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A few days ago Mike Dean from England did send me very kindly a copy of some pages of the above German K.M. periodical of 1943
The main subject of this paper is on the Seehund IR apparatus. This code-name might be confusing because there existed also a Seehund type 127 midget submarine (two-man U-boat).
Viewing the Seehund IR apparatus
Viewing the cross section of a Seehund infra-red vision apparatus
The complete Sehund infrared vision apparatus including the IR source
Original German text source
Einiges über die Ultrarot-Nachrichtengeräte der K.M
(Eine Einführung)
von Dr. Haase
On 25 January 1945 a British abridgement came available
Introduction notes on German Naval Infra-Red Communication Equipment
Like all abridgements its content is quite brief
Please consider also the integral Na-stock number list
(in construction)