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Ein wechselvolles Leben für die Funktechnik
By Berthold Bosch
This article appeared in: Funkgeschichte, Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft der Freunde der Geschichte des Funkwesens, GFGF issue No.72 May/June 1990
With courtesy of Dr. Bosch and the GFGF
Dr. Bosch studied at Southampton University and took there his Ph.D. Dr. Zepler was also, what the Germans call, "his Doktorvater"
Dr. Erich Ernst Zepler was born 27 January 1898 and passed away on 13 May 1980
Let us follow some lines of the webpage of the University of Southampton, School of Electronics and Computer Science
Emeritus Professor Eric Ernest Zepler made an outstanding and pioneering contribution to radio receiver development as well as to the teaching of electronics.
After studying Physics at the University of Berlin and Bonn he took a DPhil at the University of Wurzburg. He then continued his research at the Physical Institute of Wurzburg until joining the staff of Telefunken, Berlin, in 1925. He became head of the radio receiver laboratories but in 1935 he was forced to flee the country with his family and came to England as a refugee. He obtained a post with the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company.
The results of his work were described authoritatively and with enviable clarity in his book "The technique of Radio Design" first published in 1943 and running to three printings. ............... Zepler's name is associated with many famous radio receivers and transmitters, for example the 1155 and 1154 used by Bomber Command during the war.
For the obituary and more, please activate the following hyperlink:
Looking on internet one will find patents on Zepler's name, but, in my opinion a very nice one is patent DE636721. It concerns a HF selector switching arrangement, frequently used in high-end Telefunken receivers - such as: EZ6, Main and Wupper and a bit modified in the Köln E52 receivers as well. Maybe also, but I am not entirely certain, in the beautiful receiver type MWEc. German patents, in contrast to US and in some respect British practice, are always kept deliberately fuzzy. I think this was done as to cover the intended claim as flexible as possible!
Consider for a broad selection of interesting German patents: German patents
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