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Kurt Wieland files
KV 2/400 - KV 2/402
"Operation Atlas" was an RSHA Amt Mil operation
parachuting men
over Palestine territories.
They ultimately landed, after technical problems, on 5/6 October 1944 near to Jericho, in Palestine.
The men dropped had strong links with the area and spoke the languages fluently, because they had been born- and grown-up there.
Page initiated On 29 August 2018
Current status: 10 September 2018
I + II
(photo KV 2/402, Crown Copyright)
Kurt Wieland POW, photo taken in Palestine, likely Autumn 1944
Please look for his hands.
German military personnel did always keep their hand like this; when in: “Ruhestellung“ .
There exist good photos of this phenomenon, for instance, of Rommel.
Unternehmen Atlas (Operation Atlas)
Maintained in the night of 5-6 October 1944
By Arthur O. Bauer