Bertrand Watson, at Bow Street this morning at 10.30 hours, when Mr. H.A.K. appeared on behalf of the Director of Public Prosecution. (D.P.P.). Joyce was not legally represented.

            2.        Mr. Morgan outlined briefly the charge made against Joyce, informing the Magistrate that it was one of Treason under the Treason Act of (the year) 1351.  He went on to point out that the Treason Act of 1945, which had received the Royal Assent on Friday last, the 15th, had the effect greatly simplifying the procedure in trials for Treason. (AOB, is/was it in Britain legally allowed to accuse someone on terms not yet existing at a date before the according legislation came in force; in my perception this might have constituted the reason for the jurisprudence to the year 1351?)   Mr. Morgan further stated that at this stage he only intended to call evidence of arrest.

            3.        Inspector Bridges, Special Branch, then went into the witness box and gave evidence of the arrest of Joyce on his arrival in this country from Germany.  Joyce, when asked if he wished to cross examine Inspector Bridges, declined.

            4.        It was eventually agreed that Joyce should be remanded in custody for one week; the Chief Magistrate intimating that the Court would sit from day to day thereafter, with a view to the case being committed for trial, assuring that there was a prima facie (Google provides:  based on the first impression; accepted as correct until proved otherwise) case, for the July sessions at the Central Court.

            5.        The Chief Magistrate enquired as to legal assistance being available for Joyce, and Mr. Morgan stated to legal assistance being available for Joyce; and Mr. Morgan stated that so far as he was aware Joyce had no funds; a certain amount of foreign currency had been found in his effects, but this was of no value.  The Chief Magistrate thereupon asked Joyce if he wanted legal aid, and he replied in the affirmative.  A certificate for legal aid was accordingly granted.


S.L.B.1.    18.6.45                                            Sgd.  D.H. Sinclair.

(Please, bear always in mind: that the entire KV 2/xxxx serials are, with increasing page-numbers proceeding are running backwards in time; with the exception of the reproduced Minute Sheets)


KV 2/246-2, page 36a + 37b    (minute 418b)

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Metropolitan Police

- - -

                 Special Branch

                    16th day of June, 1945

                     On Saturday 16th June, 1945 in company with Detective Sergeant Fletcher,, and Lieutenant-Colonel Cussen of M.I.5., I went to the R.A.F. Aerodrome and there from the continent (Belgium or Germany?) under military escort at 4.20 p.m.

                I saw Joyce when he disembarked from the aeroplane, told him I was a Police officer and that I was going to arrest him and take him to Bow Street Police Station where he would be charged with High Treason.  He was cautioned and replied, "Yes. Thank you".  Joyce was then conveyed to Bow Street Police Station where he was charged as follows:

                 "For that he committed High Treason in that he, between 2nd September 1939 and 29th May, 1945 being a person owing allegiance to His Majesty The King adhered to the King's enemies elsewhere than the Kings Realm, to wit, in the German Realm. Contrary to the Treason Act, (of the year), 1351". (AOB, after al, the allegations would only stand between 2nd September 1939 and mid December 1939; all their efforts to extend matters (acquisitions) up to 1945 had been in vain, ultimately)

                The charge was read over to him, he was cautioned and said, "I have heard the charge and take cognizance of it, but I shall not add anything the statement I have made to the Military Authorities:, (see my statement - attached).   He was then searched.

                Certain properties belonging to Joyce was handed to me by Major Burt of M.I.5. and is enumerated on the lists attached. Major Burt also handed me three X-ray photographs showing the extent of the injuries Joyce received at the time he was detained by the military medical Officer's certificate, which reads as follows:

                "25 MP/DB.  B.L.A. 16th June, 1945.  Joyce, William.  the above-named complained(?) of stiffness of the legs and difficulty in bending on admission here.  he has made good improvement on graduated exercises. He has a mild scborrhoeic dermatitis of scalp which has improved considerably. (Signed) ?  Captain R.A.M.C."

                In view of the contents of this medical certificate, and after consultation with Superintendent Seymour of "E" Division, it was deemed advisable to have Joyce seen by the Divisional Surgeon.  Dr. W.A. Kennedy, Divisional Surgeon attended Bow Street Police Station at 8.30 p.m. examined Joyce and made the following entry in the Divisional Surgeon's Book:

                "8.30 p.m. 16.6.45.  Following gun-shot wound of the right thigh, there is now some limitation of the movement to extension of the leg and flexion at the hip joint.  Recovery of movement, either active or passive, such as occasionally walking, e.g. along the corridor from time to time for the next 36 hours.  He is suffering from scborrhoeic dermatitis, which has been treated, and which is at present is not acute.  Fit to be detained". (signed)  W.A. Kennedy, Divisional Surgeon."

                The Note handed to me by D.A.S.  S.B. (Special Branch?) relating to the arrest and charging of Joyce was handed to press Bureau at 7.25 p.m.

Sgd. (Frank) Bridges

                   Chief Inspector


KV 2/246-2, page 49a    (minute 413b)

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Statement of Dr. Hans Hartman, Dozent of Celtic Philology, at Berlin University.

            C/o    Frau Lange,  Gastestrasse (Gästestrasse?),

                                        Westerstede (about east of Apen)

Who saith:-.

                    I had been in Southern Ireland from April 1937 to September 1939, when I (he was forced to) returned to Germany in the party of Germans who travelled through London in the first days of the war with the special permission of the Foreign Office (AOB, likely considered being consular personnel).  I returned to an appointment at Berlin University which included the comparative study of Indo-European languages. There I wrote a thesis about Irish folklore, which I have since published in book form.  I was appointed assistant to Dr. Mulhausen (Muhlhausen or Mühlhausen?) at Berlin who was then doing broadcasts in Gaelic.  At the beginning of 1940 he called upon me to help him. One week he did one broadcast and the next week I did the other.  After a while he said that the work was too much for him, and at the and of 1940 he told me that he wanted to retire and asked me to take over the job alone.  This I did.  I used to go to the Rundfunk for information, and then wrote out the notes I had made and spoke them weekly on Sunday. My information came from the daily information and regulations in the (Rund)funk, all of which was controlled largely by the Propaganda Ministry and the Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt).  The special department in the Foreign Office (A.A.) to deal with this was called Rundfunk Politischer Abteilung.

                    I was called upon by the Foreign Office (A.A.)  to listen in to Radio Athlone especially to the Gaelic part.  This was in 1941, and I worked at Wannsee (West of Berlin) in a sub-department of the Abt.Ru. Concordia was not there when I was there.

                    Then I was transferred from the Department of Education, under which Berlin University came, to the Foreign Office, and I worked in the Seehaus as member of the staff of the Abt.Ru. In September 1941 the Irish Redaktion was set up with Dignoviy at the head.  This came under the Landesgruppe West (which broadcast to France, Holland, and Eire).  As Eire was neutral the programmes were then not attached to the U.K. Redaktion.  Working with Dignovity when I came was Blair and Graf Kergvaer, who said he was a count.  Afterwards I think they thought that Kervaer might have been connected with a foreign secret service.  He was therefore dismissed and I believe he was detained for some time.  It was a big case but I do not know what happened.  I lost sight of him after that; but I think he was French.

