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Rudi's Rare Books
Page initiated on 9 October 2021
Current status: 12 October 2021
I have today also added some additional information on Mr. Figl.
1: Systeme des Chiffrierens, von A. Figl
2: Chieffrieren mit Geräten und Maschienen, Türkel
Systeme des Chiffrierens, von A. Figl, issued in 1926
A most rare book
Mr. Figl was during the First World War engaged in Austrian cryptology
Systeme des Chiffrierens von A. Figl, issued in 1926
The according: Figl's Beilagen (attachments) (PDF)
AOB: The 'Beilagen' (attachments) caused me considerable difficulties; as they differ each from one another in lengths, and more annoying - quite many exceeding widely the regular A4 page-length. Consequently, I had to combine each one accordingly together, which was a time consuming endeavour. Luckily, I posses some experience. Another consideration was, how should we reproduce them? I decided, after all, to convert it into PDF, as this format allows us to selected a mode - which allows us 'printing what you see' on your screen. Otherwise printing might be blocked by the message that the paper size isn't matching.
But apparently Andreas Figl was hampered by the circumstances of his days, and did not extend this publication.
In quite recent times, Figl's personality, and his wider reaching impact, after all, was not yet forgotten:
First page the periodical:
Cryptologia 31:164-178, 2007
The Scheuble Apparatus
Herbert Paulis
During World War I, on the front between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy ...
Secondly: two books
Andreas Figl
der Östreichischen Enträtselungskunst
und kryptographischen Wissenschaft
Hofrat i.R. und Oberst a.D.
Leben und Werk
1873 - 1967
Otto J. Horak
ISBN 3-85487-779-X
Was übrig blieb
Kommentare und Dokumente
Andreas Figl
Leben und Werk
1873 - 1967
by Otto J. Horak
ISBN: 3-85487-790-0
Chieffrieren mit Geräten und Maschienen, Türkel
Eine Einführung in die Kryptographie, von Dozent Dr. Siegfried Türkel (Tuerkel); Wissenschaft. Leiter des Krimininalistischen Institutes der Polizei-Direktion Wien, Graz 1927 Verlag von Ulr. Mosers Buchhandlung (J. Meyerhoff)
Türkel's (Tuerkel's) book: Chieffrieren mit Geräten und Maschienen Türkel (Tuerkel)
The according: Beilagen A-Q Tuerkel's Attachments A-Q
To be continued in due course
By Arthur O. Bauer