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OKM-Tagung 1944

Fachvorträge über Schiffsfunkortung beim Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine vom  9. - 10.3.1944

Fritz Trenkle gave me in the late 1970s a Xerox copy of the interesting: German Navy conference papers on radar, held on 9 and 10 March 1944


It is astonishing what subjects had been dealt with. It is evident, that they recognized that Germany was in a desperate situation (some of the critic is high-lighted in red). The discussions were very frank and German industry, particularly Gema, was strongly blamed for the backlog in modern radar science (lack of state of the art)! It is also clear, that they knew quite well what was going on, on the Allied side. We must though, consider, that the German Navy (Kriegsmarine) was also to blame very strongly. It took sometimes a year before technologies adopted by the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) was becoming, in very limited quantities, available for Navy trials. On the other hand, there was a very tough competition to get access to resources (skilled manpower, industrial contractors, ...), as both Luftwaffe and Army were occupying (claiming) the main bulk of resources.