                    They did some transmissions in English, because they thought at that time they should also broadcast to Ireland in English.  This Redaktion was set up then, and they did daily two broadcasts in English to Ireland, and I kept up my Gaelic broadcasts and had nothing to do with the English broadcasts (Sendung). I did not go to the office because I always went to the Sender-Leitung  to look at the material available and made my recording. They then found out that  Dignovity knew nothing of Ireland, Blair very little and had spent most of his life in Paris, Graf Kervaer nothing at all and Frau Kovanko, who had escaped from Russia in 1917, even less.  There were some mistakes and Dignovity was told that this could not go on, and I, with my knowledge of Gaelic, was asked to take charge;  but being a scientist I did not like the job, but I did my best and carried on as well as possible. I tried to avoid the job, but

KV 2/246-2, page 50b

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no-one else was available and when in 1941 I took over I had Blair, Dignovity and Kovanko.  They all worked at the Funkaus (Seehaus) where the broadcasting was done.  I kept Blair for some time, and after a while I tried to get better people; but it was almost impossible because there were few Irishmen and the commentators available were of course already engaged.  After two or three month I asked Blair to look for some other job.  Then Hilton came. They were there together for a short time.  They were always fighting and that brought things to a climax.  They often broadcast together, and as I say were always fighting so it is quite possible they quarrelled at the microphone.  Hilton was the cleverer, so I ket her.  She came to me from Concordia.*  Frau Poepping, also from the Foreign Office (A.A.), worked with me as an editor.  She was a German.

* According to recent information these three bogus stations are operated from studios under the Olympic Stadium at the Reichssportfeld, west of Berlin. The organisation responsible for the stations is known as the Büro Concordia. 

                    We used to make two or three transmissions, and for a short time we made four;  but generally we he had three transmissions lasting three-quarters of an hour each day.  This included news and short talks based on the material we had got daily.  Some of the talks were provided by the Foreign Office (A.A.) and the scripts of these were marked "A.A." (Auswärtiges Amt).  A special man called Vernum was writing for us.  He was also acting as a secretary to Dr. Mahr, who was in charge of the Irish Department of Abt. Ru.  He also belonged to the English Section of Ru.  and did proof-reading, translations. etc. Afterwards I lost sight of him.            

                    O'Reilly, my first Irish speaker, was parachuted into Ireland in 1943 I think.  One day he came to me to say that he had been approached for an important job with the Marine department.    He had to go to Bremen for training and I had to release him.  I saw him later in April and asked him what he had to do.  He said he was expecting to go to Eire either by submarine (U-boat) or by aircraft, there to gather information about the American landings in Northern Ireland and so forth.  He told me his parents lived in the South and that the police would not ask him how he happened to be there. I told him that I thought it difficult to believe and doubted whether he would succeed, that the whole thing would turn out tragedy and do more harm than good to German-Eire relations. I disclosed my doubts to the Sender-Leitung, especially as O'Reilly, who was young and excited, was very foolish about it and would talk about his adventure. To me the whole thing seemed quite impossible and hopeless si I handed in a letter to the Rundfunk setting out these points saying how doubtful  I was about the whole thing. I never saw or heard of O'Reilly again till in Luxemburg I saw in a newspaper that he had been caught and put into prison.  I am not quite sure, but I think that the S.S. (does he mean the S.S. complex or the German Secret Service?) took over O'Reilly from the Marine Department.

                    I was at Luxemburg fro August 1944 to April 1944.  There I cut down transmissions to three a day and the following people of interest were on my staff:-

Hupfeld.        was speaker.  I believe him to be a naturalised German.  He moved with me from Luxemburg to Berlin in April 1944 and then to Apen in 1945. As well as reading he also wrote short noted on material that was given to us.

KV 2/246-2, page 51c + 52d

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Stuart, Francis.            Worked with me for some time. He was doing some broadcasting at the beginning of 1942; but he stopped after a few months. He came to Luxemburg in 1943 because he thought it would be convenient to get away from the Berlin air-raids.  He wrote some talks there.  He was a citizen of Eire.

Mullaly.                        Worked with us a short time in Berlin only.

Baillie-Steward.            He also wrote a few talks for us - five or six. I remember the telegram I sent from Luxemburg to Mr. about Baillie-Stewart to which you refer. We were in need of short talks and the Foreign Office suggested he should help us. Baillie-Steward wanted to speak them himself, but I did not want this - all I wanted were some short talks about seven minutes long. However he refused, as so we got nothing.

Mokerjee.                    He was an Indian who wrote for us. I met him first in Berlin when we started these Indian talks, and then in Hilversum (NL) where it is more likely that you will find records of him. "(Those directly related to the German "RundfunkServices were used to regular "tape recordings; whereas Hilversum was used to record still for quite some years to come on phonic-discs") A special group worked there which was there under the care of some Foreign Office Department (Abteilung) and which really had nothing to do with the Deutsche Europasender.

O'Mara.                       Worked very occasionally for us, in all only about six weeks. Mostly she worked for the American and Empire Zone broadcasts and did plays (Hörspiele?). She knew quite a lot of Irish history, but I do not think she is Irish.  I did sometimes ask her to write a few things about Irish history, but very occasionally.  She was very eccentric and very difficult to get on with.

Murphy, W.J.              Never worked for me. I do not remember his name at all.

                    I should add that I saw Naillie-Stewart and his script at the Foreign Office in Berlin and in Vienna (Wien).  He used the name "Lancer".

                    This statement has been read over to me and it is true.

3rd  June  1945.                                                            Sgd. H Hartmann

Additional  Statement.

                    In addition to the above named people, for a short time I had an American named Dillon working for me. This was in 1943 and he worked both at Berlin and Radio Luxemburg.  He wrote and spoke short commentaries in English.  He had been in a P.o.W. camp.  I did not get very well with him and he returned to Berlin.  It is likely that he was returned to Camp.  Whilst with us he would have earned 600/700 RM a month.

                    We also had a man named Martin Erle working with us. He was recognised as a German but I believe he came from America.  He made translations and wrote and spoke commentaries and talks. He worked mainly for the English Redaktion, so I am not sure of his salary, but I expect it would have been in the region of 700 RM.

                    This further statement had been read over and is true.

Sgd.   Hartmann


AOB: I expected in some respect engagement of William Joyce; but as it explains a bit of the organisation of the German foreign language broadcast service; I decided after all not to skip it.


