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Funkpeilung als alliierte Waffe gegen deutsche U-Boote 1939 - 1945
Huff Duff versus German U-boat wireless communications 1939-1945
Chapter 7.4
By Arthur O. Bauer
(pdf)(German language translation, Heinz lissok)
Some aspects
of bearings taken by HMS Pelican during the key battle of the Atlantic,
May 1943 (pdf)(German language)
Bearings taken between 5/5/43 hour 0038 and 6/5/43 hour 2218.
German U-boats attacked convoy ONS 5 with 41 submarines. It looked firstly, that they again could win this battle as they sunk, within two days, 11 ships. However, within a few hours the Allies killed later 5 U-boats. This forced Dönitz (Doenitz) to withdraw this main submarine forces from Atlantic operations. From this point onwards, the great menace of the German U-boats was diminished. They never could really threaten Allied supply routes again.