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CIOS Target Number: 28/7.107

CIOS Trip No. 251

The mission assemled at 12th Army Group Head-Quarters, Wiesbaden on the 25th May, 1945, and preceeded via Camp Dentine to Jena, the following day.

The document you will find attached is only a part of the original file, as it otherwise would include about 188 pages. I have nevertheless, copied what I believed is of relevance. Labour welfare was a great deal in the Zeiss Organisation. Its company structure is such that the Foundation: Carl Zeiss Stiftung possessed the shares. One can nowadays not imagine what the actual impact of this Company Structure was. Who would these days not being impressed by the utmost 'social' Zeiss Company structure? (Commemorative Foundation)

A transcription of this chapter on the Carl Zeiss Stiftung was already made some years ago.

Keywords: The world-wide reputation of the products of the Zeiss Stiftung and its Associated firms is of sufficient interest to merit close investigation and analysis ... ; Aim 1: To cultivate the branches of precise technical industry, which ... ; Aim 3 To promote study in natural and mathematical sciences both in regards research and teaching ... ; Prof. Abbe. .. Carl Zeiss ...; In 1891 Prof. Abbe created the Zeiss Stiftung to which he transferred the ownership of the Optical Works and controlling share in the Glass Works of Schott and Genossen ... ; ... the deputy of the Stiftung is Dr. Esan (Esau??) last heard of in Berlin ... ; ... STATUTE of the Carl Zeiss Stiftung Essablished by Ernst Abbe .. ;  .. Competition clause .. Hours of workmen .. Overtime .. Holidays .. all employees in the businesses of the Stiftung over 18 years of age and not being apprentices under contract are entitled to an annual holyday of 12 working days ... ; ... when the Reserve Fund exceeds the amount allowed for and its further endowment be restricted to the limitations imposed by 49 and 50 of this Statute, so long as the University of Jena is in existence, there shall on an average of every three years the half of the surpluses be applied in favour of the University .. ; ... The practical activity of the Carl Zeiss Stiftung according to paragraph 103 is to observe at all times strict neutrality towards political and religious parties .. ; List of Carl Zeiss and associated Companies: ...  Zeiss Ikon A.G. Dresden ... Geraer technische Werkstätten G.m.b.H. Gera, Saalfelder Apparatenbau G.m.b.H.  .... ; Foreign Companies in which Zeiss has interests or agreements ....  Nedinsco Holland .. Bausch & Lomb USA! .. Ungarische Optische Werke Budapest  ,, ; Production Dr. Küppenbender ... table of employed numbers for 1933/44 .. Of a total employed in 1944, 3,900 were foreign workers taken from most of the occupied countries, of their number 2,800 were men and 1,100 women .. ; The main items of plant at Jena comprices* ....12,251 machines of all sorts .. ; The location of the main tool rooms in Dresden is probably the weakest point in the production set up, and resulted in considerable embarrassment in the closing stages of the war ... ; The technical strenght of Zeiss in all branches backed by extremely versatile manufacturing facilities, forms of powerful team where new models and urgent prototypes are in question ... ; Design patents Prof. Bauersfeld  ... Predictors (Kommandogeräte, AOB) Herr Steinle .. Rangefinders Herr Puls . Astonomical Instruments Herr Büchele .. Photographic Apparatus Herr Pfeifer ... Bombsights Gunsights for Aircraft Herr Kortum .. Patent department Herr Reidinger .. ; Reserach and development Prof. Joos ... Crystal Lab 1 Dr. Haase, Crystal Lab 2 Dr. Smakula ... ; Organisation of Military departments .... Quartz Oscillators Schiele .. ; List of military Departments Abroad .. Netherlands Dr. Ing. J.A. Duiker 's Gravenhage Rijnstraat 30 Telegrams Nedinsco .. ; Zeiss Financial Position at 1.1.39 and 31.12.43 (Finacial Balance, AOB) .. ; Welfare The Social Policy of the Zeiss Works .. ;  .... Dr. Arthur Pfungst Stiftung at Frankfurt a.M. which owns the Gesellschaft des echten Naxos-Schirmgels _ Naxos Union, Schirmgel Dampfwerk Frankfurt a.M. .. The Foundation was constituted in 1913 subsequent to the death of Dr. Arthur Pfungst a few month before .. ; ... The eight-hour weekly working hours, AOB) was introduced on April 1900 ... ; Our Plant Sickness Insurance is probably the one in Germany showing the highest refunds, since the firms of Zeiss and Schott contribute to it as much as the total paid in by all ... ; ... Collaboration with Japan ... delivery of equipment was made at the beginning by blockade runners .. ; List of Japanese Visitors concerning Military Export 1938 R. Mabuti Major Military Attaché ...... 1945 Sigeri Kobabayasi Major Military Attaché .. ; The relationship of Zeiss with the Nazi Authorities .. Soon after the outbreak of war, Dr. Karl Albrecht, a member of the optical instrument firm Emil Busch A.G. of Rathenow was appointed by the Ministry of Economics (Wirtschaftministerium, AOB) as Beauftragter .. At the end of 1940 the first Sonderausschüsse or special Commissions were formed ..; In 1942 when the whole organisation of German Industry was changed, a number of Hauptausschüsse (Main Commissions) and Hauptringe (Main Rings) were formed .. ; The head of the special Commission G1 was Dr.-Ing. Küppenbender .. since the death of Kottaus Special Commission G.11 was his colleague Paul Heinrichs business manager at the Zeiss Works .. ; Director P. Lüdcke of the firm Askania-Werke A.G. Berlin-Friedenau Kaiserallee 86/89 ...; ... The main Commission controlled the production of about 1,000 establishments with a total of approximately 150,000 employees .. ; Hauptausschuss Feinmechanik ...  

* Most of the machineries in the Russian held territories (SBZ) were removed and relocated to Russia. Leaving Eastern Germany virtually without elaborated production facilities. These so-called "war compensations" took sometimes years and had devastating results in respect to the Eastern-German industrial potential. The downside was, that the goods were handled often so badly that the Russian gained hardly benefit from their trophies of war!


Please notice also, or proceed with, my partial transcript


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