KV 2/246-2, page 53a    (minute 413b;  (Ii))

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                             Apen. (the site were towards the end the war the German Broadcast was situated/housed; as was William Joyce)

                                                           28 May 1945   

 Statement of Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm Schoeberth,   C/o  Frerichs,  Hauptstrasse, Apen

                    I came to Germany from Cardiff on about 25 June 1939, being due to lecture in Germany during the summer vacation. I had been independent lecturer in Germany at the University of Wales, Cardiff, for nine years previous to this date.  I first worked in the Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) under Habe and then in October, 1939, I was put into the Radio department of the Foreign Office (Seehaus) under Haverkorn (KV 2/826). There we worked as liaison officers between the Foreign Office and the Reichsrundfunk giving instructions from Dr. Hesse (Fritz KV 2/915)Radio adviser to Ribbentrop). With us at the time were Baillie-Stewart and Vernum writing manuscripts which we submitted to the Reichsrundfunk for broadcasting. I stayed there until July or August 1940, and then I was asked to join Ambassador Bene in Holland.  He had been Consul-General in Italy, became ambassador and got a post in Holland.  My job there was to get the monitoring service going. I stayed there until spring of 1942 and then went back to Berlin, again as liaison officer under Hafercorn (Haverkorn) going later to Dietze.  I never joined the Deutsche Europasender, but was handed on to them and put in charge of a couple of news bulletins. I stayed there for three quarters of a year and it was late in 1943 that we were moved to Luxemburg From there I went back to Berlin in April 1944.  The station at Apen was started in June 1944, and I arrived here (Apen) from Berlin in February 1945.  Apen was used as a distribution centre and it had no transmitter. There was a cable from Berlin to Hamburg, from Berlin to Apen and from Hamburg to Apen. Programmes were sent to Apen from Berlin and from Apen they would be distributed to Hamburg, Cologne, Bremen and sometimes Hilversum.

                    I do not know of Interradio.  The Reichsrundfunk consisted of the Deutsche Europasender, The Afrika Zone and the Amerika Zone.  Attached to D.E.S. was Concoria under Hetzler; but Winkelkemper was the director in charge of all foreign broadcasts. Under him came hetzler, Hauschen (Political) and Schmidt-Hansen (responsible for smooth running of the whole thing), while Dietze was assistant to Hauschen and Winkelkemper.  The Propaganda Ministry was responsible, but the Foreign Office (A.A.)  had a representative.  In time the Foreign Office lost its power and in 1939 or 1940 Goebbels became more poerfull than Ribbentrop.  The day began with a conference at 11 a.m. at which Winkelkemper, Schmidt-Hansen and Dietze were present.  The day's programme was worked out and handed on to the rest of the Rundfunk at 12.30 p.m. or 1 p.m. Then everyone began working assisted by the News department.  Joyce, who was only received by Goebbels in the last six months of the war, came in in the afternoon and went through the news from from the monitoring service and wrote his "Views on the News", which was broadcast entirely uncensored (the censor responsible found it easier to listen to it while it was being broadcast). After supper he wrote his Glossen.  In the morning I think he worked for Concordia*; but nobody knows what was done there.  Joyce took German nationality some time after the outbreak of war (AOB: actually applied for it about 2nd September 1939).  It is possible that this might beantedated.  Joyce and Mrs. Joyce worked mainly in Berlin; but they came to Luxemburg early 1944 - Mrs. Joyce coming several times.  They both left Apen with Bothamely and Matheson early April of the year (1945) for Hamburg (albeit that British investigators captured personal possessions belonging to the couple Joyce in Apen, in post-war days, still), and I cannot say say where they are now.                  

* According to recent information these three bogus stations are operated from studios under the Olympic Stadium at the Reichssportfeld, west of Berlin. The organisation responsible for the stations is known as the Büro Concordia.

AOB: The rest of this document dealt with names, but of no relevance in William Joyce's case, I therefore have to skip this section.


(3( 23 July 2022)

KV 2/246-2, page 79    (minute 405a)

                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

                12th June, 1945

My dear Director                   

Rex versus Joyce.

                                            I beg to enclose the following documents

                                        1.    Copy of M.I.5 report

                                        2.    Bundle 'A'

                                        3.    Bundle 'B'

                                        4.    Bundle 'C'

                                            The bundles marked 'A', 'B'  and 'C' are the documents referred to in detail in the Report and do not, I think, call for any further comment from me.

                                            I would, however, draw your attention to the two Magnetophon (professional AEG tape recorder brand) records found by Captain Spooner at Hamburg (Rothenbaumchaussee?). The record of April 10th last was actually broadcast by Joyce on that day; the record of April 30th last (1945), but my inquiries show quite clearly that it was never broadcast at all (AOB: likely due to Hitler's death in casu suicide), and having regard to the statement of Schneider this record represents Joyce's final work on behalf of the German radio.


Sgd. by D.H. Sinclair on behalf of E.J.P. Cussen

            Theobald Mathew, Esq.  M.C.

            Director of Public Prosecutions,

             Devonshire House,

            Mayfair Place,

            Piccadilly,  W.1.

Please notice, that almost of their efforts, in this respect, had been in vain, but they weren't yet aware of it.

KV 2/246-2, page 80   (minute 404b)

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Evidence Obtained from Radio Luxemburg.

                    It seems to me important that consideration should be given to certain evidence which because available as the result of our visits to Radio Luxemburg. The matters are not complicated; they are positive evidence (by all their efforts apparently denying that what Joyce then did was legal - as he was a regular German citizen) of work for the Germans, and will be in my view most difficult to refute (disprove).  It is not suggested that the evidence is very full; it covers a comparatively short time from December 1943 to March 1944; but it is conclusive, and it does prove employment subsequent to the date Joyce's contract with the R.R.G. (Reichsrundfunkgeselschaft) which was sent to you on 3 June 1945, with the rest of his property from Second Army.

The evidence from Radio Luxemburg can de summarised as follows:-

            Evidence "A".

                    We have discovered one signed pay receipt No. 00791 ("A"1) dated 10? February 1944 in the Kassen Belege" for the period, which covers payments for 16 October 1943, 9 December 1943, 15 December 1943 and 22 January 1944. These payments are in respect of his broadcasts "Views on the News", which are described as written and spoken by Joyce and provide him with a total of 200 RM - 50 RM. for each broadcast.  The date of the signature, which should be compared with that on his statement, is 11 February 1944.

            Evidence "B".

                    In common with other workers on the German Radio Joyce seems to have earned a little additional money by small broadcasts, for he is discovered amongst the people taking part in a programme entitled "Jazz Cracks" on 19 February 1944.In the detailed programme ("B"1),  prepared for the Leiter vom Dienst, a pencilled note indicates a payment to Joyce of 15RM.  In addition, the name Joyce is pencilled on the announcer script ("B"2) twice in the margin of the "crack (Track?)"5". There is further evidence of the payment chart ("B" 3) of 23 February 1944, and an order to pay ("B"4) 15 RM, dated 24.9 44 (AOB, likely a type-error as by then Luxemburg was already Allied controlled; therefore 24.3.44 is more likely. Joyce was in September 1944 elsewhere engaged), is also filed, all of which indicates, though there is no signed receipt, that he was paid this amount for the work done.

