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Großpeil- und Empfangsanlage


Type HF 2079

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I.T. Abteilung


This paper is kindly provided to us by Ingo Pötschke


The OSW entity was in fact a Russian company mainly being set up as to explore German intellectual properties. Quite famous names were becoming engaged shortly after the Second World War had ended in May 1945. Please bear in mind, that for those Germans living in the aftermath days of the war, life was very harsh and one sometimes even possessed no private living space due to the (recent) bombardments. Getting a paid job with some perquisites and food rations, might have set away the often negative feeling against their former enemy. About mid 1946 the Russians forced most of these men to work for them in Russia, they weren't having a chance to escape. Many returned about mid 1950s to the east then called DDR, but most went to the western part of Europe, like, for instance, did Dr. Karl Steimel of Telefunken.    It is interesting to notice, that they had to neglect every reference to the just past war, where this technique had been invented originally. Neglecting Nazi techniques by name was common practice shortly after the war, but was being kept alive during the entire communist ruling, thus until, say, 1989/1990.


Wullenwever was an exceptional broad-base-direction-finding system. Its basic idea had been also copied by the Americans; and as to give credit to this exceptional achievement they called it also Wullenwever. On the Allied side nothing comparable existed. These types of wide base DF systems were still operational about 1990, in for example Bavaria Germany, then operated by the American Forces in Germany, as to listen into Warschau Pact communications at long distance.     However, the post war US systems were widely improved, especially by Sylvania (Rolf Wundt).

In 2002 I also dedicated a CHiDE paper onto this subject, which was given at the autumn Symposium held at Bournemouth University in September that year.


Aspects of the German Naval Communications Research Establishment


As to show what it is about, please notice the schematic below



This line drawing shows the complexity of the so-called Compensator-principle. Each outside pointer is being connected onto a separate wide-band vertical aerial (antenna) of special construction


This drawing is showing that the aerials had been spaced 9 degrees. Please notice the perimeter of the upper show antenna arrays. Moving to either side of the vertical wide band aerials - its clear that it acts virtually watched from a fixed point at distance in a sinusoidal manner. The netting screen is also visible


This is one of the key components of the German Wullenwever DF system. It behaved as a rather wide-band antenna, with a rather flat antenna impedance with a rather low "complex content". Please notice for its principle and impedance response: fig. 7 in my NVK paper

It seems that the top-loading is an important aspect of the appropriate behaviour of these kinds of broad-band aerials. A technique often used to get virtually more current into a relatively short transmitter antenna.



I guess, that they might (also) have used the papers of the military wartime conference held at the Landsberg-Lech Tagung of 23/24 March 1944



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