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Die Technik des Siemens-Übermikroskops
By Dr.-Ing.B. v. Borries und Dr.-Ing. E. Ruska
Siemens & Halske Laboartorium für Elektronenoptik
Siemens Zeitschrift
20 Jahrgang Berlin, November/Dezember 1940 Heft 6
pages 217 - 227
(German language, 1.8 MB, pdf)
E. Ruska received, for his scientific work on electron-optics, his Nobel Prize in 1986. The Siemens company was, in the 1930s, one of the leading firms on "Electron Microscopes". The Germans called it an "Übermikroskop", which may be translated in "overprecise or over-scaled" microscope. Worlds first electron microscope had been constructed by Knoll and Ruska, in 1931.
After the Germans had surrendered in May 1945, the three conquering powers: Britain, America and Russia, started a hunt to capture valuable German technical achievements. According to some source, Britain captured 6 Siemens Electron-Microscopes . One is now on display in the London Science Museum. It was nicknamed the "bathtub".
According to the British BIOS report 1671, page 3: Siemens electron microscopes gave a brighter image than the RCA apparatus. The price of the 100 kV type (complete installation) was 96,000 RM. This document figures, that 40 high resolution apparatus had been manufactured by Siemens.
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