            Evidence "C"

                    On 30 March 1944, the Programm-Nachweisung" (Nachweiss?) ("C"1)  shows that he wrote and broad "Views on the News" and a signature "William Joyce" appears on the Honorarium column though this signature will have to be compared with that on Joyce's original statement.

            Evidence "D".

                    We have prepared a collection of 12 records, the dates of which range from December 1943 to 18 March 1944.  The voice has been recognised on all discs by the technician Camille Ernster. (AOB, list be skipped)

            Witness from Luxemburg.

                    Mrs. Wies and Mme. Puth both saw Joyce on two occasions when he visited Radio Luxemburg, as will be seen for their statements which were forwarded with the original report on Radio Luxemburg.


           M.I.5 Liaison Section.  11 Jube 1945   Sgd. W.J. Skardon, Captain.


AOB: as usually we jump quasi erratically through the materials provided; this time about the days when William Joyce and his wife escaped for Germany on ca. 26th August, as they otherwise awaited their captivity!


KV 2/246-3, page 5   (minute 391a)

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                    B.5  (Major Burt). (M.I.5)

                    1.    Joyce is said to have left this country for Ostend on 26th August 1939. Has Special Branch (situated within the building of Scotland Yard at Whitehall) a report of his departure from any port?

                    2.    A report by Inspector Keeble dated 8th September 1939 states that he was handed by J.A. MacNab (KV 2/2475) on 5th September a postcard, written in Latin (Both Joyce and MacNab were academics), which he had received from Joyce bearing the postmark "Berlin 27th August".  The report adds:  "The postcard together with a few other papers found in MacNab's room are submitted for examination by M.I.5".  There is nothing on our copy of this report to show that the postcard was forwarded with it.  Has Special Branch still got it or do they know where it is?

                    S.L.B.3.    1.6.45                                                                                                                                        Sgd. G.E. Wakelfield.


AOB: we jump now over to the episode when William Joyce stayed in the General Hospital Lüneburg (Germany)


KV 2/246-3, page 6   (minute 390b)

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                                                                                74, General Hospital,

                                                                                                               Lueneburg (Lüneburg), Germany

                                                            31st May, 1945

                    Statement of William Joyce, who saith:-

                                I was born in Brooklyn, U.S.A.  on 24th April 1906. My father was Michael Joyce and my mother Getrude Emily Brooke.  My father was born in Ireland in or near Ballinrobe and my mother was born in Lancashire at Shaw.   I understand though I have no documents to prove any statement that my father was American by naturalisation at the time of my birth and I believe he lost his American citizenship later through failing to renew it because we left America in 1909 (1910?) when I was three years old.  We were generally counted a British subjects during our stay in Ireland (which belonged then to Britain) and England/ We were always treated as British during the period my stay in England whether we were or not.  In 1940 I acquired German nationality. I believe the date was September 26th but the certificate of naturalisation is not in my possession.  The only evidence I can offer in support of my statement is the entry in my Wehrpass issued subsequent to my naturalization where I am put down as of German nationality..

                                I have been cautioned that I am no obliged to say anything.  I understand that proceedings may be taken against me and that whatever I say may be written down and given in evidence.

Sgd.  Wm. Joyce.


                                I take this opportunity of making a preliminary statement concerning the motives which led me to come to Germany and to broadcast to Britain over the German radio service.  I was actuated not by desire for personal gain material or otherwise but solely by political conviction. I was broad up as extreme Conservative with strong imperialist ideas but very early in my career, namely 1923, I became attracted to Fascism and subsequently to National Socialism.  Between the years 1923 and 1939 I pursued vigorous political activities in England, at times as a Conservative but mainly as a Fascist or National Socialist.  In the period immediately before the war began I was profoundly discontented (dissatisfied) with the politics perused by British Governments, first because I felt that they would lead to the eventual disruption of the British Empire and secondly because I thought the existing economic system entirely inadequate to the needs of the times.

                                I was very greatly impressed by constructive work which Hitler had done for Germany and was of the opinion that throughout Europe as also in Britain there must come a reform on the lines of National Socialist doctrine although I did not suppose that every aspect of National Socialism as advocated in Germany would be accepted by the British people.

                                One of my dominant beliefs was that a war between Britain and Germany would be a tragedy, the effects of which Britain and the British Empire would not survive and I considered that a grossly disproportionate influence was exerted of British policy by the Jews who had their reason for hating National Socialist Germany.

KV 2/246-3, page 7b

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                                When in August 1939 the final crisis emerged I felt that the question of Danzig offered no just cause for a world war.  As by reason of my opinions I was not conscientiously? disposed to fight for Britain for Germany, I decided to leave the country since I did not wish to play the part of a conscientious objector and since I supposed that Germany I should have the opportunity to express and propagate views the expression of which would be forbidden in Britain during the time of the war. Realising, however, that at this critical juncture (crisis) I had declined to serve Britain, I drew the logical  conclusion that I should have no moral right to return to that country of my own free will and that it would be best to apply for German citizenship (Joyce actually did so already on 5 September 1939) and make my permanent home in Germany. Nevertheless, it remained my undeviating (absolute) purpose to attempt as best I could to bring about a recondition or at least an understanding between the two countries.

                                After Russia and the United States had entered the war such an agreement appeared to me no less desirable than before for although it seemed probable that with these powerful allies Britain would succeed in defeating Germany, I considered that the price which would ultimately have to be paid  for this help would be far higher than the price involved in a settlement with Germany. (Britain paid the Land-Lease and Marshall plan back until in the 1990s!) (Britain was virtually 'bankrupt' after WW II!)   This belief was strengthened from month to month as the power of Russia grew and during that later stages of the war I became certain that Britain even though capable of gaining military triumph over the Germans would in that event be confronted with a situation far more dangerous and complicated that that which existed in August 1939 and thus until the very last moment I clung to my hope of an Anglo-German understanding although I could see that the prospects thereof were small.

                                I know that I have been denounced as a traitor and I resent the accusation as I conceive myself to have been guilty of no underhand or deceitful (dishonest) act against Britain although I am also able to understand resentment that my broadcasts have, in many quarters, aroused.  Whatever opinion may be formed at the present time with regard to my conduct I submit that the final judgment cannot be properly passed until it is seen whether Britain can win the peace. (AOB, remember, at this instant Japan was still constituting a considerable enemy and was not yet defeated)

                                Finally I should like to stress the fact that in coming to Germany and in working for the German radio system my wife was powerfully influenced by me.  She protest to the contrary but I am sure that if I had not taken this step should would not have taken it either.

                                This statement has been read over by me and it is true.

Sgd. William Joyce.


KV 2/246-3, page 12a   (minute 389aa)

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            Lieut. Col. E. Cussen,

                    On 6th May, 1945 I left Paris to proceed to (A) Lüneburg to interrogate six alleged British Free Corps men in custody there, and (B) Hamburg, to obtain all documents and other evidence pertaining to William Joyce.  I left Lüneburg on 26th May and arrived back in Paris on 29th May.

