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KV 2/1699 - KV 2/1700
(since 11 September 2019)
(Seelöwe) Seeloewe_2
Carl Heinrich Meier
Charles Albert van den Kieboom
Sjoerd Pons
Jose Rudolf Walberg
Albeit, that this latter name was a false one
According information from the file Part II, it likely was via his mother's second marriage Henri Dubois
However: recently traced a reference in the Guardian on the web, in which they concluded his real name was: Lassudry
But, I doubt the reporter really went into the subject as we did, and he might have picked a single evidence and made this public as if he discovered the truth.
On the other hand, he might have considered source unknown yet to me.
Nevertheless, I will remain with his most common name: Jose Waldberg
The first three were Dutch citizen; third one was according a letter a Belgian, who in the later 1930s lived with an Uncle and Aunt in a suburb of Paris
All were, in someway, involved in espionage attempts against England
during the preparation
The invasion
of Great Britain
late summer or early autumn
German code-name : Unternehmen Seelöwe (Seeloewe); concerning:
The German invasion of England.
An endeavour wherefore the Germans were definitely not prepared at all!
As it never had been their intention
invade Britain really.
Page initiated 5 August 2019
Current status: 20 November 2019
These file series are so extensive, that, for practical reasons, I am forced to divide them into a series of separate chapters.
I cannot yet estimate how many chapters it finally will engender.
I therefore, will extend the numbers after having completed a separate Chapter (Part)
Before we continue, we should take notice of recent finding when working on new documents of this tragic file:
KV 2/107-1. page 16
On 24.10.40, all four spies left Camp 020 and were subsequently tried at the Old Bailey. Walberg, Meier and van den Kieboom were found guilty of espionage. Waldberg and Meier were hung at Pentonville Prison on 10.12.40. Van den Kieboom at first asked leaved for appeal but later withdrew his request and was hung on 17.12.40. Pons was found not guilty on the ground that he was forced into the work against his will. On 10.2.41 he returned to Camp 020 where he remained in internment.
Crown Copyright
The their transmitter gear, nowhere is a reference of their receiver set; if any
What really is wondering me, is, that nowhere is any reference of a receiver. This would imply that they only could transmit. We have to notice, as we will learn from a British report on this transmitter, that the filament current ( according KV 2/1700-3, page 11) 270 mA (>0.25 A!) a value not to be neglected, and therefore the two square batteries have to function. But, in my perception, in the most favourable circumstances they lasted maybe one or maybe two weeks.
But, being without two-way communications, their engagements from the beginning must have been considered like a dead-squad; at least most unprofessional.
For your convenience,
Manfred Bauriedel DK 4 NQ / Thomas Höppe (DJ 5 RE), kindly provided a copy of: Wireless World February 1941, page 51, schematic
KV 2/1700-3, page 36
Quote: (d) The demeanour of the spies was such that they were convinced invasion would take place before the middle of September. The spies work in pairs and were provided with food for ten(?) days and with £60 in British currency, for expenses to last fourteen days.
(e) There was no German contact in England. The spies gave the information that the contact was unnecessary as the German would be here within two weeks. Each spy had been given instructions of how to signal to the advancing armies in order to cross over and give further instructions.
Further down the KV 2/1700-3 file on page 41
Quoting: In their possession was found:-
1 W/T set. Transmitter
1 Revolver, Belgian make (F.H) (F.N.?) with ammunition inmagazine
1 pair of Field glasses
2 pocket compasses
1 sack of tined foor, chocolate (Belgian made), cigerrets etc. for about ten days.
They were odered to transmit re: Military objects along Coast Units, minefields, names of ships ...
Transmitting times. Every day from 5-8 a.m. and 10-12 p.m. German time. They were in the possesion of code in cipher ...
Pons and kieboom before they left had received about £60.0.0. in five pund notes ...
Pons who was interrogated last, was the first of the four gave the ...
The two groups* were also in possession of ...
* below Parts are going in detail in sto this matter
(AOB, How one could cross over and giving further instruction without the facility of two-way communication, is mysterious to me)
Chapter 1
Part III will, Deo volente showing more detailed photos
Quite some queries should be raised.
KV 2/1966-1, V2 on Meier - Kieboom - Pons and Walberg: Part I (8 August 2019)
KV 2/1699-2, on Meier - Kieboom - Pons and Walberg: Part II (7 August 2019)
KV 2/1699-3, on Meier - Kieboom - Pons and Walberg: Part III (13 August 2019)
Seeloewe_2 Chapter 2 (since 16 September 2019) ↓ Chapter 1 ↑
Crown Copyright
Sjoerd Pons
KV 2/107-1, Waldberg Jose Rudolf Part I (11 September 2019)
KV 2/107-2, Waldberg Jose Rudolf Part II (16 September 2019)
KV 2/1452, Supplementary; Prosecution on Waldberg, Jose; Kieboom, van den Charles Albert; Meier, Carl Heinrich; Pons, Sjoerd Part I (14 October 2019)
KV 2/1452-2 Supplementary; Prosecution on Waldberg, Jose; Kieboom, van den Charles Albert; Meier, Carl Heinrich; Pons, Sjoerd Part IIa (28 October 2019)
KV 2/1452-2-3 Trial of Pons; Kieboom mainly neglected in this context Part IIb (4 November 2019)
KV 2/1452-4 Final part of the Seeloewe file series; including their verdicts as well as some sad additional information Part IIc (8 November 2019)
By Arthur O. Bauer