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Gerard Vos
Contributed a series of additional photos
which are also worth being reproduced,
but it would made the foregoing photo-page far too heavy loaded.
After due considerations, I have decided to create a new webpage
Shown is again the exceptional event of 3 December 2016
Status: 24 December 2017
First photo being selected
Apparently the representation of Terschelling (Tiger Stellung) has arrived; but also some of the TNO group of Waalsdorp.
All following photos have been taken by Gerard Vos
Paul Reuvers in a lively discussion with Hans Gouwlooze
The latter complained last time that he had been photographed when he was too much tired; which apparently is not the case yet.
Hans again in discussion
Do we see Nick Roe in front?
One of the attendees from Terschelling, standing in front of our Nachtfee apparatus
The TYPEX machine is attracting quite some interest
The rolls in front, like all beverages, are freely available
From left to the right: Paul Reuvers, David Shelbourne and on the far right-hand our opposite door neighbour Mrs Blom
Marc in conversation with, when I remember well, with someone from Switzerland
Hans Gouwlooze in discussion in front of the Enigma displays
We suppose:- this is the way our open days should be
Tatjana Joëlle van Vark was one of the high-lights of this day
Her magnificent magic machines, representing an art on itself.
Tatjana is not only demonstrating and accordingly explaining, but also is challenging the public with cryptology questions
She handles her apparatus with great care
One of the reasons, is, that the metal surfaces have been covered with a rather sensitive protection-layer, providing a very neat shining, but is rather complicated to prepare it.
Without further comment
My comment: when you would not have known about the circumstances, you might think of a religious event
Most of those in front-right come from Terschelling; an Isle in the North of Holland.
Please bear in mind, that their journey took twice - 5 hours travelling time, including the ferry from Terschelling to Harlingen v.v.
For her second event, she brought in extra cryptographic tools, as to increase the understanding what cryptology is about
Without comments
Please notice the copper/gold like shining of the metal surface, this is a technique generally used in the beginning of the passed century, but rather difficult to prepare, as it needs, among other substances, so-called 'Drakenbloed' (dragon blood). A red-powder substance and is originating from an area which now is known Lebanon
I recognise our friend Martin Nieuwenhuizen, his former assistant, and Joep Steeneken
Paul giving again explanations
Often the question was raised: may we take pictures?
Yes, of course, you may.
I might be in an error, by it seems to me, that some have returned this day for the second time
I am in discussion with Jan Beijer, the Chairman of the SRS
Whatever they are discussing, they enjoyed it
Time and again, Nachtfee is triggering visitors interest
Due to the visitor's interest in the Nachtfee system, I have decided to dedicate, likely on 25 November 2017, an extra day only dealing with the magic Nachtfee system. All Deo volente, of course.
I suppose giving a morning and an afternoon lecture.
When you would like:
access the foregoing photo page
By Arthur O. Bauer