                    Dealing firstly with (A) I found on arrival at Lüneburg that the following men were detained there in the civil prison:-







                    I obtained from each man a written and signed statement under caution and these, with relevant exhibits, were sent to you today by the hand of Ensign I. Marsden.

                    I was satisfied from my enquiries that, firstly Bowler (although an ex B.U.F. (British Union of Fascist) man was never a member of the B.F.C. (British Free Corps; a German P.o.W. entity) although closely associated with its members and that in fact he had collated a considerable amount of information. Secondly, that Chapman and Cryderman had been recruited into the Corps from the Lückenwalde Camp under intimating circumstances and were men of low intellect.  Consequently, I ordered the release of these three men, had them put on repatriation parties, and directed each of them to report to you by letter as soon as they arrived in London, apprising you of their whereabouts.

                    The position of Cooper, Martin, and croft is very different.  There is no need to bother you with details of their cases just now as their own statements speak for themselves.  These men I have arranged to be detained in Lüneburg Prison, pending your decision as to their disposal.

KV 2/246-3, page 13a

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So far as Joyce is concerned, I have ascertained that he was in Hamburg from 9th April, 1945 until the early hours of 1st May, when he absconded (escaped) (British Forces were actually approaching Hamburg).  His wife with him throughout and left with him.  I got possession of practically all of his typescripts materials dealing with his broadcasts from Hamburg, his bank book and two of his records (both in Magnetophon form) (thus tape-recordings), one being his last, which I do not think was ever broadcast (AOB: likely due to the long-lasting special evening-broadcast concert due to Hitler's death 'suicide' on 30th April 1945).

                    I have a number of statements of German witness who can prove the records and that he broadcast on a number of occasions. One or two also cover this aspect at Berlin, and bring in Bowlby and other broadcasters also.

                    principal of all seems to be Schneider, the English news announcer who introduced Joyce over the air on many occasions.  He also identifies most of the typescript as being prepared by Joyce and his wife, both by reason of witnessing them prepare it and Joyce handing certain of it to him (Schneider) to read. (AOB: actually Joyce was left free of speaking without censorship on the spot or afterwards) Furthermore, this witness identifies Joyce's handwriting on many of those exhibits.

Sgd. R.W. Spooner


                    This confirms what you had on the telephone this morning.  Fuller study will confirm the value of the evidence obtained and the work done by Captain Spooner. We would like copies as soon as possible.

30 May 45.  SHAEF  M.I.5.            (Sgd.   J.F. Stephenson.)


KV 2/246-3, page 15  (minute 388z)

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Extract from Statement of E.R.A. Dietze (KV 2/428) dated 29th May, 1945.

            William Joyce.

                    I first met him I believe in Dittmar's office, it must have been late 1940.    This would have been the first real talk I had with him and was the time that I first began to take an interest in the talks though it was not till a year later that I had any influence on them.  I believe to cover him in the Funkhaus (broadcasting house) the name "Fröhlich" was used.  I always was under the impression that he held, perhaps, a Funkhaus pass only, in that name.  I also had the impression that he had already taken German nationality (indeed he did).  Later on I knew that he had acquired German nationality though never learned the date. At first he was he was the principle reader of news.  I under stand at the time he also was also writer of a large number of talks.    I believe one each day.  Later I came to know that in the summer of 1942 we decided that he should no longer read the news. From then he read only his own talks "Views on the News".  a very occasional slosse(?), if so it was invariably written by himself. He also read resumes of speeches prepared by himself or in co-operation with me (Dietze). I want to make it clear that from ten on he only read things of his won authorship.  sometimes I would alternate with Joyce when he was away usually once a week for a day (Wednesday?).

                    Joyce received 1200 RM a month and later towards the end I obtained another 600 RM a month.  He was modest in his demands.  I know he was author of "Twilight over England ("Dämmerung über England") and received very little for this.  I never remember him raising the question of money.  I believe he did not belong to the National Socialist Party (NSDAP). He thought it unnecessary to join it.  He continued to broadcast until 30th April 1945 latterly in Hamburg (which had, most likely, not been transmitted due to the special programme on the broadcast transmitter Hamburg due to the evening concert commemorating Hitler's death)   I have no means of knowing where he actually spoke his last "views on the news" though presumably he did so from Hamburg. I do not know what happened to him. All connections with Hamburg were served.  I have no knowledge of what may have happened to Joyce but I can say that the question of his obtaining some cover identity was discussed.  he had met the Gruppe (?) the Intendant at Hamburg Station. I know that through Gruppe it would have been possible for Joyce to have been put in touch with the only people, the Gestapo (think instead of S.D.), who could have assisted him to change his identity.  I do not know what decision was made.

                    Joyce is a man of great ability and great gifts and though I started with a bias against him, I felt at the end that he was definitely a personality.  He did nothing for reasons of personal ambition but always because of inner convictions, that is my impression.


KV 2/246-3, page 18  (minute 386b)

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            Mr. Shelford.

Re William Joyce.

            1.    Reference attached N.D.O. Report.

            2.    It appears that Mr. F.C. Maclean was serving with P.W.D., SHAEF, and in the course of his duties visited Apen, near Oldenburg, on May 7th (AOB, Germany surrendered at Reims, on 8th May).  As a result of enquiries made by Miss Shelmerdine at my request, I learnt that Maclean found there a programme diary relating to William Joyce and a diary kept by Margaret Joyce.

                                A temporary studio had been set up in Apen, and Maclean found that Polish troops were in charge of it. (AOB: I suppose they operated in the frame-work of the British, as Niedersachsen, with one exception (of the Americans in Bremen/Bremerhaven); albeit, that this effectuated after the hostilities ceased after May 8/9th) was occupied by British Forces) He took the documents to Paris and left them with Miss Riley, P.W.D. 66 Rue Pierre Charron, together with a statement as to the circumstances in which he had found them.

            3.    I understand that Major Stephenson, M.I.5 Liaison Section, SHAEF, has now taken possession of the documents.

            4.    Mr. Maclean has nothing to add, but thinks that a visit by our officers to Apen would be worth while.  I am informing Major Stephenson of this.  Mr. Maclean can always be contacted through Miss Shelmerdine as he has now rejoined the staff of the B.B.C.

S.L.B.3.  27.5.45                    Sgd. E.J.P. Cussen.


KV/246-3, page 20    (minute 385a)

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            Mr. Shelford.

William Joyce.

Telephone message from M.I.5  Liaison Section, SHAEF.

            1.        There is no news at present as to the whereabouts of Joyce.

            2.        The Liaison Section have been informed of the address in North Germany occupied by Joyce from November 1944 to April 1945, and certain Germans residing there are to be interviewed shortly.

            3.        Certain diaries belonging to Mrs. Joyce have been found.  Entries therein that Joyce was not instructed by the Germans to apply for naturalisation until October 9th, 1939. (AOB: to my information he applied for German citizenship already on 5 September 1939)

            S.L.B.3.   24.5.45                                                                        Sgd.  E.J.P. Cussen.


