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PTR quartz-clock


Quartz-clock designed by the “PTR”, Germany’s Bureau of Standard,
in the 1920s and 1930s

This contribution is based upon my year 2000 paper on:

Some aspects of precision time measurements, controlled by means of piezo‑electric‑vibrators, as deployed in Germany prior to 1950


Arthur O. Bauer


quartz, quarz, Giebe, Scheibe, Adelsberger, Cady, Lapis electricus, Ceylon magnet, Aepinus, Pierre and Jacques Curie, tourmaline, Prof. Voigt, patents: US1450246; US1472583; US1782117; US1789496, Pierce, Marrison, Mason, Hansell, luminous quartz, Leuchtquarze and Neon-Helium gas; Giebe and Scheibe’s “wire cord mountings”, Radio-Frequenz, Loewe, BOS, NPL, NIST, NBS, TM, synchronous clock motor (see also CFQ subject on this website), BIPM, X-cut, zero-angle cut,

Consider also the subject luminous-quartz on the introduction page of this website.


PTR = Physikalisch Technischen Reichsanstalt

Consider also: References

Consider also: Allied post war investigations

Consider also: Quartz-clock type CFQ

Back to: subject details
