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Funk-Meßgerät FuSE 62

Funk-Meßgerät FuSE 65

Geräte und Einbauteile


FuSE 62 und FuSE 65

Band II (Volume 2)

Serial number 069


This book is a most exceptional service manual for nearly all types of Würzburg. Be it the early FuSE 62A or the latest Giant Würzburg FuSE 65 (Riese). It contains all information necessary for those obliged to modify (upgrading) the various Würzburg radars operating.


The index page, which will be brought on the web in due course


Page setup on 8 April 2012

Status: 30 November 2012




Covering sections:




Index of volume II (Band II)

Index page 1

Click to get it in pdf

Index page 2


Index page 3



Index page 4


Index page 5



Chapter E 01

Status: 30 November 2012

Mainly dedicated to small Würzburg

As to access this section please click on the yellow page above




Chapter E 02

Status: 21 April2012

Mainly dedicated to Giant Würzburg

As to access this section please click on the yellow page above



Chapter F 001- ...

Einzelgeräte und Einbauteile


FuSE 62 und FuSE 65

Status: 24 May 2012

As to access this section please click on the yellow page above



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