KV 2/246-3, page 22a  + 23b (minute 384b)

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            William Joyce.

            Norman Baillie Stewart.

            Extract from statement of B.Q.M.S.  John Henry Owen Brown, age 37, No. 1445560, of 226/57th Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery. Home address ...


            1.    I joined the Territorial Army in February, 1939, with the rank of Gunner.

            2.    I promoted B.Q.M.S.  on the 18th November, 1939, and went to France with the B.E.F. (British expeditionary force) on 9th April, 1940 (ca. one month before the Germans invaded Western Europe). I was captured on 29th May, 1940 at Caestre.

            3.    First of all I was sent to Stalag (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stammlager) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalag) Lamsdorf, VIIIB (later 344). After three weeks I was transferred to Blechhammer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blechhammer), E.3 Kommando, where I remained until about January, 1942.  During this time I was engaged on welfare work and general escape and prohibited work (wireless reception etc.)

            4.    I was sent back to the main Stalag and almost immediately told by the Commandant that I was going to be sent to the O.K.W. (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht; German Military High Command) at Berlin for an interview, but I was given no reason whatever.

            5.    As there was typhus epidemic I was not allowed to leave the camp for about three weeks, but in February, 1942, I was sent in the company of Lieutenant Ralph Holroyd of the Australian Forces to Stalag IIID in Berlin.  We travelled by train under strict escort.

            6.    When we arrived at IIID, we were seen by Major Heimpel whom I later learned was in control of of counter-espionage systems through-out camps in Germany.  He merely told me on that occasion that I would be sent out on a Working party and be interviewed later.

            7.    Holroyd and I were sent out to Working Party 806 at 7 Schlieffenufer, Berlin and found we were the only two British people in this Party, which was engaged, generally speaking, on manual work.

            8.    After about a fortnight we were told by Feldwebel (Uffz. - N.C.O.) Clemens that we were to be interviewed.  Shortly afterwards, I saw two men in civilian clothes arriving (Clemens was very closely associated with Major Heimpel in his counter espionage work). I recognized one of the two civilians as William Joyce, from photographs I had seen beforehand, and in particular from a scar on the right side of his face. (see his photo at the top of this webpage)

            9.    Holroyd was interviewed first in a room which was shared and I was interviewed afterwards without being given an opportunity of speaking to Holroyd.

            10.    Joyce did all the talking.  The other man said nothing throughout the whole of the interview.  Joyce questioned me closely on the camp welfare and entertainment facilities, also illegal supplies at Blechhammer and then turned to the question of supplies at Blechhammer and then returned to the question of wireless.  I told him that there was no wireless was supplied to us by the Germans, I could not listen in (this of course was untrue, but I felt it was a catch question)  Joyce then asked me if I had ever heard "Lord Haw-Haw" and I told him I had in England. he asked me "Why?" and I told him that lots of people listened as they found it very amusing.  he appeared surprised and annoyed.   The interview terminated by this saying that he would see me again.  Throughout this interview he did not himself disclose his identity to me.  The conversation was in English, although at the beginning he spoke to his friend in German in the presence of both Holroyd and myself.  Joyce's associate was about 30 years of age, medium height, medium build, dark hair; wearing English clothing and an Anthony Eden hat.  The photograph of Baillie-Stewart appears to be identical with this man, except that he was clean shaven.

            11.    Holroyd later told me that he was asked details of his escape in Italy.  Joyce had also made some very disparaging (disapproving) remarks about the British Empire, as at that time we had just lost Singapore.

            12.    Three weeks later, Holroyd was taken away to a Strafe (Punishing) Oflag (Offizierslager?) IVC, and I haven't seen him since.




Apparently was Apen an off-site facility, providing broadcast studio facilities from June 1944 up to late April 1945

It was apparently situated about a broadcast-cable junction.

It possessed direct cable connections to and from: Berlin - Bremen - Hamburg and Cologne (Köln); occasionally even linked onto Hilversum (NL)

I repeat this map section as the next statement on behalf of Mr. Schneider had occasionally to operate (work) from Apen. Its quite rural location outside the regular bomb-targets, like were bigger city centres.

At least we learn that the English language section operated occasionally from Apen; it isn't known whether it served different language sections as well..

From February 1945, Joyce also possessed a space of living together with his wife Margaret. He left in the course of April and moved to Hamburg.

AOB: There is evidence that there existed more facilities (Services) elsewhere in Germany.


KV 2/246-3, page 25a   (minute 384z)

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Hamburg Radio Station (Rothenbaumschaussee?).


21st May, 1945

Statement of Erwin Hermann Frederick Lynn Schneider:-

1.    I reside with my parents at "Kuckucksberg", Lütjensee, Nr. Hamburg. I am 23 years of age.  My father is Hermann Schneider, and my mother Claire Schneider, nee Simmons-Lynn who was British by birth. I was born in Germany and am a German national.

2.    In January, 1942, I secured employment with the Reichsrundfunk, at Rundfunkhaus, Masurenallee (main building), Berlin, and I retained that employment until the occupation of Hamburg by the British on 2nd or 3rd May.

3.    Throughout I was engaged in the English Redaktion, of which the principal was always Herr Eduard Roderick Dieze (KV 2/428).

4.    My sole duty was that of speaker in English of news and commentaries, which were directed to England in the form of propaganda. All my material was prepared for me and I merely had to speak.

5.    I carried out this work from Berlin until 15th March, 1945m when I was sent to Apen. At this place is situated an amplifier station which was designed to amplify the (cable) transmission sent to Bremen from broadcasts originated the Bremers Hotel in Apen. (AOB: there might also have existed a Bremers Hotel in Cuxhaven)

6.    I remained at Apen until about the middle of April when I was sent to Hamburg Radio Station, where I remained until the (British) occupation.

7.    Hamburg Station was linked with Apen through Bremen by land line, but I understand there was an alternative line through Stade.

8.    Throughout the whole of the time that I have been employed by the Reichsrundfunk I have been intimately associated in the broadcasts of William Joyce, who I naturally know very well.

9.    From January, 1942, until the middle of 1943 I broadcast in English from Berlin at 1430, 1530, 1630, 1730 and 1830 daily, with the exception of two days off a fortnight, when others deputised for me.  My broadcasts all lasted for 15 minutes.  That at 1430 was was news, that at 1530 was the German High Command (O.K.W.), which was repeated at 1630.  At 1730 I introduced a feature programme of commentaries and music. At 1830 I gave another news broadcast.

10.    During the same period, i.e. January 1942 until the middle of 1943, Joyce broadcast once daily only, viz., at 2230 or 2330  (I am not sure just now) and his item was →

KV 2/246-3, page 26b

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present when Joyce made these broadcasts, but it was common knowledge at the Rundfunkhaus and I also saw his name on the daily programmes. Joyce used to have either Wednesday or Thursday off, and Dietze used to deputize.

