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The mission
assemled at 12th Army Group Head-Quarters, Wiesbaden on the 25th May, 1945, and
preceeded via Camp Dentine to Jena, the following day.
Col. Arthur W. Angus (Control
Commission, Germany)
Col. Albert J. Phipot - Deputy Team Leader
Col. Edward W. Taylor
Lt. Col. Raymond Freeman (Control Commission, Germany)
Wing/Comdr. A.S. Radford Team Leader (M.A.P.)
The document you will find attached is only a part of the original file, as it
otherwise would include about 188 pages. I have nevertheless, copied what I
believed is of relevance. Labour welfare was a great deal in the Zeiss
Organisation. Its company structure is such that the Foundation: Carl Zeiss
Stiftung possessed the shares. One can nowadays not imagine what the actual
impact of this Company Structure was. Who would these days not being impressed
by the utmost 'social' Zeiss Company structure? (Commemorative Foundation)
No speculator can be interested in it (Carl Zeiss) or can get
control. Our management need never fear that a block of shares has changed
ownership overnight and the majority has gone over into hands, so that
outside monetary powers will make themselves felt. Economic manufacturing,
and social aims are evolved in the Works and nature and are applied within
them without the possibility that alien financial might can reach in and
disturb their growth. (original document page 118) Please notice, that this
has been worded in 1906!!
This Foundation, which was instituted by Prof. Abbe in 1889 in
honour of Carl Zeiss ... (original document page 118)
..... there are no bonus payments for members of the Board of
Directors, nor any of the high manager .... (original page 120). How actual
are these 'statutes'! The main idea goes back to 1889-1906.
A transcription of this chapter on the
Carl Zeiss Stiftung was already made some
years ago.
Most of the machineries in the Russian held territories (SBZ) were removed and
relocated to Russia. Leaving Eastern Germany virtually without elaborated
production facilities. These so-called "war compensations" took sometimes years
and had devastating results in respect to the Eastern-German industrial
potential. The downside was, that the goods were handled often so badly that the
Russian gained hardly benefit from their trophies of war!