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Design of Radar Test Equipment
Report on
Discussion of design of radar test equipment
at Siemens Halske plant
51 Hofmann Street
Munich, Germany
Reported by
Fred E. Henderson, U.S.
On behalf of the
U.S. Technical Industrial Intelligence Committee
July 16, 1945
CIOS Target No. 1/469
Keywords: Personenel of Siemens Halske plant were originally at Asche, Czechoslovaks were responsible for the design of radar test Equipment; Physical condition of plant undamaged; The following personnel were interrogated Dr. Schniedermann - Chief Engineer Thilo ... Dr. Katti .. ; Dr. Schniedemann informed us ..test equipment in 30, 10 and 3 cm range. They had also manufactured up to 1000 test sets per month at Asche. These test sets included Frequency meters, Power meters, Range calibrators, and Phantom Targets. ... ; They designed and built five different types of Phantom Targets. These sets differ from ours ... ; One of the most important developments completed by this group of engineers was a new type of thermistor that was produced in large quantities .. extremely stablle .. ; Recommendation I recommend that an engineer who has had a wide experience in the design of radar test equipment arrange an additional meeting with this group of German engineers .. ; data sheet Rel. wd 96A Hl6/2??
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