11.    All the above-mentioned broadcasts were on the nominal transmission of (the broadcast stations) "Bremen, Friesland and Calais".

12.    owing to the bombing of Hamburg and the fear of similar attacks in Berlin the routine changed.  The Deutsche Europa Sender (D.E.S.) was evacuated to different towns, and the English Redaktion was evacuated to Luxembourg (Luxemburg). I remained in Berlin, as did Joyce.

13.    From the middle of 1943 until about 1st September 1944, when Luxembourg was taken, my duties merely comprised feeding material to Luxembourg, by land line (Rundfunk-Kabel, constituting a wider and less distorted bandwidth), , where it was recorded and broadcast as required.  This material consisted of of news items, and commentaries written by various people, including Baillie-Stewart, Hewitt, Professor Hafercorn (Haverkorn) (KV 2/826) and Joyce.  In the latter days, before Luxembourg finished, much of the news was broadcast from Berlin through Luxembourg (by means of "broadcast cable"), to Bremen, Friesland (Kootwijk?) and Calais as hitherto, and I did some of this too.

14.    Joyce still continued to broadcast "Views on the News" at 2230 hours (DGZ ≈ CET) each day, and I sometimes saw him reading, through the studio window.  He also wrote scripts for broadcasting at 2330 (2230 GMT)This was broadcast by various people, including myself, Barry Jones and Ralph Powell.

15.    From the end of August 1944 until the end of September 1944 I was sent to Hilversum (NL), and then returned to Berlin.

16.    At this time the daily news bulletins were being broadcast from Apen, and the evening bulletins from Berlin. The speakers were changed, and at Apen Jones and Powell spoke in addition to Heydebreck (a German), but alternatively.

17.    For myself I took part in the evening programmes from Berlin.  These were 1730 and 2030 (when feature programmes were broadcast);  1900 to 2000 hours (headline news headed "Jerry Calling",  directed to the British Forces) which was sent down the line to Apen; at 2130 (news in English read by two people alternatively);  2230 Joyce in "Views on the News"); 2330 (2230 GMT) (news bulletin with commentaries by Joyce, but read by speakers);  and at 0015 till 0115 (DGZ) (headline news by "Jerry Calling" again).

18.    This programme continued to more or less the end of February, 1945, and I took part in one or other of these various broadcasts.  During this same period I announced Joyce in his "Views on the News" two or three times a week.  I was present in the studio on these occasions when Joyce took over the microphone from me, after my introduction, and then left the studio. Towards the end of hois broadcast he would ring a bell and I would return to the studio as he was concluding his talk and make a closing announcement that Joyce had spoken..?

KV 2/246-3, page 27c

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situation, and this was followed by Dietze, Joyce Mrs. Joyce, Fräulein - Fritze (a secretary) and myself.

20.    At Apen I read the news in English alternatively with either Jones, Powell or Heydebreck, at 1730, 2030, 2130 and 2330 daily for a quarter of an hour each time.  At 2330 Joyce read his own "Views on the News".  On several location I announced him on the microphone and left him, then returned when he finished, just as I had done in Berlin.

21.    We next went to Hamburg and during our stay here (this interview took place in Hamburg), I broadcast the news twice daily broadcasts of "Views of the News", but at 2130.  I introduced him on most occasions. These transmissions were direct, but at intervening hours I fed Apen with various short commentaries by Joyce and Dr. Edwards a German, known as the "Student of Politics",  which Apen in turn broadcast direct in their various bulletins. (AOB: this implies, that at Apen there existed a bigger staff as to facilitate all this. Please bear in mind, Apen facilitated programmes of various kinds, but broadcast were conveyed by special cables towards the various transmitter stations across North-West Germany) At Hamburg I was only the broadcaster, apart from Joyce, and a man named Hansen, who was only here for three or four days and deputised for me on several occasions.

22.    The record (Exh.2) played back to me today is by Joyce, and the introductory is by Hansen.

23.    The record (Exhibit 1; which I have not duplicated) played back to me today (apparently this interview was accomplished at the Rothenbaumchaussee facilities) by Joyce in my presence on 30th April 10 p.m. (Transmitter station Hamburg did sent in the evening a special "commemorance programme" - transmitting classical music, due to Hitler's death (suicide)). There were two broadcasts on the one "band" (Magnetophon tape) It was extempore?.  I did not announce it.    (AOB: this particular evening programme had been monitored by one of the British newspapers and also dealt with what had been played; at least a part of Bruckner's 7th Symphony had been heard)

24.    During the period I was at Hamburg Joyce used to prepare his own script, sometimes assisted by his wife.  I saw him on several occasions in his office (Room No. 82) typing his own script. I also saw his wife type some of it.  They had two or three typewriters which had been sent from Berlin, and Joyce had a small portable one of his own which he took away with him.  Mr. and Mrs. Joyce also used one of the studios in the "bunker" (air raid shelter) as a office and they had a typewriter there too.

25.    I should mention that during the 2330 hours broadcasts from Hamburg, I read commentaries by Joyce, which he gave me to read.

26.    I have been shewn by Captain Spooner a quality of typescript, marked Ex.Nos, 1 to 1943, covering a period from 9th April 1945 until 1st May 1945, which comprises news items and commentaries (Kommentare). Those bearing dates 17th April 1945, and thereafter were read by me from Radio Hamburg, either on direct transmission or land line to Apen.  All the material was given to me personally by Joyce for broadcast purposes. Those bearing the originator's reference JY/MJ were undoubtedly prepared by Joyce and typed by his wife. The news items not bearing the originator's reference were translations of news items in German made by Fräulein Benecke, a translator employed ar Radio Hamburg.

27.    The typescript, bearing dates from 9th April 1945 to 16th April 1945 were originated in a similar way as the foregoing, but as Hansen was working as a speaker here during that period I am unable to specify what was transmitted by him or me.

KV 2/246-3, page 28d + 29e

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28.    I identify the handwriting on the following numbered exhibits as being those of Joyce:- ....

29.    The following exhibits bear my handwriting, and were consequently transmitted by me:- ...

30.    The following exhibits bear Dietze's handwriting:- ...

31.    The following bear Miss Benecke's handwriting:- ...

31.    During the time I knew Joyce I had very few discussions with him and practically none about politics.  On the last evening, however, he talked quite a bit,  and his expressed views were substantially in accordance with his last record. (the one of 30 April, which was never transmitted)

32.    Mrs. Joyce used to broadcast from Berlin. her last was in the spring of 1944.  I believe she had broadcast since the beginning of the war. She had herself announced as "Margaret Joyce".   Previously she used to call herself "Lady Haw-Haw";  that was when her husband called himself "Lord Haw-Haw".  I have seen Mrs. Joyce in the studio broadcast on about four to six occasions.

33.    Dietze I have seen broadcast on say thirty occasions. He always did so under his own name, and on some occasions I have announced him.

