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Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough
Radio Department
Technical Notes
About 30 years ago, late Cas Caspers lend me two genuine, so-called Farnborough, reports.
I was allowed to XEROX copying these two reports. Especially for me very significant, some photos and drawings could be used in my new book: Deckname Würzburg
Cas Caspers died last December; at his funeral I met his son Remco again. He took charge since quite a long time of his fathers collection; and became himself a dedicated collector.
Remco recently did sent me a message, that he has found among his fathers papers a bunch of Rad. reports.
My reply was - whether it is possible to send these by mail, so that I can use them, maybe putting some on the web?
After a couple of days a heavy package from France arrived, within it a series of interesting reports.
It has on the side to be noticed, that I knew Cas Caspers since about 1971/72; as we both were dedicated collectors of German technology; albeit, Cas was also interested in British techniques.
He was also a dedicated radio HAM with the callsign PA 0 CSC and we both shared QSO's for several decades. Since 1976 mainly in Hellschreiber mode, a Hell-net still existing today. Please notice my quite recent PA 0 AOB Hell QSO including YouTube films.
This page being initiated on 14 January 2016
Current Status: 1 February 2016
A general nuisance in Adobe Acrobat sometimes, is, that photos being automatically rotated and/or being scaled; thereafter all text page's being forced to a reduce horizontal size. I have tried it at different acrobat versions and all responded equally. Maybe I should select another photo-format for scanning next time.
Technical Note No. 156 (E.A.M. No. 113) German Ground Radar Equipment Transmitter T-106 (FREYA) By Lt. R.L. Brown (U.S.A.) (23 January 2016)
Technical Note No. Rad. 178 Preliminary Investigation of Display Unit OSZ 62 of the FuSE 62 By J.B. Supper and T.C. Mitchell (date 15 January 2016)
Technical Note No. Rad. 203 Preliminary report on German Ground Radar Equipment Apparatus FuSE 62 (Wurzburg). "D" type display system. By G.W.E. Stark (date 14 January 2016)
Technical Note No. Rad. 204 Interim Report on Main Display Unit Type NB 110 of Coast Watcher and Freya Installations By T. Butlin (Date 15 January 2016)
Technical Note No. Rad. 209 German Ground Radar Equipment, The Precise Range measuring Unit Type OK106 of "Freya" and Seetakt" installation, by H.P. Bailey (26 January 2016)
Technical Note RAD. 210 German Ground Radar Equipment Transmitter of G.E.M.A.. Coast Watcher Installation ("Seetakt"), By T. Butlin R.A.E. Reference: RAD S4761/166 (26 January 2016)
Technical Note No. RAD. 223 German Ground Radar Equipment, Confusing is that it deals with both Freya as well as Seetakt (Coast Watcher) receiver and IF systems. Albeit, that according this paper the IF stages are entirely equal for both Freya as well as Seetakt (Coast Watcher). By G. Dawson, File S4761 (1 February 2016)
Technical Note No. RAD. 224 Display Unit Type OB110 for Seetakt and Freya Installations, by W. Langrish, missing page no 8 (1 February 2016)
Technical Note No. RAD. 228 Part I* Report on German Radio Components By J. Browning, M.A. & H.K. Henisch, B.Sc. Components Inverstigation Section (S.J. Borgars - Section Leader) File Ref.: Radio/S.6057/HKH/140 (23 January 2016)
Technical Note No. RAD. 228 Part II* Report on German Radio Components Illustrations and Data By J. Browning, M.A. & H.K. Henisch, B.Sc. Components Investigation Section (S.J. Borgars - Section Leader) File Ref.: Radio/S.6057/HKH/96 (23 January 2016)
Technical Note No. RAD. 232 German Ground Radar Equipment, Master Oszillator Unit ZP100 of the Seetakt and Freya Installations, by D.I.W. Orchin (29 January 2016)
Technical Note No. RAD. 250 German Radio-Frequency Cables By B.T. Blackband (23 January 2016)
Technical Note No. RAD. 310 Freya Receiver Type DNE 141A02 197 to 207 MHz, simplified IF section, By Brodie, File 4761 (1 February 2016)
* Technical Note No. RAD. 228 Part II contains the accompanied photos. In first instance, I doubted whether I should combine volume I and II. But, finally decided that it does make sense to have a separate volume opened at the same time; so that you can switch between text and illustations