34.    Barry Jones and Ralph Baden Powell were translators and speakers.  Their names were never announced, as they were simple speakers and not writers.

35.    Edward Selwyn Bowlby was a frequent broadcaster from Berlin, under his own name. I have seen him broadcast on at least five occasions. He always announced himself.

36.    Baillie-Stewart I have witnessed broadcasting from the Berlin Studio on about ten occasions, under the name of "Lancer".

37.    I have only seen John Amery broadcast on one occasion.

38.    James Clark was a news reader, and was anonymous. I have seen him broadcast on perhaps thirty occasions and in 1942 he and I broadcast news items together but alternately.  

39.    Joyce told me that he received as salary somewhere about 1000 RM per month.

40.    On 30th April (45), I dined with Joyce and his wife at the "Vier Jahreszeiten Hotel" (very nice 5 Star Hotel at Neuer Jungfernstieg in Hamburg).  The same night (1 May 1945), at about 3 a.m. he and his wife left by car for an unknown destination (in the direction of Schleswig-Holstein) before doing so he gave me his bank book and his (German) passport, saying that he might be back before the end of the year.

41.    I saw him leave in a car driven by a man wearing a Volkssturn armband, but I do not know who he was. I do not know to whom the car belonged or who requisitioned it, but I think it may have been Herr Grupe, the (Radio Hamburg?) Intendant.

42.    All the typescript bearing the originator's initials 'ED' was prepared by Dr. Edwards and his wife (both Germans). Hansen was a German.

43.    The pseudonym "Peter Calling" was Dr. Peter Kruge, @ Peter Aldag, a rumoured Gestapo (maybe better S.D.) member.

 Sgd.  Edwin Schneider.

Statement taken, read over and signed by Schneider by me, R.W. Spooner, Captain, in Intelligence Corps.

AOB: My delicate concern, time and again, is: - how to keep the historical context running smoothly in someone's mind, and/or providing, on the other hand, sufficient background information, necessary for a more comprehensive understanding of the historical complex.



KV 2/246-3, page 34

                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

            Employees of Concordia (* According to recent information these three bogus stations are operated from studios under the Olympic Stadium at the Reichssportfeld, west of Berlin. The organisation responsible for the stations is known as the Büro Concordia.  

** AOB: The term Bogus should be considered with some restrain, as also Britain maintained bogus broadcast transmissions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sefton_Delmer

    1.    William Joyce.

            He only spent an hour a day at Concordia writing the talks from material given him by Dr. Hetzler for "N"and "S" (Nbbs and Workers Challenge).  He was given daily talks on DES (Deutsche Europasender). he drank. he got German nationality in September 1939 (at least he applied for on 5 September 1939) just before or just after the outbreak of war.  He did not go to Helmstedt and though I have not seen him since July 1944, I believe he may be in the neighbourhood of Berlin, NW or W. (by then occupied by the Russians). he divorced and remarried Margaret Joyce.  He refused to allow her to communicate with her cousin Michael Joyce in a prisoner of war camp (Dulag Luft) (AOB: Dulag might point at: Durchgangslager it otherwise should have been named Stalag?), because he had served in the RAF against Germany. He (Joyce?) was anti-British, pro-Nazi and anti-democratic.  I once heard him refer to Hitler as "my Führer".  He spoke good German. He was paid about 900 RM a month.

             The photograph shewn to me is not of him and does not shew the scar from the left corner (seen from the observer) of his  mouth to his left ear, which he got in a fight with the communists in London. He used the name "Fröhlich".


KV 2/246-3, page 35   (minute 379b)                                                                                           Press cutting Daily Mirror  4.5.45

                                                                Crown Copyright

It may be my last,

says Haw-Haw

William Joyce -Haw-Haw of the German radio did not broadcast last night.  His place was taken by his deputy Eduard Roderick Dietz (KV 2/428), who read a last message from Joyce over Wilhelmshaven Radio:

"For the last time, perhaps tonight I shall broadcast to you my Views on the news".


KV 2/246-3, page 36  (minute 379b)                                                                                Press cutting  Evening News    1.5.45


                                                                                    Crown Copyright

AOB: to what so far is recorded - is that Joyce's View on the News had not been transmitted on 30th April 1945.

We have also just read that Joyce and his wife had a supper with Mr. Schneider at the Hotel Vierjahreszeiten and left in the early morning of 1st May 1945, for a secret destination.

His supposed radio speech was, most likely, postponed due to the special evening programme due to Hitler's death (suicide); the Hamburg transmitter transmitted a classical record programme, which had been noticed in sone of the British newspapers.

  I remember: to have read in this file already, that William Joyce admitted to have been apparently drunk during his last radio talk.

We may consider that Joyce and his wife left after his supper at the Hotel Vierjahreszeiten on ca. 3.00 a.m. on the 1st of May 1945, and drove in the direction of Schleswig-Holstein, where he was hiding for some time to come, and eventually had been captured.

Open still is, were had this recording been made?

An unproven option: has William Joyce recorded on the 30th of April 1945 another speech, of which Mr. Schneider did not have had knowledge?


was the recording on the 30th April 1945, the one transmitted on Wilhelmshaven Radio?

As, to what have been recorded in printed form: there existed a recording, which never had been transmitted, which might have contained "Views of the News", but not noticed what the actual content and circumstances of the recording had been.

Maybe: someone did convey the, ominous, recording virtually to Apen (by special land-line) and from there it had been distributed towards Wilhelmshaven Radio service; as Apen and Wilhelmshaven weren't located too far from one another.


Haw (Hic) Haw Forgot

His Lines

On the Radio

"Evening News reporter

William Joyce alias Lord Haw Haw, British traitor who broadcasts for the Germans, was almost incoherently drunk when he came on Hamburg Radio last night with his anti-British, anti-Russian tirade. In hoemly language was well and truly plastered.

Instead of his usual suave voice saying "Jairmany calling" there was a drunken echo of it which at the beginning, was so slurred (inaudible) that no one could understand it. First he could not remember remember which station he was broadcasting from (did he?). Someone must have kicked him for after a long pause he blurted out "Hamburg". (There at least once the recording had been made)

B.B.C. monitors bent over their headphones as he started. But he was well into his speech before they could down a word of it. (nice invented story: but Wilhelmshaven was a third class location as will have been their limited transmitter power, hence the reception in England).

At the end of his third sentence he gave such a violent alcoholic hiccup that it took him some seconds to recover balance.

"In this hour of supreme trial, they (the Germans) seem to understand the European position, with a clarity which is denied to the people in Britain", he slurred alcoholically when he recovered.

"Soon Be Over"

"Ah, well it will soon be over now" he sighed drunkenly.

"We can at long last get back to peace and do something constructive for a change".

That was the most significant part of the speech. It was the end of a long talk which sounded as if he was certain that it was only a few hours to the end.  The rest was taken up with an alcoholic tirade against the Russians - Stalin in particular.


Please continue with: 'Lord 'Haw-Haw'-3


By Arthur O. Bauer
